
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 2951 to 2975 of 4813 representations, newest first.

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  • Emma Moffat

    The noise levels in the local area. There is a lot of tourism in the area which will be affected.

  • Emma Shelford

    I would like to object to Gatwick planning application to use their stand by runway for everyday use. The increase in the number of flights would have a hugely detrimental impact on the levels of... Read more

  • Emmeline Ledgerwood

    I believe the plans to expand Gatwick airport in this way will have an extremely detrimental impact on the localit with the high percentage increase in noise pollution, CO2 emissions and impact on the... Read more

  • Erika Jakins

    Hever castle and gardens disrupting the events and shows at a popular venue if another runway is built at Gatwick. Loud planes over head when actors are doing the shows will make it less popular for... Read more

  • Forestry Commission (Forestry Commission)

    As a prescribed statutory consultee, we are registering to ensure we are consulted and have the opportunity to give advice regarding the proposals based on our forestry/woodland expertise to make sure... Read more

  • Frant Parish Council (Frant Parish Council)

    Frant Parish Council object to the proposed plans to expand the facilities at Gatwick Airport (‘the Airport'). The Parish of Frant in East Sussex lies just outside Royal Tunbridge Wells and comprises... Read more

  • Gary Peacock

    Concerned about the impact of noise pollution and air quality. Flights already cause disturbance at all hours of day which do mean windows often need to be closed. Also, road and general... Read more

  • GATW-18

    It's bad enough now with Gatwick aircraft noise throughout the day and sometimes late at night especially in the summer months when you just want to sit in the garden and have a bit of peace and quiet... Read more

  • Gatwick Airport Consultative Committee (GATCOM) (Gatwick Airport Consultative Committee (GATCOM))

    As the airport’s statutory independent consultative body, The Gatwick Airport Consultative Committee (GATCOM) welcomes the opportunity to register as an interested party and make its relevant... Read more

  • Gatwick Co-ordination Group (Gatwick Co-ordination Group)

    I am writing, in my capacity as Chair of the Gatwick Co-ordination group of MPs, to object to Gatwick Airport Ltd.’s proposal to bring its Northern Runway into routine use. The Gatwick Co-ordination... Read more

  • Gemma Roulston

    I think that this proposal will have a detrimental impact on the wildlife, and nature generally. I think this proposal doesn’t help the environment, nor the current residents of Horley or Crawley.... Read more

  • Geoffrey Ford

    Already i am deprived of sleep by the noise of aircraft from Gatwick which starts at 5am and goes on until gone 1am.Throught the day endless aircraft fly directly over my home causing noise and... Read more

  • Georgina Winter

    I oppose the proposed plan for the new runway. It will cause major disruption, noise and pollution to our area of natural beauty.

  • Gerald Sykes

    The number of flights need to be reduced, not increased if the UK is serious about reducing emissions. In addition, the noise pollution along the flight paths will increase substantially and whilst... Read more

  • Geraldine Mary Jane Streatfeild

    High volume of over noisy air traffic,even at night,which impedes human enjoyment of indoor and outdoor life. Air traffic is also an environmental and Climate hazard...the move needs to be towards... Read more

  • Gillian Margaret Howard

    I live next door to Hever castle and the amount of plane noise already passing over our house is already a real intrusion in our lives especially at night when we are trying to sleep but also in the... Read more

  • Gillian Miles

    The noise ,the pollution. We have a small Farm with a glamping site which hugely subsidises the Farm financially and the noise from the planes in the early hours is soul destroying when we are doing... Read more

  • Gillian Perry

    I am very concerned about increased air traffic over this area - partly because of the immediate effects for residents but also because I believe we need to reduce reliance on air travel until it is... Read more

  • Gillian Quinn

    My concern is the extra levels of pollution and noise that would ensue in our already overcrowded corner of the UK. I do not see that an extra runway is compatible with commitment to net zero.

  • Glenys Elizabeth Law

    I am opposed to the expansion of all airports for environmental reasons.

  • Gordon Massie

    I am concerned about the increased air and noise pollution arising from the expansion of capacity at Gatwick.

  • Gregory Jake Dring

    Because of the climate crisis civil aviation will shrink in the next few decades. No new technology will be available at scale in time to prevent that. Therefore pouring concrete to make yet another... Read more

  • Hazel King

    Increased light pollution adversely affecting wildlife, increase in local traffic through surrounding villages

  • Horsham District Council (Horsham District Council)

    Please see Horsham District Council's email that contains the Council's Relevant Representation and Principal Areas of Disagreement Summary Statement ("PADSS").

  • Hugh Gregory

    This proposal is going to significantly increase the amount of flights and noise particularly on approach for landing. It is already as bad as ever we have lived here for 32 years. LGW are proposing... Read more