
Byers Gill Solar

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1 to 100 of 553 representations, newest first.

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  • Alex Swainston

    The village of Brafferton is very small with one road in and out the roads are narrow with lots of on street parking. The village aesthetically is beautiful and has lots of old buildings dating back... Read more

  • Amy Robins

    The proposed solar farms location within and around Bishopton and surrounding villages will cause a considerable impact negatively to the lives and wellbeing of residents, wildlife, commuters and... Read more

  • David Alexander Smith

    Cumulative effect of multiple Solar power developments in a small area. 1.Gately Moor industrial scale solar power generation. 2.Long Pasture industrial scale solar power generation, 3.Whinfield... Read more

  • Jon Paul Rowe

    Massive environmental impact on local area and small villages Totally against this proposed Windfarm 100 percent

  • Joy Frost

    I am opposed to this development on ecological and moral and safety issues.

  • Judith Crowe Harland

    I fundamentally object to this development. It will dramatically affect my way of life. It will destroy the country side and ruin it for both the people who use it for recreation and mental health and... Read more

  • Judith Tingle

    This is an industrial size project NOT a farm or one could say an isore which will devastate the loca area .its beauty .agriculture .local businesses aswell as the residents of the surrounding areas .... Read more

  • Louise Barnes

    I have just moved to the area. The construction has a daily impact on my commute each day. I am wanting to see plans. This development was highlighted during my purchase process but appears to be VERY... Read more

  • Norman Arthur Melaney

    I object to the proposed Solar Farm on the following issues, The items do not include all issues included in my objection, i wiil add further comment in due course. General- The facilities will... Read more

  • Rheanne White

    While solar power is necessary and commendable the scale of this project is unprecedented in this area. There will be an ongoing and lasting impact on both the human and natural world, both during... Read more

  • Sarah Harker

    The village in which I am resident will be hugely impacted by these proposals both during and after construction, and I fully object to the plans in their current form. Concerns include, in no... Read more

  • Stephen James Wall

    The main reason I object to this application is that the land that surrounds the village where the panels are to go is all elevated land and therefore would be a visible eye sore, most solar farms are... Read more

  • Thomas Ward

    Whilst I am in favour in general of Green Energy, I have objections and concerns based on the following. The size of this project will have a detrimental effect on the beautiful rural landscape of our... Read more

  • William Joseph Wood

    The project will destroy the village where I live and the surrounding area will be decimated. This development is not sensible in small village environment. There are more suitable ares available. The... Read more

  • Zoe MacDonald

    We have a small village the impact on the village will be immense particularly during the lengthy construction process impact on local wildlife, house prices and noise pollution are also concerns as... Read more

  • Gillian Hadwin

    Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) My understanding is that a considerable amount of water is required to extinguish a BESS fire. Within the project documents I cannot see any proposals to contain... Read more

  • Martin Philpott

    I am concerned about the cumulative impact solar farms are having on the local area, in relation to both the volume of solar farms in the local area and the clustering of solar farms due to grid... Read more

  • Stephen Horn

    I am fully against the proposed solar farm due to the size and the impact to the villages and even worse the impact to wildlife. This is agricultural land and Green land which should be kept as... Read more

  • Suzannah Horn

    I'm not opposed to renewable energy but this development is far too big for the area. This has nothing but a negative impact considering the size and scale. The environmental impact that would be felt... Read more

  • John Harland

    I fully object to the solar farm on numerous issues The colonies of lapwings and Canada geese will not return once the area has solar panels this is the same for newts and frogs and most other... Read more

  • Edna Wall

    I have lived in the village since the 1960s and I object to the solar farm being built I love on a street in Bishopton the will have the worse views of the panels The land around the village is all... Read more

  • Kevin Heyhurst

    In 1984 Prince Charles, now King Charles III, described a proposed building in London as a "monstrous carbuncle on the face of a much-loved and elegant friend". I consider this statement, and... Read more

  • Louisa Wall

    I love in the street that will be most affected by the solar farm and we strongly disapprove with it The views will be ruined and the wild life will be strongly affected by it they also plan to run... Read more

  • Wendy Heyhurst

    The siting of this solar farm will totally destroy our rural, peaceful conservation village. The panels will be a “blot” on our beautiful landscape and will change the look and feel of our village for... Read more

  • Alan Keith Dobson

    It is misuse of good quality agricultural land. It will adversely affect the lives of Bishopton residents and wildlife. The local area will no longer be a beautiful countryside and will become an... Read more

  • Ann Huitson

    The size and location of the solar panel site will negatively impact on the appearance and character of the village. The site is too close to the school and residential properties There are no... Read more

  • Barbara Dobson

    This is good quality agricultural land which will be lost in favour of industrial use. Wildlife will be badly affected. Bishopton residents will loose their rural way of life and dog walking, horse... Read more

  • Clare Tallentire

    1. As a general rule, it takes about 200 acres (80 hectares) to generate the same annual electricity energy through a solar farm as just ONE OFFSHORE wind turbine. This represents a grossly... Read more

  • Colin Bowes

    Environmental concerns. Effects on local agricultural production. Adverse effects on local wildlife. Adverse effects on local roads and footpaths.

