Chwiliwch yn ôl yr unigolyn neu'r grŵp sy'n gwneud y cyflwyniad neu gynnwys y cyflwyniad.
I live over a flight plan and as long as the extension is managed correctly, as I am aware it will be, it will be a great boost to the area and the local economy
Push this through....Growth expansion, jobs
We are not in favour. There is enough plane noise round here, and the whole of the south east, already. We do not want more.
This expansion flies in the face of everything we should be doing with regards to global warming and climate control. We already have a drastic lack of fresh water in the south, so where is this going...
Darllen mwy
I do not support this planning application the additional noise/ pollution on the local community will be untenable. Furthermore, Surrey’s infrastructure (public transport, roads, healthcare, schools...
Darllen mwy
Let it go ahead it will make Crawley so much better
I strongly object to a second runway at Gatwick. I and my family live under the Timba stacking approach path to Gatwick. During the summer months, we are badly affected by aircraft noise almost on a...
Darllen mwy
Living 11 miles from Gatwick, I strongly object to the expansion/proposal of using the northern runway on a regular basis for the following reasons: - The current 55 aircraft movements per hour...
Darllen mwy
This is not a sustainable project; how can anyone with any real understanding of what is happening to our climate push to expand on more air pollution? Use the project money to get sustainable fuels...
Darllen mwy
Do not go ahead. Totally unnecessary.
I fully support this investment, our region needs it very much, I think it is the right thing to do.
What is in effect a second runway will further destroy the peace and quiet of this AONB. Gatwick planes create a huge amount of noise, including in the night at times when they are not supposed to be...
Darllen mwy
I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is an extra runway which will have a significant impact on the local environment. I am deeply concerned with the impact on...
Darllen mwy
Yes we want this project to go ahead
Good idea
Good for local employment Good for tourism Good for holidays
Totally agree that there should be a second runway
I've very very concerned on many grounds, and recommend that you do not proceed with a second runway 1. Environmental impact - we should be reducing not increasing flights. 2. Noise pollution 3. Air...
Darllen mwy
Local roads will not cope with huge amounts of increased traffic. Massive air pollution will make it unbearable to live near the flight path. Countryside will be destroyed in such a beautiful green...
Darllen mwy
I worked at Gatwick for over 25 years and it has to contend with the likes of Schipol that has at least 5 runways. Gatwick has been needing to expand for decades.
I’m not in favour of this proposal. Too much expansion in the South East of England already.
Having lived under the flight path of Gatwick for 30+ years the noise, pollution and frequency of flights and flight hours has increased not just around Mid Sussex but on the approach routes. Having...
Darllen mwy
Noise, environment, infrastructure
We strongly object to the proposed use of Gatwick’s emergency runway. This goes against the policy of lowering carbon emissions. Gatwick already is beset by airline delays and increasing further...
Darllen mwy
Aircraft at the moment fly over my back garden whuchnusbibtrusuve and noisy and more than often one after another with a few minutes in between The aircraft are getting larger by the day. Also the...
Darllen mwy