
A303 Stonehenge

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1626 to 1650 of 2370 representations, newest first.

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  • Somerset County Council (Somerset County Council) on behalf of A303/A30/A358 Improvement Partnership

    The A303/A30/A358 Improvement Partnership strongly supports the Department for Transport’s ongoing commitment to improving this vital strategic corridor between London and the South West. We welcome... Read more

  • Ainsley Allmark

    The area around Stonehenge is an EXTREMELY important World Heritage Site and as such should not be disturbed for any reason. I personally recommend that this application should be rejected.

  • Alan Shipgood

    I don't believe the disruption to the Heritage site and the local roads and villages when the motorists try to find alternative routes would be worth the expense. I think it would be as ridiculous as... Read more

  • Aleta Mckechnie

    I am concerned about permanent damage to this World Heritage site and the lack of alternative plans that would not cause damage. Loss of view from the road of Stonehenge monument and people having... Read more

  • Alex Gimblett

    Permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting. UNESCO's advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present form. Concerns about damage to Blick Mead Mesolithic... Read more

  • Aline MacInnes

    The planned engineering works would scar the Stonehenge landscape for ever. There would be extensive tunnel cuttings into the chalk for four lanes of tarmac, and massive highway interchanges through... Read more

  • Alison Dewar

    Concern over the future of the World Heritage Site

  • Alison Hall

    Hello, The statements below, to my mind, have not been fully thought out. • Permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting. We're are constantly developing new ways to... Read more

  • Alistair Sommerlad

    I am independent Chair of the Partnership Panel which oversees the management of the Stonehenge and Avebury World Heritage Site. I wish to provide evidence of the risks , benefits and opportunities... Read more

  • Amanda Ayre

    We cannot allow anything to damage our cultural pastudies. Once gone it can not be recreated.

  • Andrea Dalton-Mills

    As someone who grew up in the area and whose family have been documented in the area as far back as the 16th century, likely earlier, I wish to register my objections to the DCO planning application... Read more

  • Andrew Differ

    Permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting. UNESCO's advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present form. Concerns about damage to Blick Mead Mesolithic... Read more

  • Andrew Flack

    My representation is made on the following points: - Concerns that permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting. - UNESCO's advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in... Read more

  • Andrew Melville

    Such a historic UK site should not be interfered with. Other routes surely can be created.

  • Andrew Ward

    UNESCO says no. Stone Curlews say no. The archeology says no. Therefore I am saying no. The only tunnel that should be considered is much longer and you won't pay for it. I cannot believe that there... Read more

  • Anja Bruckner

    Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, I wonder how the UK government treats his World Heritage. Stonehenge needs to be protected for the future generation. A massive traffic around the site will destroy... Read more

  • Ann Bradbury

    I am very concerned about damage to Blick Mead which offers a unique opportunity to study the lives of our Mesolithic forbears. It is a site which is rich in finds and is challenging our ideas about... Read more

  • Ann Teague

    I am concerned that this ancient and Sacred World Heritage Site will suffer permanent damage. The sight of this unique stone structure from the road is breathtaking and it is wrong that it should... Read more

  • Anne Lindup

    My concern is that this would cause permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting and there are concerns about damage to Blick Mead Mesolithic site and its setting. The... Read more

  • Anthony Bicknell

    Briefly, the scheme desecrates a UNESCO world heritage site and risk causing irreversible damage to other late mesolithic remains in the area. It is likely that such a scheme would have an adverse... Read more

  • Anthony Bridges

    I have commented throughout the consultation process that the tunnel approach walls should consist of soil filled stacking planters as used extensively in Germany and France. These would soften the... Read more

  • Anton Tagunov

    I firmly believe that Stonehenge is a unique and paramauntly important heritage site for preservation if which we are jointly responsible to the generations that come after us both in this country and... Read more

  • Arthur Kincaid

    The proposed highway may cause damage to this World Heritage Site and would certainly increase noise there. They should both be avoided.

  • Asha Lodh

    Our world heritage site should not be compromised in any way. It’s setting and environment are part of what makes it so stunning. UNESCO advisors are against this scheme. Permanent damage to nearby... Read more

  • Barbara Saville

    I am concerned that the proposed dual carriageway will damage the WHS irreparably. It will involve tunnelling into the ancient monument's surroundings, which MUST contain many artefacts which have... Read more