
London Luton Airport Expansion

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Showing 276 to 300 of 1603 representations, newest first.

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  • Janice Bignell

    Great disruption to the wildlife in the area, not to mention the loss of mature trees and shrubs. Increase in flights will also bring a significant increase in air pollution. More Sleep deprivation to... Read more

  • Javed Hussain

    the job created by the airport DCO The social value The planes will become greener to offset CO2 emmissions

  • Jeffrey Sloley

    This project must not go ahead. it will have negative impacts on myself, my family and the people of Luton and surrounding areas, during construction and during operation: Significantly increased... Read more

  • Karolina Taflaj

    I would like to oppose the Luton Airport Expansion. [REDACTED] and increased traffic (both from cars and planes) would cause so much more pollution it is truly worrying. We live at the back of the... Read more

  • Mark Welch

    Hugely detrimental environmental impact which will increase over time, including loss of leisure facilities, destruction of green spaces, damaging air pollution, especially relevant considering the... Read more

  • Mr Mesut Meral

    It will be too noisy, it will affect the environment negative way.

  • NOAH Enterprise (NOAH Enterprise)

    Dear Sir I am writing in support of Luton Risings plan for growth. As a recipient of the ‘Community Investment Programme’ our services have received funding for more than a decade which has generated... Read more

  • Sophie Lesley Alexandra MacDonald

    The expansion of the airport will lead to an increase in air pollution, [REDACTED}. The destruction of wigmore park will get rid of trees and fauna that are so vital to the park’s wildlife in the face... Read more

  • Stepping Stones Luton (Stepping Stones Luton)

    Luton Rising has been, and continues to be, an essential funder of our charity. Without this critical funding, Stepping Stones Luton would not be able to provide life changing support to hundreds of... Read more

  • Thomas Laskowski

    I would like to be an "interested party" to able to examine Luton Airport's plan to increase passenger numbers from 18 to 32 million. This would have a significant impact to my day to day life in... Read more

  • Women's Aid in Luton (Women's Aid in Luton)

    I am writing on behalf of the Board of Trustees of Women’s Aid in Luton, and we are pleased to learn that Luton Rising has submitted an application that will support Luton’s airport long-term... Read more

  • Adam Azariah Pinney

    I am concerned that the environmental undertakings of this project are insufficient. There are many statements along the lines of "We will encourage ...", which might have no effect. While targets are... Read more

  • Craig Osborne

    I am concerned about the noise extra flights will bring and the number of cars that are dumped on surrounding streets

  • david Michael greenhalgh

    I get woken up by the planes taking off in the morning and they are constant annoyance through out the day. Why they don't fly over Luton and have to fly over Harpenden day in and day out

  • Deborah Catt

    The expansion of Luton Airport will have a massive impact on the physical and mental health and well being of everyone living in the surrounding area. This area is already blighted by the serious... Read more

  • Gary Paul

    I live in Luton near the airport we get get planes flying from 5.30 am to 1.30 am all the time and at least 4 to 6 flights though the night the airport just does what it likes

  • Gaynor Hulford

    Missing details about highway changes within the locality of the airport. Missing details on how LAE plan to encourage passengers to park at the airport and not in the local neighbourhoods Missing... Read more

  • Hilary Gelling

    Flight paths changed over last few years and significant increase in noise especially early morning and late at night. Severe sleep deprivation and disturbed sleep. I cannot have windows open at night... Read more

  • Jason Handscombe

    I object to this proposal. It will mean more noise pollution, air pollution and traffic congestion to areas around the airport. The areas under the landing and take off flight paths are densely... Read more

  • John Gelling

    Noise Pollution Extra traffic

  • Linda Downie

    I am very upset at the thought of any more aeroplanes coming and going from Luton Airport. The pollution level is bad enough at the moment and as for the traffic around this area, well, its out of... Read more

  • Lorraine King

    I object to the likelihood of increased noise disturbance (particularly early morning and evening); increased road traffic on already crowded and unsuitable roads, affecting our daily lives; air... Read more

  • Mr. R M St. J Fairholm

    1. There are already issues with the level of traffic flows on major roads approaching Luton. 2. Traffic congestion within the town that cannot be improved. 3. Currently already insufficient parking... Read more

  • Paul Douglas

    Aircraft vectoring is ubiqitous, and results in jets flying low over my home address, which is a risk to a residential area; including noise pollution and fuel emissions pollution - I have observed... Read more

  • Peter Saul

    Not happy with the increase of airplanes flying into Luton .