
A303 Stonehenge

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  • Marija Currell

    I would like to register my issue with the proposed expressway. The ancient history of this area is not fully understood and I am particularly concerned about damage to Blick Mead Mesolithic site.... Read more

  • Mark Allen

    I do not live near the area but I wish it to remain unspoilt for the people as it is one of the oldest sites and want it left unspoilt for the sake of humanity and of all beliefs. This structure... Read more

  • Mark Byrne

    I am in favour of a tunnel under the Stonehenge site, its about time we treated this iconic, world renowned site with the respect it deserves. However the current proposals fall woefully short of... Read more

  • Mark Hallworth

    I object to the scheme for the following reasons: * Permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting. * UNESCO's advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present... Read more

  • Mark Lipski

    The current plan will result in irreparable damage to the Stonehenge and related sites, and UNESCO's advisors have opposed the plan on this basis. There will also be other environmental damage, both... Read more

  • Martin Stephens

    I am against this development because: 1) The only way to view Stonehenge will be to pay to see it, instead of the henge being a part of the publicly visible landscape. 2) UNESCO does not want... Read more

  • Mary Branson

    UNESCO's expert opinion is that this scheme should not go ahead in its present form. I value the opinion of experts. The scheme would not be reversible and would cause permanent damage to this... Read more

  • Matthew DeHaven

    As an American and two time visitor to Stonehenge, I think it is important that you consider opinions from outside the UK. This past September I visited Stonehenge again, the first time being in 2005.... Read more

  • Melanie J Hazen

    Please, please for all of us do not change any of the Stone Henge area. It would totally ruin the whole History of our Earth. There is still too much work the archeologists need to examine, explore,... Read more

  • Michael Blyth

    I am concerned that thee seem to be the situation where public concerns, including those far more knowledgeable than me, are not being addressed by the provision of alternatives. This site is in need... Read more

  • Michael Devlin

    It would be an affront to history and to national pride. Future generations cannot and would not forgive.

  • Michael Emanuel Rosenbloom

    I object to the proposal on the grounds is unnecessary and damaging to archaeological environment.

  • Michael Hinton

    Please do not pursue this crazy idea!

  • Michael Nelson Johnson

    I am a retired architect and for 10 years represented the Council for British Archaeology on Planning matters affecting Listed Buildings in West Lancashire. My concern with this proposal is that... Read more

  • Michele McIntyre

    Please do not destroy an ancient and priceless landscape for the sake of traffic convenience. I frequently travel along A303 and welcome the pause in my hectic life to view Stonehenge from my car.... Read more

  • Mike Tregent

    The whole site comprises a lot more than just the stones, the landscape dates back thousands of years and it is imperative that it is protected (and possibly enhanced), in its whole! This is a... Read more

  • Moira Gomes

    I am one of thousands of members of the public that really resent Highways trying to ignore views and force their plans through. There are very few sites of special significance in England. I... Read more

  • Mr Andrew Bonnet

    This unique World Heritage site, should be protected, NOT impacted upon by any development of any kind. The fact it is being considered is extraordinary in itself. It is morally wrong and shows... Read more

  • Mr James Phethean

    I use the A303 regularly to commute to work and return to Cornwall and I want to be sure that Stonehenge is protected during this road scheme work

  • Mrs Elizabeth Fairweather

    I believe this scheme should not go ahead because it would cause permanent damage to the World Heritage Site. Furthermore, UNESCO's advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present form.... Read more

  • Mrs Irene Joan Byrne

    I believe that there will be permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting. Also UNESCO's advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present form. There are... Read more

  • Mrs Joy Shallcross

    The scheme will do irreparable damage to a World Heritage site, you simply cannot be allowed to do this.

  • Mrs Sarah Frances Collins

    Stonehenge is a unique and beautiful place, and there is no justification for intruding upon the site. The road can be built on another route, Stonehenge cannot be moved. It is time we valued... Read more

  • Ms Elizabeth Murfitt

    I disagree with Highways England's proposal to drive a massive dual carriageway through the UNESCO site at Stonehenge. My reasons for objecting are - 1. Permanent damage to the World Heritage... Read more

  • Ms lawrence

    Dear Sir/ Madame, I have already done this, anything that threatens National heritage needs to be stopped. You will not have a country of any distinction if this... Read more