  • David Clark

    I would like to object and make representation for the following reasons: 1. Land use: Solar farms require large amounts of land to generate a significant amount of electricity. This lead’s to the... Read more

  • Dorothy Morris

    I live in Anesty Court in Bishopton and strongly oppose the solar farm development. The area round the village is beautiful open countryside, I moved here because I wanted to be in the countryside not... Read more

  • Edward Thomas Dobson

    This will ruin this rural area and the rural way of life for residents of Bishopton. It is too close to the school. It uses good agricultural land.

  • Eleanor Louise Armstrong

    Far to big. Area already has more than fair share of solar panels and wind farms. Removal of productive land from food production. Cutting right through communities. Using existing road network... Read more

  • Elizabeth Dobson

    I do not agree with the solar farm in any way. It’s just a large company who chose land to build on without considering those who live here and love this land. I have grown up walking these fields or... Read more

  • Ian James Robins

    The proposed project will have a major impact on a rural community during the construction phase and longer term legacy effects. We moved to the village because we have horses and wanted to live in... Read more

  • John Anthony Daly

    My main worry starts with the size of the construction site: The size of transport The increase in mud on the roads affecting cleaning of roads, paths, cars , windows etc. The increase in noise both... Read more

  • Joseph Huitson

    The size and location of the site will negatively impact on the appearance of the village its also too close to the school and residential properties I believe the site will have a negative effect on... Read more

  • Karen Sinclair-Morrison

    I have concerns over this new proposal. As the majority of it is Darlington area. It is agricultural land. There is far too much of it. It will kill off flora and forna and disturb and remove land for... Read more

  • Martin Cundy

    I'm worried about the landscape and ruining the beautiful rural areas look as well as the impact to the house prices in the area. Part of living in a scenic villiage is to get away from ugly buildings... Read more

  • Patricia Pickersgill

    I am appalled at the loss of good agricultural land to allow for solar panels. We have many 'brown' field sites which could be used for this purpose. The massive destruction of the countryside in... Read more

  • Paul Anthony Frost

    Strongly opposed to the plans: Loss of visual amenity Destruction of our countryside. Build on Teesworks! Too concentrated a project in a conservation area Destruction of arable land Widespread... Read more

  • Paul Mason

    I have solar panels so my objection is not about the technology / progress / necessity. I believe that this project is flawed on a number of grounds. Firstly, this is UK land being developed by a... Read more

  • Martin Philpott (Martin Philpott) on behalf of Philpott family (Philpott family)

    We regularly see both Deer and Hares in the fields behind our house we are concerned that Byers Gill which will cover over 1200 acres and has miles of deer proof fencing, will mean that deer and hares... Read more

  • Radiographic Accessories Limited (Radiographic Accessories Limited)

    Byers Gill construction impact on road traffic. Our business is based in Newton Aycliffe and our staff travel to and from work along the country lanes that go through the proposed Byers Gill site as... Read more

  • David Pratt

    I want to know more about the environmental impact and timescale for connecting this new facility to the national grid.

  • Doreen Smith

    The massive size of the solar panels surrounding our area is dreadful. The disruption to the High Street when laying cables and all other vehicles invading these small country roads during the... Read more

  • Elaine Branagan

    Prime agricultural land should not be used for solar panel farms in an effort to achieve net zero carbon emissions. The government have even been quoted saying thus. Farming land is needed to provide... Read more

  • Malcolm McAdam

    I wish to object to the installation of solar panels at this location. There are enough of these in the area of Carlton. I frequently walk between Whitton and Bishopton, and feel it would be... Read more

  • Normanhetherington

    200 acres 260 meters from me

  • Peter Lawrence Wood

    This is a huge ,widely dispersed project across a very large area & surrounding a number of picturesque & conservation listed villages. The combination of this project in conjunction with others... Read more

  • Colin Scarisbrick

    As a regular visitor to the area it will dramatically affect the character and ambience of the locality. The area is prone to flooding and recently suffered from local disruptions due to excess... Read more

