
Mallard Pass Solar Project

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Showing 526 to 550 of 1223 representations, newest first.

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  • Sharon Whincop

    Solar is the least efficient of all renewable energy sources. On average it can only deliver 11% of its stated output. On-shore wind is 3 times more efficient, off-shore even more efficient. That's... Read more

  • Alison Eaves

    The proposed solar farm is too large and is of an inappropriate size for the area. It will have a significant negative visual impact on the area along with irreversible damage to prime agricultural... Read more

  • Barholm and Stowe Parish Meeting (Barholm and Stowe Parish Meeting)

    The parish I represent has 2 main objections to the project: 1/ The use of good grade 2 agricultural land for this purpose is not sensible, it should be used for food production; and other lower grade... Read more

  • Bob Blakeborough

    Solar panels should not be erected on good quality agricultural land. The UK needs all the productive farmland that it has to grow food.

  • J R Wright

    As a local resident who frequently walks and cycles in the area of the proposed development, I strongly object to the proposed solar farm for the following reasons: Site size& location - The size and... Read more

  • John Hawkins

    Solar panels should be placed on the roofs of large buildings where they will be unobtrusive. They should not cover valuable farmland which should used for growing crops.

  • John T. Gore

    I object, bad idea, good farm land.

  • Mathilde Esclapez

    Utilising farming space for solar panel farm owned by non-UK companies in the middle of the beautiful English countryside is outrageous. Please don’t aggress our soil and countryside with such an... Read more

  • Michael James Eaves

    This project is out of proportion for the area and would swallow up a huge area of valuable prime agricultural land, damaging biodiversity and habitats for wildlife. The scale of the solar panels and... Read more

  • Mrs Hazel M Williams

    I am not against solar panels as a source of energy but I believe that they should be sited on existing roofs. I believe that it is wrong to take farmland out of production to site solar panels and I... Read more

  • Sharon Elizabeth Keys

    I am concerned that the site will impact on our countryside, wildlife, and the change to the infrastructure of surrounding areas with the level of heavy plant entering the area. This will have a... Read more

  • Mr. Peter Alan Reed on behalf of The Reeds (The Reeds)

    Loss of farmland . Traffic. The environment. Compulsory purchase.

  • Tracey Matthews

    I wish to lodge my thought of opposition to the Mallard Pass proposal to build a large solar farm around the village of Essendine, Rutland and surrounding areas. This planned development should not be... Read more

  • Adrian Wright

    Consultations should be about being open with the community and if the community does not want this development then it should not happen. This is an area of rural natural beauty and it needs to be... Read more

  • Alan Barnes

    My concerns about the proposed structure are as follows a. The use of perfectly good farm land when the local population is increasing all the time with developments in Bourne and Stamford. b. The... Read more

  • Ann Christine Barnes

    I am concerned about a)the use of good agricultural land being used for a solar farm. Food prices keep rising and we need land to grow more crops. Industrial units and new housing can quite adequately... Read more

  • Christian Adams

    The size of this project and the visual impact in the countryside. Loss of excellent agricultural farm land and the time scale before any solar energy benefit would be received, fifteen years !

  • Diana holden

    I object to the proposal for the Mallard Pass solar farm to be sited around Essendine for the following reasons: Loss of BMV farmland at time of growing concern about Food security. There needs to be... Read more

  • Francoise Mougeot (Francoise Mougeot) on behalf of Francoise Mougeot (Francoise Mougeot)

    I object to the Mallard Pass Solar Scheme

  • Guy St.John Burkett

    I live close by the affected site, and have many connections within the proposed area, including using it almost daily for leisure and recreation. The site is out of scale to the area it is proposed... Read more

  • Jennifer Kearsey

    The project would destroy a productive farming area and an area that is important for leisure activities.

  • Julie Williams

    How Ridiculous to destroy such a beautiful rural area by such an awful development. Why are we not using the sides of motorways or factories/government buildings. You would never think of assessing... Read more

  • Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust (Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust)

    Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust would like to thank the Planning Inspectorate for the opportunity to become an interested party in this planning application. We have been in communication with South... Read more

  • Richard Stitson

    My concerns are primarily about the use of productive farmland for the solar array. UK needs food security as well as self sufficiency in green energy, IMHO would be much better to use the length of... Read more

  • Sally Jane Threapleton

    This project will have a huge impact on where I live just outside Stamford with its lovely countryside,abundant wildlife narrow lanes,Bridle way’s and footpaths which are greatly used by many people... Read more