
Manston Airport

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1401 to 1425 of 2052 representations, newest first.

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  • Barry Thomas

    Dear Sirs, Objection to the re-opening of Manston airport to support a cargo hub on environmental reasons and financial viability. Viabilty: Council money spent on three previous occasions... Read more

  • Benn Abel

    In my opinion re opening the airport can only be a good thing for the are. It will be good for .. Jobs, local businesses & the local economy With the new planes these days I don’t feel that... Read more

  • Carole Mackay Howard

    Please see attached

  • Carolyn Ottewill

    I am writing to you as I am against a cargo airport at Manston. The prospect of large (polluting) aircraft flying low over Ramsgate worries me and I wish to make you aware of this. I am directly... Read more

  • Catherine Handley

    Please see attached

  • Claire Edwards

    I would like to oppose against the plan to reinstate the airport The main reasons for this are the disruption to my whole family’s sleep and quality of life. And all other family’s in the are. The... Read more

  • Colin Mackay Howard

    Please see attached

  • David Dagley

    To whom it may concern, Way back in the early 80's I met[Redacted]( MP North Thanet Con.) at a friend's house. He told me he had a dream that Thanet should become once more the 'Pleasure Isle of... Read more

  • David Jones

    Please see attached

  • Environment Agency (Environment Agency)

    Please see letter sent via email

  • Frank Brown

    Thanet is not and will never been a airport hub, Using cargo planes which won't be well maintained once landed still got to move what ever cargo to its destination using more diesel/petrol. What... Read more

  • Grant Mackay-Howard

    Please see attached

  • Heathrow Airport Limited (Heathrow Airport Limited)

    I write on behalf of Heathrow Airport Limited, the owner and operator of Heathrow Airport, to register as an interested party. We wish to reserve the right to make representations on any matters... Read more

  • Hilary Scott

    I am a housewife living on Nethercourt Estate. I am against the granting of a DCO for a 24/7 Freight Hub at Manston and ask you the Planning Inspectorate to fully investigate RSP’s proposals as very... Read more

  • Historic England (Historic England)

    Historic England is a Non-Departmental Public Body that advises government about the historic environment and has a statutory role in the planning system. Central to our role is the advice we give to... Read more

  • Holly Booth

    I object to RSPs application for a DCO on the basis that they have consistently mislead residents on the issue of night flights. I request that the inspectorate does not grant this application... Read more

  • Jacquline Marks

    Please see attached

  • James Booth

    I object to night flights from the Manston site due to the noise and air pollution. I ask that the inspectorate limit night flights to emergency and humanitarian only.

  • James Hose

    I object to RiverOak’s proposals as being unrealistic and detrimental to the wellbeing of the local residents of Thanet. I do not believe RivderOak is a viable company to progress the application... Read more

  • Jane Travers

    Ramsgate is a quiet, peaceful place. Constant night flights, enormous planes, lorries, fuel, all would create noise and disturb our peace. Pollution would also pollute our lovely clean sea air. No... Read more

  • Jayne Watley

    As a resident living under one of the proposed flight paths and regularly using the local roads, I am horrified that this proposal is even being considered, my main concerns being:- 1) the increased... Read more

  • Jeremy de Rose

    I wish to cover several points: the importance of the airport to both the local and the wider regional economy, to include the regeneration of one of the poorest areas of the SE, re-establishing... Read more

  • John Smart

    Please see attached

  • John Thompson

    Please see attached

  • Julia Morawiec

    I have concerns for any development to Manston airport as I live in Herne bay and any planes in and out of Manston come right over my house. They are normally flying low and noisy. This would cause... Read more