  • David Terence Sudworth

    The destruction of viable agricultural land

  • Graham Benjamin Wise

    20% of our immediate area has been earmarked for solar panels. The impact on our country's food production could be severe in future years if good land is used for solar power and no account of the... Read more

  • Mary Angela Wood

    As a resident of Bishopton I wish to object to this proposal on the following grounds- Too close to residential area, plans show that these solar panels will be situated directly next to our village... Read more

  • Patricia Gowan

    I am not in favour of the proposed solar farm

  • Heather Dawn Marks

    I think Bishopton will be surrounded by solar farms which will impact on our visual outlook, also i dont think solar farms should be on prime land which can be used to grow food and grass to graze... Read more

  • Edward Fletcher

    Project is too large for such a small village and impact will be significant and long term

  • Eileen Fletcher

    This proposed development is too near a village school and takes too much arable land

  • Jack Harper

    Local resident, generally in support of the scheme for environmental reasons. Registering an interest to keep up to date on plans. Particularly interested in impacts on / improvements to rights of way... Read more

  • Julian Paul Hewison

    REASONS FOR NOT APPROVING RWE PROPOSALS FOR SOLAR FARMS and information from the NPPF provision paragraphs As a general rule, it takes about 200 acres to generate the same electricity by solar panels... Read more

  • Karen Anne Hewison

    REASONS FOR NOT APPROVING RWE PROPOSALS FOR SOLAR FARMS and information from the NPPF provision paragraphs As a general rule, it takes about 200 acres to generate the same electricity by solar panels... Read more

  • Lynsey Oman

    The proposed Byers Gill Site C, D, E and F and the small section south of Coal -Bank will completely surround the village of Bishopton which is a conservation area. 6 sites is approaching 2000 acres... Read more

  • Peter Philip Bland

    This project will not benefit the communities most closest to it. The sheer industrial scale and visual impact of this project and the harm it will do to the natural character of the area and local... Read more

  • Pauline Elizabeth Magee Bieniasz

    My concerns are the use of prime agricultural land, in close proximity of a rural village, a blot on the landscape, the increased traffic during construction the flooding in the proposed area due to... Read more

  • Alison Younger-Cooper

    I have several issues and concerns with the proposed Byers Gill Solar Farm. Firstly, and possibly the most important, solar farms are already known to be an inefficient use of land, the amount of... Read more

  • Andrea Jones

    Byers Gill on its own is a massive solar farm proposal in a very small geographical area impacting many communities in the disruption in its construction as well as a significant negative visual... Read more

  • Andrew Corry

    This project should not be permitted to proceed any further. The consultation process has been poor with poor communication and poor disclosure of details. The resistance to this project is almost... Read more

  • David Leak

    I strongly object to this development The visualisations provided by the applicant are not representative of the actual end result. For example on visual 26b Mill Lane. the visualisation after 10... Read more

  • Elizabeth Leak

    I object to this development The proposed development won’t benefit the local community. The power generated by the solar panels will go straight to the national grid – this will not be a source of... Read more

  • West House Livery (West House Livery)

    The area is currently enjoyed by horse riders who keep their horses on one of the 3 livery yards on Mill Lane Bishopton. The solar farm development would turn a pleasant and rural area into an... Read more

  • WH Equine Group Ltd ( West House Trailers) (WH Equine Group Ltd ( West House Trailers))

    The area is currently enjoyed by walkers, cyclists, local residents, and those travelling from further afield. The solar farm development would turn a pleasant and rural area into an industrialised... Read more

  • Catherine Mary Brannen

    My day-to-day quality of life will be affected significantly due to this project. During the construction phase the daily use of heavy goods lorries on roads inadequate to take said vehicles. In the... Read more

  • Claire Gilson

    Make sure that land is not prime agricultural land taken out of production. Grade 3/4. Visibility. Security. Impact of installation on local already damaged country roads.

  • John Peter Lyne

    I object to the Byers Gill Solar Farm. In case I cannot subsequently add to this my main point are: As I understand any large infrastructure project such as this requires local support which this... Read more

  • Joseph Eric Brannen

    I know my quality of life will be affected both in the shorter-term installation phase and when the sites become officially operative. This is due to several factors including noise from the battery... Read more

  • Melanie Lyne

    I object to the application for Byers Gill solar farm. As a resident of Bishopton the lack of local support for the Byers Gill project was made very clear to JMB during the very cursory contact they... Read more

  • Mrs Elizabeth Hazzleton

    I am a regular visitor to my twin sister [REDACTED] and have been considering moving closer to her and my brother [REDACTED] who also lives in Bishopton. If the Byers Gill Solar Farm is passed I will... Read more

