
London Luton Airport Expansion

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Showing 251 to 275 of 1603 representations, newest first.

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  • Cawleys (Cawleys)

    The importance of the project for the town

  • Clive Gresswell

    We already suffer from significant aircraft noise which will only increase with expansion. As it is we often have to stop talking mid-conversation every five minutes as an aeroplane goes over.... Read more

  • Daryl Anne Pritchard

    Concerned about increasing traffic in the residential areas around the airport. Level of noise from increase in number of aircraft flying in and out of Luton. Increase of engine testing at night and... Read more

  • George Nedelchev

    Strictly against Luton Airport expansion. This people do not care about people, who lives in the town or on surrounded neighbour areas. This people do not know, what is our children to wake up crying... Read more

  • Hayward Tyler Ltd (Hayward Tyler Ltd)

    Hayward Tyler Ltd support the new Luton Rising proposal. Our company manufactures pumps and motors for energy sector markets, including nuclear, oil and gas and clean energy, with customers across the... Read more

  • hazel furssedonn

    volume traffic .lack of wildlife habitat. mental health through noise and smell of aviation fuel . more traffic not just extra volume of passengers but extra staff coming into area .more green space... Read more

  • Headway Luton (Headway Luton)

    On behalf of Headway Luton I fully support the Luton Rising expansion plans that will directly benefit many charity organisations in Luton financially by increasing the economic prosperity of Luton in... Read more

  • Janet Cummings

    Impact on environment, particularly wildlife, light pollution and noise pollution. Lack of infrastructure of roads, impact on local population especially local parking and the total lack consideration... Read more

  • John Milligan

    Concerns about traffic congestion and noise and air pollution

  • Kwok Man

    Major impact to our environment at a time when we should be looking at reducing our Co2 emissions. Impact on the local environment and residents. Is serving 18 million passengers not enough, always a... Read more

  • Christine Ann Moroni on behalf of Moroni (Moroni)

    I live under the flight path of LUTON Airport and this enormous increase in passengers and flights would impact on my environment.

  • Philip Antony Streeter

    This proposed expansion of Luton airport by Luton Council is a development that will cause untold damage to the environment and ruin the quality of life to the residents of the town. The airport is... Read more

  • Sophia Blackburn

    I reject the application for LLA to be expanded for the following reasons that hugely impact me and my family: Noise that will be created over Harpenden in the huge increase in aircraft 50% more... Read more

  • Stephen Marcus

    I do not see how it can be right for Luton Airport to increase capacity. It is not in line with Britain's net zero commitment. It will add to the poor air quality in Luton also.

  • Susie Winstanley

    My comment is very simple. We are in a climate emergency and without a sustainable alternative to aviation (there isn't one) we should not be planning to grow the sector. This is a crazy decision to... Read more

  • Timothy Hannagan

    I live in the Southdown area of Harpenden some 2kms from the Childwickbury flight path and strongly object to any increase in air traffic to and from this airport. My principle objection is to the... Read more

  • University of Bedfordshire (University of Bedfordshire)

    I am delighted to have this opportunity to outline some of the benefits we experience as partners of Luton airport, and some of those we foresee because of its expansion. As well as accessibility for... Read more

  • Wendy Campbell-Maughan

    The increase that has been proposed is far to much and will ruin people’s lives and the countryside and will be ruined. On top of that, local houses, where I live, will be financially hit badly as... Read more

  • Yasmin Milligan

    Parking is already a major problem for residents in the Wigmore area because of people using the airport, expansion will only make this worse. The air quality and exhaust smells are already poor... Read more

  • Active Luton (Active Luton)

    Support for Luton Rising’s Proposals to Expand London Luton Airport I am writing on behalf of Active Luton, a community wellbeing trust operating and delivering leisure, health and wellbeing, library... Read more

  • Barnfield College (Barnfield College)

    As a long-term partner of Luton Airport, Barnfield College fully supports proposals to increase capacity at the airport by expanding the current terminal and building a new terminal and associated... Read more

  • David Crowhurst on behalf of Crowhurst (Crowhurst)

    We are concerned about this proposal due to its impacts on the local area: Loss of local amenity and ecological habitat - specifically the Wigmore Valley Park area The changes proposed to transport... Read more

  • Eamon Hailes

    Apart from the obvious environmental damage of all the extra flights and the harmful emmissions this will produce. I personally will suffer from increased traffic noise and pollution from the widening... Read more


    I am a resident of Hertfordshire living directly under the Match- detling departure route for planes leaving luton airport.My life is already severely affected by constant noise from aircraft flying... Read more

  • Inspire FM (Inspire FM)

    We are pleased to learn that Luton Rising has submitted its application for the long-term sustainable growth at the airport. Support from Luton Rising has helped many local projects flourish and that... Read more