M60/M62/M66 Simister Island

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 26 to 50 of 58 representations, newest first.

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  • Mrs Judith Sheppard

    I strongly object to the proposed scheme at Simister Island Interchange. It is one of the busiest motorway junctions in the north-west, and is already within Noise Important Areas (NIA) and Air... Read more

  • Susan Sollazzi

    I object to the proposed scheme at Simister Island Interchange. It is an unsustainable solution to traffic congestion. National Highways should be seeking solutions to alleviate the problems currently... Read more

  • Mair Bain

    I object to the proposed scheme at Simister Island Interchange. Rather than increasing capacity, National Highways should be seeking to reduce demand. Instead of dealing with the severe air and noise... Read more

  • Historic England (Historic England)

    Historic England (formally “The Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England”) is the Government’s adviser on all aspects of the historic environment in England - including historic... Read more

  • WBW Surveyors Ltd (WBW Surveyors Ltd) on behalf of The Massey Family (The Massey Family)

    The scheme proposals involve purchasing some of our land for an attenuation pond. The land in question has been allocated for residential development within the approved Places for Everyone... Read more

  • Pamela Thomas

    I would like to see what screening will be provided to reduce both visual and noise impact of loop being created at Simister Island. I use these MWays on a daily basis and fail to understand how this... Read more

  • Mark Thomas

    I have received all the paperwork regarding this particular project as I have registered an interest because the project affects my local area and home. I’m finding it difficult to understand how/why... Read more

  • Martyn John WEST

    I have made submissions to the HA project manager for provision of lighting in the Hawswater underpass and provided information regarding usage of the underpass as it needs significant work to make it... Read more

  • Climate Emergency Planning and Policy (Climate Emergency Planning and Policy)

    Dr Andrew Boswell, Climate Emergency Planning and Policy Independent environmental consultant specialising in climate science, policy, and law. The environmental statement for the scheme, including... Read more

  • Natural England (Natural England)

    Please see attached letter.

  • Cadent Gas (Cadent Gas)

    Representation by Cadent Gas Limited (Cadent) to the M60/M62/M66 Simister Island Development Consent Orders (DCO) Cadent is a licensed gas transporter under the Gas Act 1986, with a statutory... Read more

  • Lorraine Eagling

    I object to the proposed scheme at Simister Island Interchange. It is one of the busiest motorway junctions in the north-west, and is already within Noise Important Areas (NIA) and Air Quality... Read more

  • Robert Palgrave

    I object to the proposed scheme at Simister Island Interchange. Carbon emissions would be increased by 62,013 tonnes during construction, and 151,090 tonnes over 60 years due to the increased traffic.... Read more

  • Lisa Ridley

    I object to the proposed scheme at Simister Island Interchange. It is one of the busiest motorway junctions in the north-west, and is already within Noise Important Areas (NIA) and Air Quality... Read more

  • Renate Aspden

    I object to the proposed scheme at Simister Island Interchange. It is one of the busiest motorway junctions in the north-west, and is already within Noise Important Areas (NIA) and Air Quality... Read more

  • Diane Plunkett

    This development will have huge negatives impact on the area, affecting flora and fauna which is already compromised. If the proposed development takes place, the effect will be permanent and will... Read more

  • Julie Hay

    I object to the proposed scheme at Simister Island Interchange. Given Greater Manchester's adopted spatial plan will release more than 2,400 hectares of Green Belt for development any additional loss... Read more

  • Paula Jane Hickey

    Poor air quality and local respiratory disease rates Loss of biodiversity and habitats Increased noise level Increased level of Particulates contributing to local ill health

  • Save Greater Manchester's Green Belt (Save Greater Manchester's Green Belt)

    We object to the proposed scheme at Simister Island Interchange. Both St Margaret's C of E Primary School ( 200m from the M62) and Parrenthorn High School (300m away from M62 & M60) are too close and... Read more

  • Anne Robinson

    When I put in my response it destroyed the format of two tables making them difficult to read. I have therefore sent my registration comments via email to PINS.

  • David Frankal

    I am writing as an individual (long-time and soon returning resident of Greater Manchester). I oppose this project as I believe it is fundamentally irresponsible to plough such sums of money into yet... Read more

  • Ian Hillary

    The use of land in the proposal is not space efficient and will increase the cost of the scheme, not representing the best value for public money. Attenuation Pond 1 could be located closer to the... Read more

  • Peter Thompson

    1. I object to the proposed scheme at Simister Island Interchange. 2. National Highways have only ever proposed or examined variations of a roadbuilding scheme, NEVER any non-road building... Read more

  • Bury Council (Bury Council)

    This communication is in response to the invitation to ‘Register to have your say about a national infrastructure project’. Bury Council as the host authority to the project has been involved in the... Read more

  • Roger Hannah Limited (Roger Hannah Limited) on behalf of Joseph Holt Limited (Joseph Holt Limited)

    M60/M62/M66 Simister Island Interchange, Development Consent Order, 2024. Owner: Joseph Holt Ltd Property: Frigate Public House, Thatch Leach Lane, Manchester M45 6FW Plot Numbers: 1/33a & 1/33b We... Read more