
Cottam Solar Project

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Showing 426 to 450 of 555 representations, newest first.

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  • Jeffrey John Summers

    1. reduction in food production. 2. detriment to health and wellbeing. 3. destruction of rural economy. 4. loss of rural employment opportunities. 5. creating unnatural rural vistas. 6. negative... Read more

  • Joanne Taylor

    The Cottam site, will cover 3048 acres and taking into account the other projects proposed - Gate Burton, West Burton and Tillbridge - will cover around 10000 acres in total, all in a small... Read more

  • John Montgomery

    I have lived in the beautiful, tranquil idyll that is Glentworth in excess of 20 years, a beautiful example of the English countryside, both peaceful and unspoilt, and am now enjoying my retirement.... Read more

  • John Perkins

    I moved to Glentworth five years ago to be on the edge of a village surrounded by countryside - not an industrial area! If this proposal goes ahead, I will lose that enjoyment and commitment made to... Read more

  • Joseph Creswell

    Although I am for the development of Solar energy as a sustainable method for energy production I am firmly against this project due to its scale and impact on our beautiful Lincolnshire countryside.... Read more

  • Keith Snailham

    My main concern is that all of the land concerned is normally used for food production, an area very much underrated in our is country. Food security, especially in this area mostly dedicated to this... Read more

  • Kexby Parish Council, Lincolnshire (Kexby Parish Council, Lincolnshire)

    As Chairman of the Parish Council and following consultative meetings with parishioners we are registering our objections to the proposed solar farms Following community consultation within the Parish... Read more

  • Lorraine Ann Hardy

    This is not the most constructive way of making use of solar energy. There are many industrial as well as farm buildings with roof space that could be used to incorporate this system. There are... Read more

  • Lorraine Turner

    The main issue from my point of view would be the environmental impact on such a vast area. The taking of such an enormous amount of agricultural land away from food production is madness, especially... Read more

  • michael chamberlain

    Solar panels should not be put on farmland . They could be put on massive factory and whare house roofs , they are not efficient, when the sun goes down , with panels the land is gone forever , no... Read more

  • Mr Stephen Love

    I object to the loss of prime agricultural land for any reason. With the war in Ukraine, there should be more focus than ever on preserving the country's capacity to be self sufficient for food. There... Read more

  • mrs vicky rouse

    I am against using good agricultural land for solar farms - we need to grow our own food and import less. Soil in Lincolnshire/Notts border is premium. I also fear for the wild life which will be... Read more

  • Nigel Heather

    I moved to this village to be in the countryside, I do not want to walk my dogs in a massive commercial solar farm that has removed all the wildlife. I feel that the companies that are trying to get... Read more

  • Nottinghamshire County Council (Nottinghamshire County Council)

    This matter is being dealt with by: Nina Wilson Ref: n/a T [redacted] E [redacted] W Sent via email to: 28th March 2023 Dear... Read more

  • Paul.Goring

    There has not been a satisfactory consultation period. I object to the wholesale coverage of productive farmland and that technology will undoubtedly overtake this project long before the end of its... Read more

  • Pauline Margery Organ

    Appreciate that production of renewable energy is essential BUT this must be balanced against need for sustainable food production IN THIS COUNTRY. 10,000 acres of good corn-growing land will be... Read more

  • Robin Randle Charleston

    Solar farms such as those proposed under the Cottam and West Burton projects will take good agricultural land out of commission for at least a generation; they uglify the landscape whilst representing... Read more

  • roy clegg

    Objection to the provision of Solar Farms in the application entitled “COTTAM SOLAR PROJECT”. Please find below my objection to the above application: 1. Comments of the last three Prime Ministers It... Read more

  • Sally Birch

    Too many solar projects proposed in one area.

  • Sally Cottle

    I wish the 3000 acre Cottam Solar project to be considered as part of the combined 10,000 acres of solar proposed by a total of 4 local schemes surrounding my village. I am concerned that most of this... Read more

  • Steve Hollinworth

    Object to the use of farmland for the use by solar farm, particularly in light of the current and expected future food shortages caused by war and global warming. Object for the detrimental impact on... Read more

  • Susan Gray

    I do not want good farming land lost to solar panels


    We have a small farm in Stow and they want to use 3 of our fields

  • Terry Burnell

    The solar panels are well needed, as long as it isn't at the expense of losing usable agricultural land to support the project. Planned panel installations must also not be intrusive for dwellings in... Read more

  • Thomas Van Camp

    I object to the solar park it is the worst thing to happen to our countryside with no concern for how important the farm land is. It will affect people’s house prices and I worry when I’m ready to... Read more