Gate Burton Energy Park

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 126 to 150 of 332 representations, newest first.

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  • John W Lockwood

    Much of the scheme is being built of good quality grade 3A land, which would be better suited to agriculture. Farmland should not be used for solar sites until all other locations have been explored -... Read more

  • Kexby Parish Council (Kexby Parish Council)

    Following consultation with our parishioners the community objects to the proposed Gate Burton project which is one of 4 schemes covering around 10,000 acres of actively farmed arable land situated... Read more

  • Mr Giles Walter

    1. Decarbonisation a. I fully accept that we as a country need to embrace the decarbonisation agenda and that solar plays an important role, but it must be installed in the correct places. The UK is... Read more


    Following consultation with our parishioners the community objects to the proposed Gate Burton project which is one of 4 schemes covering around 10,000 acres of actively farmed arable land situated... Read more

  • Shaun kimberley

    My name is Shaun Kimberley and my wife and I own a 7 acre field on the Notts/Lincs border that is about to be destroyed by this project. Several companies wish to lay power cables through it for the... Read more

  • Victoria White

    Technology inefficient and needs a vast amount of land for the solar panals. Poor return to the area spoil countryside in an historic area of interest. Change of use of land from critical agricultural... Read more

  • Alistair Clugston

    Oppose large scale solar farms on agricultural and development land. Solar should be encouraged more on domestic, agricultural and industrial buildings instead. this will then not impact on the... Read more

  • Anna Broadburn

    I live in an area (Lincolnshire) that will end up being surrounded by solar panels. Its a rural location and the land the panels will be sited on are used for cereal and crop production. The Gate... Read more

  • Charles Henry Hebborn on behalf of Anthony Eric Lockwood (Anthony Eric Lockwood)

    The comparable use of food acreage to kilowatt output is the lowest possible choice available, wasting highly productive food producing farmland. Five wind turbines would produce more than 5,000 acres... Read more

  • Charles Henry Hebborn on behalf of Fiona Lockwood (Fiona Lockwood)

    The comparable use of food acreage to kilowatt output is the lowest possible choice available, wasting highly productive food producing farmland. Five wind turbines would produce more than 5,000 acres... Read more

  • John Eastwood

    To large in scale

  • Gate Burton Hall & Estate (Gate Burton Hall & Estate) on behalf of Morris Family (Morris Family)

    Thank you for providing the opportunity for us to provide feedback on the current Gate Burton Solar Farm proposals. Likewise, thank you for the detailed maps and drawings. Please note we refer to both... Read more

  • Nigel John Sneath

    All grades of soil including 3b should be retained for food production. More energy is needed in winter when there is less sunlight. Visual changes to the landscape from high ground.

  • Niko Sarti

    I think that the construction of this solar farm will affect the day to day life of people leaving in the area. I am concerned about the road traffic and the noise and how it will affect wildlife and... Read more

  • Sara Belton

    I object to this proposal for the following reasons: Inadequate level of consultation My understanding is that there are actually 4 solar projects being proposed in this area. The question arises as... Read more

  • Stefanie Lee

    I oppose the proposed solar farm project due to the scale or the proposal, the damage it will do to local wildlife, the visual impact on a beautiful area of countryside, the loss of prime agricultural... Read more

  • Susan North

    Concerned about size and scale of application and impact on prime agricultural land and village communities.

  • Julie Barker

    I would like to express my dismay and absolute horror at the proposed solar park complex at Gate Burton, a total 3500 acres taken out of farm production creating industrialisation of the countryside,... Read more

  • Karen Kay

    This a vast project destroying the beauty of our countryside and covering a massive amount of kilometres. It will greatly affect wildlife along with the lives of people who are impacted by its... Read more

  • Michael Ward Belton

    There are actually 4 solar projects being proposed in this immediate area, so why they are not being considered as one. Given that the 4 projects would result in the largest solar farm in the whole of... Read more

  • Timothy Leckey

    I live in Springthorpe a quiet and pleasant rural conservation village in the heart of the English countryside. For many generations farmers have worked the extremely productive and beautiful arable... Read more

  • Wendy Rose

    I am completely against taking viable agricultural land out of food production

  • Alyson Pool

    It is true there is a climate emergency but we as a country within the U.K. and within the worldwide climate emergency can do our part by protecting the greenbelt, ancient woodlands and best and most... Read more

  • Claire Thomson

    The proposed development is excessive; there are better alternatives for the location of solar panels that avoid utilisation of good arable land.

  • Lorraine Broadbent

    There are many reasons why this planning should not go ahead. The loss of farmland, damage to habitats of wildlife, loss of earnings for farmers and a complete change to the character of the area. My... Read more