
Byers Gill Solar

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Showing 276 to 300 of 553 representations, newest first.

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  • Darren Arnold

    I strongly oppose the proposed Byers Gill Solar development due to its detrimental impact on the daily lives of residents in Bishopton, Carlton, Redmarshall, Whitton, Stillington, Sadberge, Great... Read more

  • Deborah Kay Latham

    As someone who is very concerned about the enviroment, I am deeply concerned about the loss of such a large area of agricultural land. The impact this will have on the surrounding area is far reaching... Read more

  • John Burridge

    I most strongly object to the proposed Byers Gill Solar development on the following grounds, but not in order of priority: 1. The displacement and habitat loss of large numbers of wildd animals of... Read more

  • Louise Macphail

    I am registering my objection to the proposed Byers Gill Solar Development. I used to live in Bishopton and have recently considered moving back to the village with my husband and children. However,... Read more

  • Luke Swainston

    I am opposed to planned Solar power station due the amount of traffic already on the road passing the village (which is also a vital route for emergency vehicles) already being far too high for a road... Read more

  • Mark A Smith

    I wish to formally register my interest in this solar power generation scheme to oppose and object to it on the following grounds. I will expand in detail on these comments during the examination... Read more

  • Michael Johnson

    I am against this solar farm as when I drive around the area I see there are already a lot of others in the same area either completed or in the process of being built and I feel that there will be... Read more

  • Paul Purves

    I am totally against this project I like to get on out and enjoy the surrounding countryside outside Darlington in my free time and this will make the area into an industrial landscape that no one can... Read more

  • Rebecca Le Besque

    I strongly oppose the proposed Byers Gill Solar development due to its detrimental impact on the daily lives of residents in Bishopton, Carlton, Redmarshall, Whitton, Stillington, Sadberge, Great... Read more

  • Richard Fenwick

    I do not think the area is suitable for a solar farm of this size it will completely cover the area between Darlington and Stockton and ruin the landscape and drive out all the wildlife in the area... Read more

  • andrea turnbull

    I object to solar panels being placed on this land. We do want to see more solar, which is one of the cheapest forms of energy, but, on brownfield sites, rooftops and away from our best agricultural... Read more

  • Andrew Gibson

    This is a truest exceptional proposal. Some of the changes already made have improved the scheme and I feel on balance this scheme is much needed

  • Anna Christina Stephens

    As a concerned advocate for environmental conservation, I strongly oppose the proposed solar farm development. While I recognize the importance of renewable energy, the potential ecological effects of... Read more

  • Cheryl Moore

    I object to this proposal for a solar farm due to the impact on the village, environment and loss of good agricultural land. I regularly stay with friends who live in the village and felt compelled to... Read more

  • Dale Jefferies

    This is going to affect the value of our homes, it’s an eye sore! I bought my property for the view, I do not want to look at solar panels as far as the eye can see! The traffic will also be effected.

  • Denise Vassilounis

    My objection is based on the impact on the village. We stay here regularly with friends. Also the detrimental effect on the environment and the loss of agricultural land.

  • Edward P Kingsley

    The project is too large and will have a negative impact on local communities. Also didn’t the prime minister say no to new green field solar sites on farm land?

  • Emma Wall

    I am strongly against this solar farm. At a time when food security is very important to us as a country we giving over good agricultural land. Over two thousand acres of good agricultural where to... Read more

  • Jonny Golightly

    Once again, the Darlington Borough Council has shown a blatant disregard for the local community, flexing their authority without truly understanding the needs and concerns of the residents. Their... Read more

  • Kathryn Cunnington-Shore

    I believe this to be an inappropriate development in the countryside (Bishopton and surrounding areas) with a negative visual impact and loss of good agricultural land; crops have been growing on the... Read more

  • Peter james myers

    I think this whole project will not only be a blot on our countryside it will turn out to be inefficient and costly. There are already to many eyesores in and around this area and another is not... Read more

  • Sarah Dixon

    I strongly opposed development, it is a grossly inefficient use of precious land. It takes 200 acres of land for solar panels to generate the same electricity as one north sea wind turbine. Actual... Read more

  • Alex Forsyth

    I object to the solar farm being built in the suggested location.

  • Alison Griffiths

    I stay with friends regularly in this beautiful village. I feel that this would have a very adverse impact on not only the village but also the local environment and will result in the loss of good... Read more

  • Annabelle McMillan

    I oppose of this project as it will ruin the local wildlife habitats for the sole purpose of energy that won't be used by the local community. Simply the noise would have a major impact on those... Read more