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Here is a list of bullet points I would like to discuss: - Ownership of the airport and a conflict of interest - Shortcomings of previous Planning decisions - Failure to bring in noise mitigation...
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I am against the expansion due to the adverse impact on the surrounding area. This includes noise, pollution, increased road congestion, impact on countryside and wildlife, decreased quality of life...
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Airport Luton should be expanded
Luton airport growth will help support the economy of the area.
I wish to object to any further expansion
1. Target for increased passenger numbers is too high and not compatible with the climate emergency. 2. Control of development impacts is too loose (for example, if planes are too noisy there should...
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The main issues are the affects of the expansion on the quality of life over the three counties. The impact of the increase in aircraft will impact; wildlife, sleep of local residents, destruction of...
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I’m 100% against this proposed project
I think this expansion is a positive thing for Luton because of: * the big difference that Luton Rising's annual contribution to front line services and charities has and does make to supporting the...
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I want clarity and evidence that the following will not be an issue after airport expansion. 1. Noise 2. Pollution 3. Increased traffic 4. Parking 5. That job creation for local people at the airport...
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My concerns about this expansion are: Light pollution Noise polllution Air Pollution Incresased traffic/parking issues Loss of natural habitat Location of airport being on a hill makes it unsuitable...
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a) I have been told by my Estate Agent that the London-Luton airport expansion would de-value my property by 5% b) Noise pollution would dramatically increase if air traffic increases by 80% c)...
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I am very anxious about the proposed expansion of Luton Airport. Life in the village is already adversely affected by the constant flow of planes causing us to stop speaking and having to turn the...
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I am against the application, it will cause irrevocable damage to the local wildlife & green areas. At a time when green & park space is more vital to the health and well-being of humans and nature...
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- There has previously been a lack of enforcement of planning conditions. Independent noise monitoring and effective control is now vital; - There was only very limited chance for the general public...
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The new proposed plans will exacerbate issues we have dealing for years which include: -Extreme noise pollution of flights that occurs during the day and through the night -decreased air quality...
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I wish to register a complaint about the expansion of Luton Airport. Not only will this cause more air pollution with increase of flights but also the volume of traffic. This Summer we have already...
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hedgerow restoration and screening needs to be compatible with the landowners ongoing use of the land and not affect its development potential.
Thank you for the opportunity to register as an interested party for the proposed scheme. The Woodland Trust strongly opposes the proposed scheme due to its direct impact on T343, an ancient ash tree...
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I live on the flight path. The noise from the aircraft impacts on my sleep and I can often hear the noise even over my TV and if I have friends round. With more traffic this will really impact my...
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Effects on living conditions for my household and community if expansion is approved. My village is in direct line of significant impact and the proposed expansion would be extremely detrimental to...
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My concerns are many but include the increase in crime from people travelling into the country just to commit crime. I caught burglars in my neighbours house and they had flown in to commit crime &...
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I believe that expansion is not needed in Luton. The council must focus on creating other green clean jobs.
My concerns and objections are 4 fold. 1). SAFETY. I live directly below the flight path in LU1 3RW, roughly 5 to 10 seconds from the planes touching down on the runway, so I hear when the landings...
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Take off noise impacts on day to day life as cannot hear a conversation. Flights late at night, early Sunday morning are both busy times which do break sleep patterns. Aviation fuel odour unpleasant....
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