
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 3026 to 3050 of 4813 representations, newest first.

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  • Linda Scott

    I am totally opposed to the emergency runway development. This is just the next step in providing an additional runway at Gatwick. This will greatly affect the quality of life for the surrounding... Read more

  • Lindsay Dymock

    My serious concerns regarding a second runway at Gatwick are: Noise - I have currently been woken by aeroplanes low flying between 12 midnight and 1.30 am, this will no doubt increase Traffic -... Read more

  • Lindsey Frederick

    Increased flights will give intolerable noise pollution over our village Penshurst. In the present concern for our planet it is irresponsible to increase the fuel use by air traffic.

  • Lisa Scott-Smith

    Last week the CAA approved Gatwick Airport's FASI South Initial Options Appraisal. If implemented Gatwick's proposals are likely to create noise sewers both east and west of the airport. Specifically:... Read more

  • London Chamber of Commerce & Industry (LCCI) (London Chamber of Commerce & Industry (LCCI))

    26 October 2023 To whom it may concern, LCCI submission to Northern Runway DCO London Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) is one of the capital’s largest business groups, with more than 7,000... Read more

  • Lorraine Joslin

    I live around 10 miles from Gatwick Airport, and already find the flights extremely disruptive, noisy and relentless with just a single runway in use. The noise is particularly noticeable in the early... Read more

  • Lucinda Clarke

    This should never happen! Already been refused on many occasions with a promise of no further development. Too impactful on climate change and local environment. We don’t need more air travel for the... Read more

  • Lucy Thompson

    The increase in flights directly over my house and over Both Hever Castle and Chartwell place will create unacceptable noise pollution in an area of outstanding beauty.

  • Luke Shoham

    2023 has seen the following: - a record number of days over 1.5 ?C hotter than average; - the hottest summer on record, a massive 0.66 ?C higher than any previous year; - crop failures in the Indian... Read more

  • Lynne Burnham

    I believe your proposals will have a detrimental impact on the local area. The road infrastructure is currently under extreme pressure and your plans do not take this into account.

  • Malcolm Victor Heath

    Expansion of Gatwick would significantly increase aircraft noise both for those living near the airport and for those further away under flight paths. The noise envelope Gatwick has proposed are not... Read more

  • Ardent Management (Ardent Management) on behalf of Marathon Asset Management MCAP Global Finance (UK) LLP (Marathon Asset Management MCAP Global Finance (UK) LLP)

    This firm acts for Marathon Asset Management MCAP Global Finance (UK) LLP, who manage assets for HI (London Gatwick) Limited and HICP Limited. For the purpose of this letter we refer to these... Read more

  • Margot Mcarthur

    The increased frequency of flights, and the noise impact this could have. I live under the FAP. Also about traffic management locally.

  • Mark Feltham

    Noise: I hear an aircraft every few minutes. Usually I only hear them when I'm outside but occasionally, I also hear them when I'm inside our house because they are flying closer than normal. Most of... Read more

  • Mark Speight

    oise. Other multi-track and respite options that should have been considered by Gatwick have not been, or have been rejected because they do not achieve industry capacity aspirations. We are aware... Read more

  • Mark Thomas

    I object to this proposal on climate issues, the fact that Manston Airport could be regenerated with transport links to fulfil any requirement. We purchased this property with the current runway... Read more

  • Mark Wiles

    Two main concerns, first is that there is no real need for another runway in the South East as the capacity in the London and surrounding airports will cater for any increase in pax number for the... Read more

  • Martin Paul Longley

    I object strongly to further disruptive Gatwick Airport expansion on the grounds of almost certain increased noise and pollution especially in this designated 'area of outstanding natural beauty'.... Read more

  • Martyn Cooke

    At the time of a Climate Emergency the proposed increase of over 100,000 EXTRA flights by Gatwick Airport Ltd is totally outrageous. This has nothing to do with passenger need but a cynical attempt to... Read more

  • Mary Bird

    I am opposed to the proposed 2nd runway at Gatwick. This extra runway will cause many more flights going over Hever Castle which will make this popular destination less attractive to visit.

  • Matthew James Weaver

    Personally, as someone who lives close to the flight path, I am already subject to a fairly unpleasant level of noise and pollution from the existing air traffic. Obviously, increasing capacity will... Read more

  • Matthews Associates (UK) Limited (Matthews Associates (UK) Limited)

    Impacts on micro SME businesses in the region, specific impacts on the rural economy and impacts on tourism into the area. Micro SME supply chain and procurement opportunities.

  • Maureen Brown

    A definite NO to any further runway for Gatwick Airport

  • Maureen McFie

    Global warming, impact on the environment, noise pollution; everything we were supposed to be reducing. It would also have a detrimental impact on Hever Theatre.

  • Maxine Hollis

    Object to the proposal on the grounds of further noise and pollution.Already our home is sited between 2 airports? Gatwick and Redhill and have day and night disturbance from commercial and private... Read more