
Manston Airport

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1426 to 1450 of 2052 representations, newest first.

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  • Julian Perry

    As a former long-time resident, friend and relation to residents and regular visitor to Thanet, I wish to lodge my opposition to the current Development Consent Order applied for at the former Manston... Read more

  • Kathy Stevens

    Manston Airport MUST be allowed to open again, with RSP's vision. Thanet has the highest unemployment rate in the South East. There is a ready and willing workforce. Training opportunities for our... Read more

  • Kit Jolly

    I object to the proposal for the development of Manston Airport principally on grounds of noise and pollution, both in their immediate and consequential effects. As a resident of Ramsgate living under... Read more

  • Lesley Miller

    I am a Ramsgate resident living in the Eastcliff area, directly under the proposed flight path for the new RiverOak cargo hub venture. I live in a Grade 2 listed building in a conservation area, and... Read more

  • Lorna Campbell

    Please see attached

  • Luke Hudson

    I oppose RSPs Application for a DCO on the old Manston airport site. On the basis of the effect of elderly relatives living under that flight path would have their health and wealth blighted with... Read more

  • Mali Perdeaux

    I would like to register my grave concern about, and opposition to, the proposals to open an air freight cargo hub at the site of the former Manston Airport. The impact of the level of air traffic... Read more

  • Quintas Energy UK Limited (Quintas Energy UK Limited) on behalf of Manston Thorne Limited (Manston Thorne Limited)

    Dear Sirs, This is to make a representation on behalf of Manston Thorn Limited, the owner of the Manston Solar Farm located at the South of the project alongside the airport runway (Post Code CT12... Read more

  • Mari Spain-Booth

    I object to the application by RSP for a DCO on the closed Manston site Their submission shows no regard for the health of the communities it would affect with freight traffic clogging up the A299,... Read more

  • Maria Winter

    No airport please

  • Martin Savage

    This proposal is outrageous. The prospect of having cargo planes flying within 1000 feet of my 300 year old house 24/7 is unacceptable. The planes are noisy and will damage the peaceful village... Read more

  • Mary Winfield

    Please see attached

  • Matt Feekings

    Consultation: Having lived under the flight path in St Nicholas at Wade at a distance of approx 5km, we were never consulted, as confirmed by our Parish chair. This should be an ‘inclusive’ project,... Read more

  • Melanie Loxley

    Herne Bay will be as affected as the Thanet towns and villages as it is directly under the flight path. My main concerns are noise particularly at night, air quality both from aircraft and increased... Read more

  • Met Office (Met Office)

    Met Office currently occupy part of Manston Airport for the purposes of a weather station, which is an important site within our network. It is likely that the proposals will affect the location and... Read more

  • Michael Ansell

    I will be objecting to the proposals on the grounds of increased air and noise pollution.

  • Michael Dark

    I strongly object to the reopening of Manston Airport on the grounds of the impact it would have on my quality of life and the nature reserve at Pegwell Bay. From a personal perspective I purchased... Read more

  • Michael Ray

    View Attached

  • Mr K S Raine

    object to noise, extra road traffic, pollution, and health conserns

  • Mr Lionel Jermy

    First and foremost I believe that the application is fundamentally flawed in that it fails to make out a financially viable and sustainable case for reopening the airport. In this regard I note... Read more

  • Mrs Christine prior

    These are my personal concerns against Manston being used as a Freight Hub.My 20yr old Grandson recently graduated in the RAF,before that he was a pupil at Chatham House Grammar School in Ramsgate.His... Read more

  • Mrs. Joanne linney

    I am against the reopening of the airport on the grounds of noise and pollution it creates over the surrounding towns ,especially Ramsgate where there is a number of schools with another planned for... Read more

  • Mrs.Joan Smith

    I am totally against the reopening of the airport having suffered noise and pollution living on the Nethercourt housing estate with night flights disturbance.Even though there was a 106 agreement... Read more

  • Mums against Manston Airport (Mums against Manston Airport)

    RSP’s plans for the re-opening of Manston as a Freight Hub are of gravest concern. Their consultation arrangements created a sense of distrust for many of us. We ask that PINS conduct a full and... Read more

  • N. Mathews

    Constant noise of aircraft will affect the environment and prey on residents, undermining their sleep patterns and therefore their health. People at work will find it difficult to concentrate on their... Read more