A47 North Tuddenham to Easton

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 51 to 84 of 84 representations, newest first.

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  • Norfolk Barbastelle Study Group (Norfolk Barbastelle Study Group)

    We are concerned that the Ecological Assessment of the proposed scheme does not adequately consider the short and long-term impacts on the nationally important colony of Western Barbastelle... Read more

  • North Tuddenham Parish Council (North Tuddenham Parish Council)

    Generally, the route met with approval of North Tuddenham PC as it will meet the key objectives of providing a safer and faster route into Norwich and beyond. The complex road interchanges at Wood... Read more

  • Norwich & Norfolk Friends of the Earth (Norwich & Norfolk Friends of the Earth)

    I am extremely concerned about the environmental impact of building new roads in general and the A47 North Tuddenham-Easton in particular This is because the dualling of this road is very much part of... Read more

  • Patricia Day

    I am very concerned by the impact on local wildlife and their unique and specific habitats as yet another new structure encroaches on mature countryside. The increase of capacity anticipated by the... Read more

  • Richard Hawker

    Please can the following topics be explored in the examination. 1) Procedural - initial consultation was late and poor. Early offer to co-operate was declined. Only four options for the route.... Read more

  • Robert Palgrave

    I object to the proposed scheme for these reasons: A. The case for the scheme (at 3.5.1) says that it will increase capacity which means that it will increase traffic growth in Norwich area. This does... Read more

  • South Norfolk Council (South Norfolk Council)

    This letter sets out South Norfolk Council’s Relevant Representation in respect of the application made by Highways England for a Development Consent Order for alterations to a section of the A47... Read more

  • Wild Wings Ecology (Wild Wings Ecology)

    The proposed scheme is located within the 6km radius Core Sustenance Zone of a nationally important 'super-colony' of a very rare Annex II bat species, the western barbastelle (Barbastella... Read more

  • Brown & Co (Brown & Co) on behalf of Alston Farms Ltd (Alston Farms Ltd)

    Respondant: James Alston Submission is made on behalf of James Alston as shareholder and director of Alston Farms Ltd, parent company of Ebony Holdings Ltd as owner of the property known as [redacted]... Read more

  • Alyson Lee

    I would like to register as an interested party for the following reasons:- 1. All new roads mean increased traffic and therefore increased air pollution and carbon emissions. We are in a climate... Read more

  • Savills UK Ltd (Savills UK Ltd) on behalf of Anthony Meynell (Anthony Meynell)

    INTRODUCTION 1. This relevant representation is made on behalf of Mr Anthony Meynell (‘the Owner’), in respect of the application made by Highways England (‘the Applicant’) for development consent for... Read more

  • Breckland Council (Breckland Council)

    Breckland Council, as the host authority for the proposals, has been in discussions with Highways England for some time in relation to the proposed scheme. It welcomes the chance to be an active part... Read more

  • Christine Way

    I object to the proposed scheme for these reasons: A. Increasing capacity means an increase in traffic growth in the Norwich area which is contrary to the national policies for climate change and a... Read more

  • Climate Emergency Planning and Policy CEPP (Climate Emergency Planning and Policy CEPP)

    Dr Andrew Boswell, Climate Emergency Planning and Policy As an independent environmental consultant specialising in science, policy, and law, I object to the A47NTE scheme for these reasons: A. In... Read more

  • David Morton

    Dear Sirs, My representation is that I oppose this scheme, primarily because of the increase in greenhouse gases that would entail not only due to its construction, but the inevitable increase in road... Read more

  • Environment Agency (Environment Agency)

    APPLICATION BY HIGHWAYS ENGLAND FOR AN ORDER GRANTING DEVELOPMENT CONSENT FOR THE A47 NORTH TUDDENHAM TO EASTON PROJECT Please find below our relevant representation for the A47 North Tuddenham to... Read more

  • Brown & Co (Brown & Co) on behalf of Food Enterprise Park Ltd (Food Enterprise Park Ltd)

    Respondent: Food Enterprise Park (FEP) – James Alston as named partyif required FEP are owners and developers of land North of Church Lane, Easton where this an existing LDO for current and future... Read more

