
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 676 to 700 of 4813 representations, newest first.

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  • Mr. Stanley Mewes

    I live 2/12 miles direct from the current runway and 1/2 mile from the existing flight path. Noise and air quality are already major problems. any further expansion would exacerbate this. Local... Read more

  • Nicola Long

    I oppose the proposed plans as the noise from the existing number of planes is more than enough at my family home which is where most of my family still live and is under the flightpath. The plans... Read more

  • North Horsham Parish Council (North Horsham Parish Council)

    North Horsham Parish Council continues to support Gatwick Airports expansion of the Northern Runway. However, additional clarification is required on the project to form a final decision particularly... Read more

  • Paul Thornton

    I am concerned about the noise impact over Newdigate village and also the implications for additional road traffic

  • Simon Timothy Drury

    Whilst I understand the potential economic advantages in the area of a second runway at Gatwick, the impact on the environment, the health and wellbeing of myself and my family makes this proposal... Read more

  • Tourism South East (Tourism South East)

    Gatwick Airport sits at the heart of the South East, as a key economic driver for tourism businesses across the region and indeed the whole tourism sector. It is vital, as we build back better in a... Read more

  • Alistair Russell Watson

    The main concerns that I have are: Increased airplane noise. Increased flights. Increased air pollution. Increased light pollution. Increased traffic pollution. General infrastructure failings. The... Read more

  • Carol Lovegrove

    Our small rural village in an AONB and SSSI is already blighted by noise and pollution from a concentrated arrivals path for aircraft into Gatwick. Day and night, there are periods when the noise is... Read more

  • Declan James

    I am very much fore, for this expansion for the airport. As a local resident to the airport and someone who is under the flight path I do not find it too loud.

  • Duncan Gibson

    1. The environmental damage from increasing Gatwick's capacity to 75m passengers per annum is completely unacceptable. The UN Secretary General and all serious scientific leadership could not be... Read more

  • Katrina Gordon-James

    Firstly I am extremely concerned about the increase in aircraft noise. Secondly I am a member of the Climate & Ecology Advisory Group, which is an offshoot of of Withyham Parish Council and, as such,... Read more

  • Kenton Ward

    I write to express strong objections to the proposal for a second runway at Gatwick Airport. The planned expansion poses significant adverse impacts on the local community, environment, and the... Read more

  • Margaret Abel

    I am horrified that in this time of such terrible pollution on land sea air and waterways we are considering such an increase in Gatwick’s flights and air travel. We should be discouraging flying.... Read more

  • Margaret Mary Watts

    The volume of flights currently disturbs my way of life . The night flights are intolerable . To allow more day and night flights would be unacceptable

  • Mrs Ann Jones

    I am against this proposal as I think it will create more noise pollution, air pollution in the area and the infrastructure in the area is not suitable for more traffic.

  • Nicky Richards

    The expansion of Gatwick Airport will negatively affect our quality of life living close to the flight path. We already have issues with the number of planes la ding late at night after Gatwick has... Read more

  • P Fenton

    Planes flying overhead are far more frequent than when we moved here due to narrowing of the flight path and this proposal will increase them even more. 1. 37% Increase in Aircraft movements over our... Read more

  • Stephen McGrath

    - Noise and disturbance concerns - Environmental concerns - Traffic concerns

  • Steve Lunn

    I am very concerned by the numerous potential imacts the scheme will have

  • A A Maurice

    I have lived in Hever for approaching 25 years and have experienced the increase in the harmful effects of Gatwick originating air traffic from being merely incidental, to a constant blight, which... Read more

  • Board of Airline Representatives in the UK (BAR UK) (Board of Airline Representatives in the UK (BAR UK))

    The airline community, represented via the Board of Airline Representatives in the UK (BAR UK), are broadly supportive of the plans to increase capacity at London Gatwick airport in a cost effect and... Read more

  • Dawn Richens

    There us already too much air traffic over Ashtead. Causing air pollution, constant aircraft noise, distrubing sleep, not good for peoples mental health

  • May Chew & Associates (May Chew & Associates) on behalf of Eiichi Nishimura (Eiichi Nishimura)

    Dear Sirs, Our firm represents the owners of properties surrounding the area of Gatwick Airport. In view of the recent Notice of Acceptance of an Application for Development Order (TR020005), we wish... Read more

  • Gregory Kinchin

    I want to understand the impact of proposed changes

  • Ian King

    Noise Pollution Infrastructure Climate Taxation of fuel Taxation of frequent fliers