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I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway for may reasons including but not limited to its a new runway and not a development of an existing runway; and Policy has been...
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The impact of aircraft noise is already unacceptably high and impairs the quality of life of many people. Another full-time runway would mean that the current level of noise will go from being...
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This runway is not needed and will negatively impact this area in many ways. Local residents voices are being ignored. Gatwick management are also abusing the planning process as this is a new runway.
Concern over a potential 70% increase in runway use; increased overhead concentration of flights; increase in noise pollution; increase in night flights; lack of regulation or government oversight.
We are already concerned by noise from the current flight paths and would wish to be reassured that any airport expansion DOES NOT increase this noise nuisance and make it unliveable in our home.
Environmental Impact: With no clear realistic path for a more sustainable aviation fuel knowingly adding tonnes more CO2 from 100,000 more flights a year seems crazy. Noise Impact: In Leigh, Surrey we...
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I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a new runway not a development of an existing runway Policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an...
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The greatly increased number and frequency of low-flying flights arriving over Billingshurst into Gatwick directly overhead of the homes of a dense and rapidly increasing population already impacts...
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Aircraft on approach to London Gatwick landing Easterley very noisy. In summer continuous traffic all day and night. Very hard to sleep at night due to aircraft noise at night and early hours of the...
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I am opposed to any expansion of activities at Gatwick Airport on the grounds of increased noise from planes particularly at night which already is at unacceptable levels and the increase in emissions...
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we are in a climate and ecological emergency. increase flying is not conducive to such an emergency. residents in my division do not want the increased pollution, noise and disruption of increased...
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The additional volume of flights will impact properties in the RH5 area badly. Prior to the new flightpaths being used RH5 (South Holmwood) had much less flights. The current flights over this area...
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Air quality, congestion and increased noise were all cited as objections during the original consultation which was supported by the area's vast majority of residents, businesses and MPs. In my...
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I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a new runway – the Policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an application for a new runway which does...
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Noise pollution I’ve Tunbridge wells
Night flights have a significant impact on my sleep patterns particularly early morning and in the summer and I should like to see them banned. Any increase in current levels will be disastrous. Local...
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Against the backdrop of climate change that is broadly accepted as being caused by human activities, in particular the burning of fossil fuels, and the fact that these emissions are significantly more...
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I’ve been living in these ancient woodland for twenty three years, the flight noise has gotten worse over the years, I am very concerned about the flight emissions as I have noticed a lot less...
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The infrastructure around Gatwick is already under strain - the railway line, M23, A23 and the smaller feeder roads are already stressed. Crawley has a shortage of reasonably priced housing and little...
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I oppose this Gatwick Airport application for a northern runway because it is a new runway – Policy has been misinterpreted by the applicant as this is an applicant for a new runway which does not...
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1. Net zero will obviously not be reached in aviation by 2050 and this is a further step away from our legally binding target. 2. Despite the low percentage of people who fly, the industry is heavily...
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Additional noise levels, at present we cannot have the doors or windows open due to noise levels blocking out listening to tv or radio, this was not the case when we moved here 40 years ago when the...
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This proposed project is extremely damaging to the environment and to the health of the people of south east England. The pollution, carbon emissions, greenhouse gasses and noise should not be...
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We object to the airport expansion as this will have a huge increase in noise pollution and carbon emissions impacting greatly on the environment, wildlife and climate change in a time which we need...
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I feel moved to record my objection to this application as: - The is a NEW runway and should be treated as such in the planning process. LHR were chosen for airport expansion not LGW - the Gov't never...
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