
A303 Stonehenge

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  • Mrs Freya Buchanan-Januskevic

    That the intended work/ construction will cause damage to the pre existing environment and this is supported by UNESCO advisors. An alternative solution must be found so as not to cause religious... Read more

  • Mrs Lesley Kahney

    I am deeply concerned that advice from UNESCO is being ignored. The archaeological treasures at Stonehenge extend far beyond the stones themselves. It is a travesty to dig in this area and we have... Read more

  • Mrs. Patricia Williamson

    I believe the proposed tunnel and fly-over will not only damage the ancient archaeology of Blick Mead, but will ensure the site can never be excavated, thus losing any insight of those who dwelt there... Read more

  • N J Dearden

    I object to the incursions of the roads that are proposed for this site of international significance. To build roads within the curtilage of such an important monument would be problem enough but... Read more

  • Neil Rhoods

    • Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ • UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its... Read more

  • Nick Beeton

    Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present... Read more

  • Nick Gilbert

    The proposed A303 road scheme will cause irreversible damage to the archaeology and wider setting of the World Heritage Site (WHS). UNESCO, which has described the landscape as without parallel, and a... Read more

  • Nick Middleton

    This work will cause irreparable damage to the UNESCO World Heritage Site. This in itself should be enough to stop proceedings.

  • Nick Orson

    I write as a visitor to, and a traveller past, the Stonehenge World Heritage Site, which I have known for over sixty years. I oppose the scheme in its present form on the following grounds: 1. ... Read more

  • Nick Stedman

    I am representing myself as a cyclist. I have already made the comment about restricting motorised traffiic access to the proposed cycle paths which I believe has been addressed. As many cyclists... Read more

  • Nicola Baker

    It is disgraceful that the concerns raised to date have been ignored and the option of building a longer tunnel to prevent damage to the WHS has not been chosen. This will cause irreparable damage to... Read more

  • Nigel Linge

    I am the Chair of the Wilts and Swindon Countryside Access Forum but writing as an individual. In the past 10 years I have staffed 38 x DMMO and diversions for MOD and led a team of volunteers to... Read more

  • Norman Cesar

    Stone Henge is one of the most important sites on our island. This tunnel jepardises the site and it's surrounding areas. Wildlife will also be unneccesarily impacted. UNESCO have also expressed... Read more

  • Paige Thompson

    Stonehenge should be left alone and protected for centuries to come (:

  • Pam Jones

    UNESCO views the archaeology in this area as 'a landscape without parallel' and their advisors say the scheme should not go ahead in its present form - with which I wholly agree. The archaeology is... Read more

  • Pam Rouquette

    I object to the desecration of the Stonehenge World Heritage Site that will be an inevitable consequence if the proposed short tunnel though the Stonehenge landscape goes ahead. This country has the... Read more

  • Pamela Marchant

    I believe that if this horrendous tunnel goes ahead it will cause irreversible damage to this unique and amazing landscape. A landscape that should be treasured and protected. This landscape belongs... Read more

  • Pat Snelling

    I do nit think that the current scheme should be allowed. It will destroy our heritage.

  • Pat Thorne

    The plan will do irreparable damage to this ancient site and I object strongly

  • Patricia Dawkins

    It is an historical site which needs to be maintained in its current state especially in view of all the new excavation and discovery throughout the whole area. The sight of Stonehenge is awesome... Read more

  • Paul Fletcher-Tomenius

    A site of such unique significance cannot be considered purely in the local, regional or even national context. The views of the global archaeological and cultural community must carry great,... Read more

  • Paul McKernan

    Ensure that the development continues to take account of the impact on local infrastructure Ensure that the links to local roads, byways and footpaths are maintained and/or enhanced Ensure that the... Read more

  • Paul Reddy

    Irreparable damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology, and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’. UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should not go... Read more

  • Paul Watson

    I object to the A303 Expressway because I believe it will do irreparable and unquantifiable damage to any remaining archaeology.

  • Peter Croft

    I believe that this would cause damage to the unique World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting, especially in the light of UNESCO's report. What about alternative options which would avoid... Read more