
London Luton Airport Expansion

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Showing 301 to 325 of 1603 representations, newest first.

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  • Richard Fisher

    1. We suffer daily from the noise of regularly flights over and near our house. It wakes up us and our children. We live on what should be a quiet residential road next to the golf course in... Read more

  • Rosemary Fenton

    Luton Airport is close to where we live. Any expansion will be very detrimental to our enjoyment of our home.

  • Sara Smith

    Increased frequency of flights leading to sleep disturbance, inability to converse outside. increased Air pollution Increase of traffic in country lanes may contribute to hazardous driving conditions.

  • Sarah Jane Brenman

    My main concerns about this proposed project are with regards to negative impacts to local people and surrounding communities associated with a projected 60% increase in flights per year. For example;... Read more

  • Cherry Newbery

    The proposed vast increase in additional traffic and the pollution it brings with it, not only from passengers, but also from heavy commercial vehicles will affect my family's health and way of life... Read more

  • Christine Elizabeth Palmer

    Expansion of Luton Airport will mean a huge increase in air pollution, probable grid-lock on the surrounding roads and enormous local disturbance. Is expansion really necessary?


    With Luton Rising’s incredibly generous support over recent years, CHUMS has become a Luton-inspired Children and Young People (CYP) and adult’s mental health success story, supporting around 3,500... Read more

  • Clare Heloise Duke

    Increasing passenger numbers from 18 million to 32 million is unrealistic. The infrastructure of Luton will be severely disrupted and is inadequate to deal with such an increase. Pollution will rise... Read more

  • David Jones

    The huge increase in aircraft noise and CO2 emissions over Caddington. Aircraft noise when planes are landing on from the west has always been dismissed by the Luton Rising team. The huge increase in... Read more

  • Donald Hugh Reeves

    Demand for expansion is unproven and Luton is the wrong site if expanded services become needed. Today transport systems other than planes are preferred.We will suffer mental health problems caused by... Read more

  • Gareth Phillips

    * The current noise from aircraft landing/taking off from the airport can be deafening over the memorial Park/West Hill road area of Luton. It is impossible to hold a conversation when a plane is... Read more

  • James Henry Loweth

    I object to the application on the grounds of pollution, increased road traffic and general disturbance.

  • Jerry Gallaher

    AIR QUALITY: The increase in flights & consequently aircraft emissions will be significant. And claims that next generation aircraft will mitigate this are simply untrue. Electric and/or... Read more

  • Keech Hospice Care (Keech Hospice Care)

    Keech Hospice Care is delighted to learn that Luton Rising has submitted its application for the long-term sustainable growth of the airport. It is therefore timely that we take this opportunity to... Read more

  • Margareta Christina Reeves

    It is wrong to expand polluting travel and Luton is not suitable for expansion. We will experience mental health problems like others living near airports especially with 45 flights an hour every hour... Read more

  • Muriel Crawford

    I am very much against the expansion of Luton Airport and strongly oppose it! It would mean more air and noise pollution and disturbances over Harpenden. In addition, it would increase traffic on our... Read more

  • Paul Roy Harris

    I have concerns regarding the expansion of Wigmore Lane and Eaton Green Road into dual carriage way. These two roads are primarily residential. Why cause major disruption in a heavy populated area... Read more

  • Peter Mannell

    1) Luton airport is effectively owned by Luton Borough Council, therefore any approvals by LBC include "self-interest". This is blatently undemocratic. 2) Inadequate provision for the increase in... Read more

  • Peter Thomas

    Airport expansion to have significant negative impact on individuals and community in Harpenden from perspective of noise pollution, general pollution and congestion. Current mitigation plans are not... Read more

  • Roger Fox

    Airport expansion does not fit national requirements to reduce carbon emissions. Infrastructure of surrounding services and access routes are insufficient for expansion, whos undeclared purposes are... Read more

  • Sarah Neilson

    1. Noise levels have already increased significantly over the past 6 years I have lived at this address. They will increase even further if the expansion goes ahead. 2. Flight paths are being eroded... Read more

  • Sheila Margaret Loweth

    I object to the application because of pollution, road traffic and other disturbance.

  • St. Paul's Walden Parish Council (St. Paul's Walden Parish Council)

    The Parish Council is interested in both the positive and negative aspects of the expansion of the airport. It wishes to represent all the residents of the parish in any comments it makes about the... Read more

  • Trevor Beckwith

    Luton Airport Expansion: Luton Airport should not expand due to several compelling reasons. Expansion plans may bring short-term benefits, such as increased capacity and potential economic growth, but... Read more

  • David Mulholland

    The current volume of daily overflights is already very disruptive to day-to-day life in terms of noise disturbance and therefore a large increase in flight numbers will make the noise problem even... Read more