Gate Burton Energy Park

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 101 to 125 of 332 representations, newest first.

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  • Dr Rodney May

    I object to the proposed installation of the solar farm. My main observation is the energy produced will be at its maximum when the demand for it will be at its lowest. I say this from personal... Read more

  • Elizabeth Allan

    Building solar farms on quality farmland is a poor choice, We’re facing global food shortages. Also solar generated power isn’t viable. There are better more productive ways for generating green... Read more

  • North Kesteven District Council (North Kesteven District Council)

    North Kesteven District Council wishes to register its interest in making submissions in relation to agricultural land impacts; including cumulative agricultural land impacts alongside other... Read more

  • Nuala Margaret May

    I object to the installation of solar panels to cover an enormous area of our precious countryside. Solar power is an inefficient method of obtaining energy. It is not a continuous power supply, only... Read more

  • Stuart Casswell

    There are proposals for a large number of very large solar farms in the West Lindsey area which I believe are not proportional. We need the land to remain in agricultural use and for the amenity it... Read more

  • Alice Prior

    This will have a severe impact on the equestrian and farming communities in the area. The height and number of these solar panels will cause distress to animals who are used to clear open fields and... Read more

  • Arie Saddler

    I object this scheme,like Cottam and the other 2. We will be covered in millions of panels and our countryside and farming industry will be decimated. It will not only change our landscape,it will... Read more

  • Cherry Dowson

    We do not want to see our fields disappear under solar panels on an industrial scale. We moved to the countryside to enjoy the wide open spaces, birds and wildlife and we do not want to walk among 4m... Read more

  • Emma Bailey

    The expansive of solar farms should be considered as a whole along with the other companies proposing thr farms. Its a huge area that will be lost for the purpose of growing food. I do not agree with... Read more

  • Gwen Eastwood

    The scale of the project

  • Jane Beattie

    Good agricultural land should not be used in this way This land should be used for growing food to feed the country

  • Julian Plews

    I strongly object to the Gate Burton solar farm proposal. It is just 1 of 4 Solar, Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs) within a few miles of each other and together these would... Read more

  • Laura Smith

    I most strongly oppose the Gate Burton scheme.It is an appalling idea to destroy farmland,the coiuntryside,the local economy,the rural setting of the villages this will affect in the name of fake... Read more

  • Mark Prior

    I am in favour of renewable power where it brings real value. Our company does work for several offshore wind farm operators and I am installing solar water and PV systems to our house. However, I... Read more

  • Mrs Sue Round

    This 3,500 acre proposed solar development is a disaster for food production, the landscape and environment. It will dominate the local communities spoiling lovely much needed agricultural countryside... Read more

  • Nimesh Dhokia

    An horrific waste of productive farmland whilst world food reserves dwindle. Use non-fertile plots.

  • Pauline Barlow

    I honestly think any sort of eco project is what’s best for our environment and l know people are saying it’s using agricultural land however fields which have been full of rapeseed for as long as I... Read more

  • Elisabeth Hare

    The Gate Burton Energy Park proposal, of around 3,500 acres, is 1 of 4 Solar Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs) within a few miles of each other and in total they would amount to... Read more

  • Jane Gidlow on behalf of Gidlow (Gidlow )

    1. The Gate Burton proposal is Just 1 of 4 Solar, Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs) within a few miles of each other. Together this would be the largest solar farm complex in... Read more

  • Graeme Beattie

    I strongly object to this project on a number of grounds: 1. I believe these four solar projects should be considered as one. These four large projects effectively join together to produce a massive... Read more

  • Stephen Machin

    This scheme is one of four to be considered as National Infrastructure projects. The four plans should be considered together. They will account for thousands of acres of agricultural land, and stop... Read more

  • George William Wood Capes

    Land is finite and is obviously necessary for food production whereas solar panels can and should be placed on buildings. Hundreds of new houses built in our village without one solar panel - what a... Read more

  • Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust (Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust)

    Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust would like to thank the Planning Inspectorate for the opportunity to become an interested party in this planning application. We have been in communication with West... Read more

  • Michael David Alder

    My name is Prof Mike Alder. I am Professor(Emeritus) in Rural Environment at Essex University. My specialisms include land use, soil science and agriculture. I am currently Vice Chair of the Solar... Read more

  • Hemswell Cliff Parish Council (Hemswell Cliff Parish Council)

    The Parish Council currently supports objecting to the applications on the grounds of wildlife, importance of losing agricultural land, bio-diversity and the scale of the applications.