
Lower Thames Crossing

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 226 to 250 of 1148 representations, newest first.

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  • Carole Anne Watling

    My concerns are that: . The road will destroy a lot of natural habitat . This area was abused in the past by industry but over the last 50 years has been rehabilitated and I fear the new road will... Read more

  • Colin Cooper

    As a regular user of the current Thames crossing at Dartford I am interested in how the LTC can be of benefit to me. I am also interested in improved flow of Heavy Goods vehicles across the river.

  • David Baker

    The Dartford crosssing will still remain over capacity.The Lower Thames crossing will cause pollution have huge impacts on the environment thousands of acres ancient woodland, green belt and prime... Read more

  • Mark Easter

    The crossing is absolutely essential to relieve QE bridge and Blackwall tunnel to ease Kent being a giant car park that spoils an otherwise beautiful county.

  • MD Elliott

    I did not buy near a main road due to health issues. You now plan to put 8lanes of traffic right outside my home. Health will now suffer. Would not solve the problems suffered due to the Dartford... Read more

  • Michael Doyle

    Wish to be kept informed on the traffic impact on the roads I use on a daily basis. A13, A127

  • Mr Michael Durrant

    The crossing benefits the residents of Kent The surrounding infrastructure is considered within project and potential upgrades are reviewed in light of increased or different traffic flow.

  • Philip Healy

    My area of concern is the impact the proposed crossing will have on the increase in volume of traffic that we will experience in the Swale area, IE north & south of the M2 / A249 junction. Traffic... Read more

  • Raymond Krystofiak

    My concern is the loss of green land being replaced with concrete. Too much emphasis on roads at a time when we are trying to discourage the use of vehicles.

  • Valerie Baker

    The Lower Thames Crossing will not solve the problems at the Dartford Crossing. The Dartford Crossing will still be over capacity. The Lower Thames Crossing will have a devastating affect on the... Read more

  • Carol Rintoul

    The Lower Thames Crossing should not be built It is too expensive will create too much CO2 increase pollution in an area that is already over the limit will disrupt the whole area will cause traffic... Read more

  • Havering Cyclists (Havering Cyclists)

    We object to the project on the grounds that it will cause an increase in motor traffic and pollution both generally and on local roads feeding the new crossing and make it more difficult for the UK... Read more

  • John Goff

    Possible extra high traffic volumes in my area causing more congestion

  • Warren Rainforth

    My interest is an an occasional traveller using the Dartford Crossing and wish to continue a close interest in developments, and have the opportunity to contribute as appropriate.

  • Gary Fitzgerald

    500 words is woefully insufficient to cover in any detail my submissions opposing this project. However, I will be submitting detailed objections covering the Ecological, Environmental, Economic and... Read more

  • Karen Fitzgerald

    I will be opposing this proposed roadbuilding project on Ecological, Environmental, Economic and Financial grounds. I will also be challenging the actual Cost and associated lack of Project Viability... Read more

  • Tony Rice

    I am currently the borough ward councillor for Cobham and Luddesdown and helped to represent my community during the lengthy LTC consultation process. However I am also a resident of Cobham on the... Read more

  • Virginia Kirkham

    I am very concerned about Climate Change and the amount of Carbon this infrastructure scheme will generate during construction and ongoing. I am also very concerned about the cost of the scheme and... Read more

  • Essex Badger Protection Group (Essex Badger Protection Group)

    Badgers live in close knit communities, often referred to as "clans", with each clan having it's own territory and setts which are often defended against incursions by members of others clans. In our... Read more

  • Mr Chris Jones

    I wish as an individual resident of Dartford show my whole hearted support for this scheme, an opinion I think is little or never voiced. It's a vital piece of infrastructure for the region and needs... Read more

  • Russell Plumb

    As a local resident, I have views on the planned development, process and benefits proposed from this solution. It is clear that the costs of the project has increased significantly and that the... Read more

  • Thurrock Power Limited (Thurrock Power Limited)

    Thurrock Power Limited (“TPL”) has the benefit of a development consent order for a flexible generation plant, granted in February 2022 (“TPL DCO”). The TPL DCO consents a combination of reciprocating... Read more

  • Lance Paul

    As I live local I would like this project to go ahead as I know it would relieve heavy traffic on to and off the A2, M2, Dartford Crossing and surrounding roads through Gravesend.

  • Tessa Barnby

    This scheme will not solve the problems suffered due to the Dartford Crossing. Scheme does not take into account other possible developments in the local area, ie theme park proposal on the Northfleet... Read more

  • Gill Gilmour

    I object to this proposed development on the basis that it will cause irretrievable and lasting environmental damage in an age where there is more and more awareness of the lasting effects that... Read more