  • Mrs Josephine Linsley

    I totally object to Byers Gill Solar Farm We are already over run by solar farms in the area & South East County Durham is overwhelmed by them The proposed development will turn Bishopton into an... Read more

  • Angela Mary Ridley

    The hamlet of Great Stainton will be almost completely surrounded by solar panels, thus losing the country even more agricultural land. We are told that we need food producers yet this flies in the... Read more

  • Eesha Joshi on behalf of Corry Family (Corry Family)

    I visit this house multiple times throughout the year, and have done so for over 10 years now. This infrastructure would greatly ruin this experience that I have assumed to be lifelong.

  • CPRE, the countryside Charity, Durham Branch (CPRE, the countryside Charity, Durham Branch)

    CPRE is concerned about the loss of valuable agricultural land for solar arrays and has been promoting the use of rooftops, particularly commercial buildings, for this purpose. Even if the land is not... Read more

  • Curtis Tweddall

    As a lifelong resident of Great Stainton and a project manager deeply involved in the energy transition, I am compelled to express my concerns regarding the proposed Byers Gill wind farm. While I... Read more

  • Durham Bird Club (Durham Bird Club)

    The Club will wish to consider the potential impact on farmland birds in this area plus waterfowl. The proposed site covers a wide area which appears to include areas of Discover Brightwater. There... Read more

  • Ellen Corry

    • disruption to villages during construction, large machinery through the village. •rural communities need protecting •rich wildlife and biodiversity. This is NOT a brown field site ! • The sheer... Read more

  • John Stuart Haslam

    In The Times of 21st March there was a topic suggesting that "Living close to a preserved heritage site improves the quality of life" Maybe, but in our case the direct opposite would result if this... Read more

  • Laura Povall

    I am very much against the proposal of the solar farm, not only as it will destroy our beautiful country side but I visit the area daily due to keeping our horses in the area and it will be a complete... Read more

  • Ray Murphy

    I would like to know how big the development is and what impact it would have on the environment.

  • Robert Robinson

    I am against this project for many reasons but mainly because of the anxiety I am feeling with all the upheaval it will cause to the landscape the livestock the wild birds and me and my family This... Read more

  • Ian Ridley

    I STRONGLY OBJECT TO THESE PROPOSALS As a professional whose working life has been in the Construction Industry I am aghast at the lack of detail and due diligence in preparing elements of this... Read more

  • Kate Leigh Robson

    I strongly object to the Byers Gill Solar Farm on the following grounds: Having moved to the village in the last twelve months I have found absolute joy in my daily walks around the village and onto... Read more

  • Lorraine Tostevin

    This scheme is far too large and will swamp and devestate the countryside and the overall appearance of the ancient villages in this area.

  • Mrs Mary Kemp

    Turning a small village into an industrial estate,country roads not suitable for the extra traffic.The loss of use of GOOD agriculture land and affecting the usual foraging path of the local deer.I... Read more

  • Nicholas Brown

    OBJECTION TO THE BYERS GREEN SOLAR DEVELOPMENT. I live about one and half miles from Bishopton village. Near my property Gately Moor Solar development has already been granted planning permission by... Read more

  • Stephen Robson

    I object to the proposed solar panel farm – Byers Gill on the following grounds: The prime minister and several ministers have stated within parliament and also in conferences that solar farms would... Read more

  • Victoria Diana Ridley

    I AM VEHEMENTLY OPPOSED TO THIS WHOLE DEVELOPMENT AND OBJECT MOST STRONGLY Byers Gill Solar Factory (I refuse to call it a solar farm that is a misnomer) will desecrate the beautiful farming country... Read more

  • Benjamin Aidan Corry

    I disagree with the idea to produce a solar plant in the nearby area of smaller towns, this will cause a lot of negative effects to the nearby area and remove valuable natural land that is used for... Read more

  • Clare Hester

    Byers Gill Solar Farm This will damage the wild life and habitat of many animals It will also cause an eye sore for the village

  • Emma Marksby

    I strongly oppose this site, as there are many places to build this farm where it does not effect our beautiful villages and lush country side this farm is far too close to towns and villages and will... Read more

  • Lisa Marie Keenan

    i am strongly opposed to this for environmental reasons. The character, landscape and wildlife will be destroyed in an area of the country that cannot afford to lose more green spaces. there are many... Read more

  • Paul Willis

    I live in the village of Great Stainton and the proposed plans show the surrounding area to have a large volume of Solar Panels covering what is currently fields. I have moved to this area a property... Read more