Chwiliwch yn ôl yr unigolyn neu'r grŵp sy'n gwneud y cyflwyniad neu gynnwys y cyflwyniad.
- Health - Former tip site - Pollution - Noise - Dust - Environmental destruction - Landscape destruction - Wellbeing - Increased travel via local roads - Mental health - Aviation fuel & pipelines -...
Darllen mwy
Impact on local roads traffic congestion Impact on wild life as this green space is so important to local flora and fauna. Impact on mental well being of people who live locally, traffic fumes liss of...
Darllen mwy
I would like to express my whole hearted support for this expansion. I think the boost in jobs and monetary terms to the local economy (inc community groups) will be most welcome as the town continues...
Darllen mwy
Cholesbury-cum-St Leonards Parish is currently affected by noise from aircraft using the Compton SID. This is especially true when many flights deviate to the south of the prescribed track over higher...
Darllen mwy
The plan to expand the airport will cause significant harm to the local area, the environment and the people who live here. It's horrendously noisy as it is. Our infrastructure cannot support the...
Darllen mwy
Pollution, increased traffic, loss of Wigmore park , noise, aviation fuel smell
The main issue is the concerns regarding Wigmore Park a lovely park full of wild life and protected plants.I am also concerned regarding pollution from planes and noise levels as we live very close by...
Darllen mwy
As an interested party, I am concerned about a number of issues including environment of the area. Also about passenger safety.
Loss of green spaces i.e. Wigmore Park, Wandon End Loss of natural habitat for many species of animals, birds, plants etc, especially when governments and councils are supposedly concerned and looking...
Darllen mwy
We live approximately 6 miles from the airport, We are under the flight path to the south. We live adjacent to the B653, which is becoming heavily congested, and a well used "rat-run" to Luton...
Darllen mwy
This is going to having a big changes to the quality of air and all the pollution in the car with all the extra cars and plains.
The road infrastructure cannot cope with an expansion of the airport. Also wigmore valley park will be destroyed and wild life will be lost. The noise from the airport and fuel smells are bad enough...
Darllen mwy
Having recently bought a house in the area, an increase in noise levels (and road traffic) would be terrible both in terms of living standards as well as market value, and that makes me totally...
Darllen mwy
I am concerned about day to day noise pollution as we are directly under the flight path of incoming aircraft. We enjoy sitting in the garden especially in summer months but the noise from aircraft...
Darllen mwy
The projections for the growth in the demand for air travel are highly contentious, and many factors may cause this demand to be substantially lower. For example : I believe governments will act...
Darllen mwy
The London Luton Airport expansion will bring my home more close to the proximity and living near an airport has natural hazards e.g. increasing noise pollution round the clock, road traffic...
Darllen mwy
The town cannot cope with existing traffic going to and from airport let alone an increase. The noise from the aircraft is unacceptable for people living under the flight path. To increase numbers of...
Darllen mwy
The impact of the expansion on myself and my children will be an increase of noise pollution, air pollution and sleep deprivation. At the moment planes wake us up during the early hours around 3am,...
Darllen mwy
My main concerns with the expansion of the airport are the increase in air traffic, as aircraft frequently fly directly over my property and an increased frequency would have a significant impact....
Darllen mwy
Good evening, I hope this message finds you well. I do not agree with Luton Airport expansion proposal as the flights are already affecting my life. Having the landing route right above our house I am...
Darllen mwy
I strongly disagree with the plans to extend Luton Airport. One major concern is POLLUTION - Luton already has high levels of Pollution and I live with some [Redacted]. There will be an initial...
Darllen mwy
Good afternoon I trust that this message will finds you well I am not agreeing with the Luton Airport expansion proposal as the flights are having the landing route exactly over our house. An increase...
Darllen mwy
I want to tell you about the blight the Airport causes. I live on the north edge of St Albans. Primarily planes take off going towards the west and then, in the main, turn 180 degrees to fly east just...
Darllen mwy
The London Luton Airport expansion will bring my home more close to the proximity and living near an airport has natural hazards e.g. increasing noise pollution round the clock, road traffic...
Darllen mwy
Planning Inspectorate reference no TR020001. My home is under the flight path for landing at the present time and we are already disturbed by noise levels, particularly on sunny bright days when we...
Darllen mwy