
A57 Link Roads (previously known as Trans Pennine Upgrade Programme)

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Showing 376 to 400 of 909 representations, newest first.

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  • Ernestine Marsden

    I have lived and worked in Glossop all my life and have never felt more strongly than now it is hell living here with lorries thundering up and down our roads the congestion on a daily basis... Read more

  • James Grant

    I live in south Manchester, and have family in Sheffield and Rotherham so I am familiar with the A57 and A628 routes and the frequent tailbacks that result through Mottram and Glossop, and have... Read more

  • Lisa Hopkinson

    1. The scheme would increase traffic. Although there are reduction in traffic through Mottram (but not those on Market Street or near the new underpass) there are increases in other areas including... Read more

  • Mark Pugh

    I understand the widespread desire for a traffic scheme that will alleviate traffic problems through Mottram, Hollingworth and Tintwistle but I don't believe that the current proposal will deliver any... Read more

  • Paul Waring

    Point 1. It is currently policy to avoid road (and other) projects that impact upon National Parks. This road - its construction, use and maintenance will directly impact upon the Peak District... Read more

  • Richard Moss

    I don't support the construction of the bypass, It will attract more traffc: I recognise there are issues with congestion but to build a bypass to provide 'additional capacity' attracts even more... Read more

  • Simon Hunt

    i fully support the bypass being built ,due to the necessity for glossop and the surrounding area ,ease on pollution,mental health,general health ,economics,road safety ,it would have so many benefits... Read more

  • David Franklin

    My interest is regarding the section of proposed highway from 123-133 Mottram Moor. From the latest version of the layout, there is no parking provision shown for these houses. The grass verge would... Read more

  • Keith Povey

    I am in favour of the A57 link road going ahead as it is needed to reduce the traffic congestion in Mottram and Hollingworth

  • Louisa Wilson

    I object to this scheme and would like to raise the following:- - traffic models predict traffic and air congestion to get considerabo.worse in the town centre of Glossop particularly Dinting area. -... Read more

  • Anne Lomax

    I believe the local residents have waited long enough for this bypass and that the work should finally be started.

  • E Naden

    I am concerned re the number of sets of traffic lights as this will involve queueing traffic and more pollution which the By pass should be eliminating.

  • Sport England (Sport England)

    The line of the link road/construction activity appears to affect a disused cricket ground, shown on the aerial image below and also shown on the red line boundary plan between Old Mill Farm Underpass... Read more

  • William George Joseph Owen Russell

    I am a lifelong resident of Glossop (85 years). I am aware that a Bypass has been necessary since 1960which was the year I found myself queuing daily on Mottram Moor to get to work. I believe that if... Read more

  • Carina Humberstone

    I object to the scheme for the following reasons: The scheme would increase traffic. This conflicts with national policies to cut climate change emissions and shift car journeys to walking, cycling... Read more

  • Caroline Wilkinson

    I object to the proposals on the grounds they would be detrimental to my environment and the clean air and green open space I and my children and grandchildren currently enjoy. The building of new... Read more

  • Chris Bangs

    The plan makes no contribution to meeting a reduction in environmental damage along the route and will not ease the unacceptable increase of congestion in Glossop and neighbouring villages. The... Read more

  • David Willis

    At a time when we are battling against the climate emergency, it appears stupid and irresponsible to add additional roads thus encouraging more traffic.

  • John Howe

    The plan will only move the traffic problem's down the A57 into Hollingworth and cause even worse pollution to houses that are much closer to the road and worse congestion at the junction, an utter... Read more

  • Jonathan Atkinson

    I object to the A57 Link Roads for the following reasons: - The scheme will increase traffic around the majority of Glossopdale, in particular on minor and residential roads. - Air pollution improves... Read more

  • Julie Jerram

    As a resident of Godley, Hyde I frequently travel on the A57 in the direction of Glossop/ Woodhead Pass. I know that there is serious traffic congestion and that this is a real inconvenience to... Read more

  • Michele Costa

    More traffic on the snake pass will make it more horrendous than it already is, I drive it to work every day and feel like I take my life in my hands each time, cars overtaking on my side of the road... Read more

  • Rachael Fullard

    It will increase traffic outside our home and through the centre of Glossop which is already very congested and makes commuting much longer. It will increase traffic on snake pass and likely accidents... Read more

  • Stephen Ian Blakemore

    My representations will relate to the following matters:- Air quality impacts & proposed mitigation measures Environmental impacts & proposed mitigation measures Changes to traffic flow quantities... Read more

  • Tom Miller

    the scheme will increase traffic damaging the environment