
A303 Stonehenge

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1876 to 1900 of 2370 representations, newest first.

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  • Simon Larn

    I have monitored this proposal since it was first suggested, and from my point of view as an amateur archaeologist (but with some hands on professional experience), I am firmly opposed to this plan... Read more

  • Simon Marshall

    I am writing to express serious objection to the plans to build a dual carriageway through the UNESCO World Heritage Site around Stonehenge. The area is one of unique archaeological and ritual... Read more

  • Sion Elis Williams

    This scheme is completely flawed. If it goes ahead it will jeopardise the World Heritage Site (WHS) designation of Stonehenge WHS. It also has a number of negative environmental impacts, and my... Read more

  • Society of Antiquaries of London (Society of Antiquaries of London)

    We have previously responded to Highways England's consultations on the proposals for improving the A303 past Stonehenge. Several of our concerns about the impact of the scheme on the archaeological... Read more

  • Sonia Miller

    I am very against your proposal for many reasons Further pollution in an area which is of outstanding historical heritage and interest! Interfering with lay lines surrounding the henge and... Read more

  • Sophie Latter

    Unbelievable that such an ancient site of importance to our ancestors thousands of years ago and linking our history through to who we are today, the people of Britain, that we can put the land and... Read more

  • Steph Bell

    I object due to the following reasons, permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting. UNESCO's advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present... Read more

  • Steve Hill

    Improve the route to the M5 as a large amount of traffic is going north via the A358 this will reduce the majority of the haulage traffic from the south coast ports.

  • Steve Thomas

    I am very concerned that the planning proposal will restrict public access and enjoyment of this important UNESCO heritage site. Also concerns me greatly that the roadworks could damage millennia-old... Read more

  • Stuart John Wilford

    I'm against the road is it will destroy our most ancient and historic world heritage site. I feel the proposed road is a deliberate act to try and remove the last pieces of our indigenous heritage and... Read more

  • Sue Marcus

    Stonehenge is irreplaceable. The proposal will definitely adversely affect the World Heritage site, it’s archaeology, landscape and it’s setting in perpetuity. UNESCO has stated its objections to the... Read more

  • Sue O'Sullivan

    I believe that Stonehenge and the surrounding areas, the whole world heritage site is totally unique and very special. It should be cherished and treated with the utmost caution and respect. Not just... Read more

  • Sue Shepherd-Cross

    I wish to support the Stone Aliances objections to this application.

  • Susan Cullip

    I amvery concerned about the destruction of a most important archaelogical site. I understand that UNESCO are against the proposed plan too. Also I am very against the loss of the view from the road,... Read more

  • Susan Graney

    As a local resident who also works as a tour guide at Stonehenge, I am concerned of the implications on local residents of the proposed Stonehenge Tunnel and I also worry about the disturbance of the... Read more

  • Susan Marshall

    It will ruin Stonehenge and change the sight u see from the road plus’s the damage that could happen to stonehenge

  • Susan Sutton

    The environment, wildlife and heritage are all important to my life. I believe these plans will damage all of these. Endangered wildlife in the area will be even more at risk. The World Heritage... Read more

  • Tanya Wills

    Stonehenge is an historical, archaeological, and spiritual site of international renown and importance. Major excavation in the proposed proximity to the site will risk damage to the site in ways that... Read more

  • Terry Sessford

    I wish to object to the proposed A303 'expressway' in the vicinity of Stonehenge, primarily on the grounds of: - Damage to the Stonehenge UNESCO World Heritage Site, its archaeology and surrounding... Read more

  • Thames Crossing Action Group (Thames Crossing Action Group)

    As an action group opposed to the proposed Lower Thames Crossing we have learn about many other destructive Highways England schemes including this one. We have serious concerns over the way that HE... Read more

  • Susan Rogers (Hon Secretary) on behalf of The Avebury Society

    The Avebury Society, founded as a civic society in 1994, with interests in the Avebury part of the World Heritage Site (WHS), now has c.60 members. A series of inappropriate Avebury planning proposals... Read more

  • The Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England (The Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England)

    Introduction Historic England is the government’s statutory adviser on all matters relating to the historic environment, including world heritage. It is our duty under the provisions of the... Read more

  • The Stonehenge Alliance (The Stonehenge Alliance)

    The Stonehenge Alliance is a group of five national NGOs: Ancient Sacred Landscape Network, Campaign for Better Transport, Campaign to Protect Rural England, Friends of the Earth and Rescue: The... Read more

  • Theresa Waterhouse

    Stonehenge is unique - as we all know, and its designation as a World Heritage Site shows that the utmost care needs to be taken with this site, it is vital that proper consultation takes place... Read more

  • Thomas Bachrach

    The proposed works at Stonehenge are dangerous to the archaeological integrity of the world heritage site. As a historian, I feel I have the duty to stand up for this piece of English... Read more