  • Gil Murray

    I object to the proposed scheme for these reasons: A.     The traffic and economic modelling uses data, assumptions and projections from before the Covid 19 pandemic.  Recent and future levels of... Read more

  • Hockering Parish Council (Hockering Parish Council)


  • James Brown

    I am a resident of Hockering. I expect my representation to cover the following points. I intend to comment positively on the provision for cycle lanes although I will examine the proposal carefully... Read more

  • Jamie Osborn

    Councillor Jamie Osborn, Green Party I am a Norwich City councillor and Norfolk County councillor. This submission is made independently as my personal submission, and is separate to the Green Party... Read more

  • Jean Bishop

    I am opposed to the proposed scheme as I feel it will have a disasterous impact on the very sensitive Wensum Valley, causing fragmentation, loss or displacement of dimminishing wildlife habitats. Also... Read more

  • Mair Bain

    I object to this scheme because... Road traffic numbers must reduce if the UK is to met legally binding carbon emissions targets. This scheme will increase capacity and increase emissions. Carbon... Read more

  • Brown & Co (Brown & Co) on behalf of Mr Neil Alston (Mr Neil Alston)

    Respondent: Mr Neil Alston Property: Land at East Tuddenham The total Property owned by the Respondent extends to approximately 518ha (1230 acres) of what is primarily productive arable land,... Read more

  • National Grid Gas plc (National Grid Gas plc )

    Submission Withdrawn by letter dated 10 February 2022 [REP10-011] Dear Sir/Madam REPRESENTATION BY NATIONAL GRID GAS PLC (“NGG”) TO THE A47 NORTH TUDDENHAM TO EASTON (“THE PROJECT”) NGG wishes to make... Read more

  • Norfolk Constabulary (Norfolk Constabulary)

    I am the Traffic Management Officer for Norfolk Constabulary and in this respect I am keen to ensure that the roads of Norfolk are made as safe as possible for all road users. This includes improved... Read more

  • Pinsent Masons (Pinsent Masons) on behalf of Norfolk County Council as promoter of Norwich Western Link (Norfolk County Council as promoter of Norwich Western Link )

    This representation is submitted for Norfolk County Council in its capacity as the local highway authority promoting the proposed Norwich Western Link (“NWL scheme”), which is intended to connect to... Read more

  • Orsted Hornsea Project Three UK (Orsted Hornsea Project Three UK)

    This relevant representation is made by Orsted Hornsea Project Three (UK) Limited (“Hornsea Three”) the named undertaker on the Development Consent Order (DCO) for the Hornsea Three Offshore Wind Farm... Read more

  • Public Health England (Public Health England)

    Thank you for your consultation regarding the above development. Public Health England (PHE) welcomes the opportunity to comment on your proposals at this stage of the project. The modelling reported... Read more

  • Steve Hale

    I object to the proposed scheme for these reasons: A. The case for the scheme (at 3.5.1) says that it will increase capacity which means that it will increase traffic growth in Norwich area. This does... Read more

  • David Pett on behalf of Stop Wensum Link (Stop Wensum Link)

    Submissions in relation to the proposed construction of A47 North Tuddenham to Easton (‘Proposed development’) I am a solicitor and a member of the steering committee of the Stop Wensum Link (’SWL’)... Read more

  • Transport Action Network (Transport Action Network)

    Transport Action Network wishes to register an OBJECTION to the proposed scheme on the following grounds: 1. Climate change and increased traffic 2. Cumulative effect of this scheme with other... Read more

  • Vattenfall Wind Power Ltd (Vattenfall Wind Power Ltd)

    Vattenfall Wind Power Limited (VWPL) welcomes the chance to respond to Highways England’s (HE) A47 North Tuddenham to Easton application. VWPL is currently developing the Norfolk Vanguard and Norfolk... Read more

  • Victoria Rance

    I object to the proposed scheme for these reasons: A. The case for the scheme (at 3.5.1) says that it will increase capacity which means that it will increase traffic growth in Norwich area. This does... Read more