
London Luton Airport Expansion

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Showing 926 to 950 of 1603 representations, newest first.

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  • Steve Lyons

    Having lived in Slip End for over 40 years, aircraft traffic has increased considerably over the years. Whilst most of the very noisy early aircraft have been updated over the years, the number of... Read more

  • Stop Luton Airport Expansion (Stop Luton Airport Expansion)

    As a volunteer I represent the group Stop Luton Airport Expansion (SLAE) and as the name suggests the group are opposed to the airport's DCO application for expansion. For clarity, we are not opposed... Read more

  • Sue Eldridge

    • Planning conditions were imposed to safeguard residential amenity and to accord with the objectives of Policy LP1 and LLA1 of the Luton Local Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework. Nothing... Read more

  • Susan Heselton

    The currant amount of flights from Luton affect me and my family. The noise levels are clearly heard in our garden and surrounding area. There are days when we can actually TASTE aircraft fuel and... Read more

  • Suzanne Brown

    It is disappointing that at a time when we should be focussing on reducing the use of fossil fuels an expansion of Luton airport is being proposed. All the inhabitants of earth deserve better than... Read more

  • Mike Blaser on behalf of The Blaser Family (The Blaser Family)

    I am concerned about the overall plans to increase airport capacity as it will increase the existing impact of the airport on the immediate area. We live 750 yards from the landing flight path final... Read more

  • The wilson household (The wilson household) on behalf of The wilson household (The wilson household)

    Health. Detrimental to everyone in close vicinity to planes taking off or coming in to land. The plane is the most polluting means of transport. Noise When outside our house, we can't hear or speak... Read more

  • Tracey Back

    I am concerned about the extra traffic this is going to cause around an already congested town. I am worried about air pollution with all the extra traffic and more flights I understand it will bring... Read more

  • Stephen Walker on behalf of Walker Household (Walker Household)

    Having lived in the village for 15 years plus, the noise and impact from taking off flights has become a low worse over this period. The flights rarely went directly over our property, but in recent... Read more

  • Watermill Estate Residents' Association (Watermill Estate Residents' Association)

    We wish to express concern over the proposed expansion of Luton airport for the following reasons: • Noise disturbance from aircraft flying over our area in Hertford has increased considerably over... Read more

  • Wendy Molefi

    I would like to register my objection to the expansion of Luton airport. The noise pollution over Kensworth village is unacceptable and detrimental to our health especially with planes flying all... Read more

  • Wingrave with Rowsham Parish Council (Wingrave with Rowsham Parish Council)

    The Parish Council is concerned about the increase in the number of flights and the flight path(s) affecting the immediate air quality in and around Luton as this Parish is under current flight paths... Read more

  • Zenobia Lewis

    I am writing to register my strong opposition to the expansion of Luton Airport. I find it shocking that in this day and age of the climate crisis, an expansion of a major UK airport is even being... Read more

  • A Dodd

    Luton is the most polluted town of its size in the country. Money should be invested in more sustainable forms of transport at this point in the climate emergency we are all facing.

  • Adrian Alexander Cunningham

    I object to the airport expansion due to: Increased average noise level particularly late evening and early morning from frequent flights will degrade my quality of life, noting that we generally want... Read more

  • Adrian Sutcliffe

    The expansion of the airport will cause massive noise pollution, congestion, parking problems and loss of local amenities for the local neighbourhoods. The closure of the tidy tip will cause an... Read more

  • Akbur Ghafoor

    I fully support the expansion of London Luton Airport. The convenience Luton Airport offers for the South East in terms of ease of access to the rest of the planet, without the need to travel to other... Read more

  • Alan Haworth

    While I understand the thinking behind the proposal. I object to the noise, Also the number of aircraft that request new vectors that fly over the residential area (Farley Hill). I have lived in Luton... Read more

  • Alex Haden

    The park is the only green space in the area, I have a lot of fond memories there, and it's a great place to walk when I want to return to the countryside. When I was growing up in Luton, it was a... Read more

  • Alex Huzzey

    Air travel is not sustainable. Climate change threatens all of us, particularly those in developing countries. It is insane that we are even considering investing in more airport capacity rather than... Read more

  • Alex Newnham

    We are witnessing climate breakdown that demands urgent action from the UK as a country. To increase airport capacity in this period is a terrifying decision, and one that we cannot take if we are to... Read more

  • Alexa Hicks

    I am a resident of Wheathampstead which is already badly affected by air traffic to/from Luton Airport. I wish to express my opposition to the expansion proposals. The proposals will have a... Read more

  • Alison Clare Ascott

    The number of flights passing over my house and the excessive aircraft noise level has become unbearable. Early in the morning flights pass over my home continuously where I am still able to hear the... Read more

  • Alison Cunningham

    I’m very concerned about the environmental impact of the proposed expansion. The noise levels will be unbearable for people in the area. Parkland will be destroyed and wildlife will be severely... Read more

  • Alison Janet Ewer

    The airport expansion will severely impact the quality of life and well-being of myself, my family and my local community. The increased air pollution resulting from the expansion will cause a growth... Read more