
London Luton Airport Expansion

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Showing 851 to 875 of 1603 representations, newest first.

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  • Chancellor’s School (Chancellor’s School) on behalf of Danielle Louise Durant-Taylor (Danielle Louise Durant-Taylor)

    Herts County Council have declared a climate emergency. The facts of climate change and nature loss are indisputable. No airport should be expanding. The Luton area suffers from terrible air... Read more

  • David Endon Stuart Shipley

    I wish to register my objection to the proposed expansion of London Luton Airport’s annual passenger limit from 18 million to 32 million. My concerns are as follows: Governance and financial... Read more

  • David Morton

    In 2012, Luton Airport had stated that reaching a growth of 18 million passengers by 2028 would be sufficient to support local employment opportunities and bolster the regional economy. Luton Rising... Read more


    The project allows for the increase of passengers from 18 million passengers per annum to 32 million. My house is directly beneath the landing flight path when approaching from the east and when this... Read more

  • Debbie Case

    I am very much against this expansion as my house is directly under the flightpath when planes land from the west over Dunstable Downs. When I moved here over 10 years ago air traffic was much less... Read more

  • Deborah Manners

    I would like to know about this project as it may have a number of impacts on the environment in my area

  • Dominic Edward Burnell

    I object to the proposed london Luton Airport expansion, under Planning Inspectorate ref number TR020001. My essential objections are: 1. It will massively increase the noise levels over my property... Read more

  • Elizabeth Hamilton

    Others will no doubt be submitting detailed and technical comments about the 'Luton Rising' proposals. My comments are very simple. I wish to object in the strongest possible terms to the proposal to... Read more

  • Ethos Farm (Ethos Farm)

    I write in relation to London Luton Airport DCO Application and would love to show our support. Luton Airport is an amazing transport hub and its amazing that the airport already supports 16,800 jobs... Read more

  • Fiona Margaret Bloomfield

    I wish to full object to the expansion of Luton Airport Reasons: Disruption to sleep at night due to increasing flights including freight The impact to the surrounding environment Impact to air... Read more

  • Gail Jackson

    I cant believe that anyone is considering expansion of Luton airport. We have a climate emergency - plane travel contributes horrific amounts of CO2 into our atmosphere. Feel the temperature now..... Read more

  • Gary Moore

    Reasons why I’m totally against the expansion: The destruction of green space, the felling of trees on the A505 to incorporate the dual carriageways. The massive increase in pollution from the... Read more

  • George Edward Perkins

    I wish to strongly oppose the expansion of Luton Airport from 18 to 32 million passengers a year for the following reasons: Air pollution [REDACTED] and am sure I am affected by the pollution caused... Read more

  • Gulielma Butcher

    There is much poverty in Luton which is not recognised nationally. Airport expansion will create jobs and add to the town's economy, plus points needed to have a social input and finance services. The... Read more

  • Hampton Inn by Hilton London Luton Airport (Hampton Inn by Hilton London Luton Airport)

    Full support the project and the economic, social and environmental benefits

  • Hayley Daniels-Lake

    The infrastructure is nowhere near big enough to support the plans. I have seen the plans for the roads which will ruin the local area and often these plans such as wigmore(?) With 4 traffic lights... Read more

  • Heidi Walker

    Noise pollution Air pollution Traffic problems

  • Tim North & Associates Ltd (Tim North & Associates Ltd) on behalf of Holiday Extras Ltd (Holiday Extras Ltd)

    These comments are raised on behalf of Holiday Extras Ltd, a leading UK distributor of on- and off-airport car parking spaces. My clients sell a range of holiday related products in addition to... Read more

  • Ian Laidler

    I am directly affrected by this proposal and would like the opportunity to comment further at a later date

  • Jan Dvorak

    Luton Rising wrote to me on 9 May 2023, as someone who may be entitled to make a claim for compensation as a result of the implementation of the proposed development. I wish to object to the proposed... Read more

  • Jane B Read

    Environmental impact of expanded aircraft facilities anywhere as we seek to reduce our CO2 emissions. Goes against our national targets. Infrastructure gains must be in line with these. Already 3... Read more

  • Jane Payton

    Considering the environmental crisis that the world is facing I think that any expansion that involves an increase in the use of fossil fuels is totally irresponsible. The increase in noise pollution... Read more

  • Janet Gerrard-Wright

    I would like to be kept in the loop regarding these plans as I am concerned about the environmental impact and increased flight traffic.

  • Janice Sharon Burnell

    I object to the proposed London Luton Airport expansion, under planning inspectorate ref number TR020001.My key objections are : 1.Noise levels of aircraft flying over my home will affect my quality... Read more

  • Jason Owen

    Being in Dagnall I’m concerned for the detrimental effects such as the huge increase in volume of flights and the extra noise they will cause I’m surprised the govt thinks the expansion is good when... Read more