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The main issue for me will be the increase in noise and pollution.
Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce fully supports the development of the Emergency Runway into an operational runway. This project will improve the resilience of Air Traffic in the South East of...
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As a local resident who would be impacted by the opening of a second runway I oppose this proposal on a number of fronts: e.g. the impact on the environment; increase in aircraft noise; further lack...
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The prospect of more flights overhead, especially at night, will be detrimental to the health and well-being of everyone affected. The roads around Gatwick cannot cope with more vehicles. Extra...
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Would it be possible or agreeable for the take-offs from the northern runway be for flights that are north-west, north or north-east bound and flights that are south-west, south and south easy bound...
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The high volume of air traffic noise, especially early in the morning and at night, currently cause distress & impacts the quality of life for residents an increase in flights would have a...
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Already too many flights causing too much noise and atmospheric pollution caused by travel to and from airport and flights themselves. Flights take off and land too early and late already....
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Flight paths are as I under stand a approx. 3Km wide. What changes are to be made to the flight paths and what restrictions will there be on night flights?
Increase in aircraft noise Increase in pollution affecting my health Impact on the environment Devaluation of our property
Increased and unacceptable level of air pollution in Horley. Increased noise disturbance in this area already. Greatly increased over flying of both Gatwick and Heathrow aircraft. Much increased...
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I object to this proposal on environmental grounds. The extra flights would lead to a massive increase in carbon emissions at a time when these need to be reduced. Suggestions by the industry that...
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The main issue is that this proposed expansion of operation inherent with a second runway flies in the face of the recommendations in the Climate Change Committee's 6th carbon budget that 'there...
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The noise from flights landing at Gatwick is appalling. It has already greatly increased in frequency and many aircraft fly too low. A further increase in Gatwick traffic would render my garden...
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Increased and unacceptable level of air pollution. Increased noise disturbance in location already subject to overflying by Gatwick and Heathrow flights. Increased road congestion on already...
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Increase in aircraft noise, impact on climate change, devalue my home and wellbeing through increase in aircraft movements, lack of surface transport decline in air quality, lack of affordable housing...
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Totally against Gatwick expansion. It is unforgivable that only relatively recently Gatwick’s plans for expansion were denied in favour of Heathrow. And yet here we are again. Gatwick already has MORE...
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I live near to Gatwick and under various of their flight paths, I have concerns about the environmental, noise and business aspects of the plans and its effect on both the immediate and wider areas. I...
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My main issues are noise and lack of sleep due to noise of aircraft taking off and landing, and the disruption this causes to my daily life, the effects of lack of sleep and the effects emotionally...
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* Objection - Increase in noise, increase in road traffic - Destruction of the countryside in aonb's - Increase in aviation fuel pollution
The proposal is contrary to any idea of reducing emissions and all forms of pollution (including noise and light). The local area is already over-populated and the infrastructure cannot cope already.
My property is close to the present flight paths and a new northern runway would probably significantly increase aircraft movements over my property.
We are the victims of considerable aircraft noise from their take-offs and landings at the single existing Gatwick runway. This can be at any time of day or night and the aircraft often fly directly...
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We live in a designated Area of outstanding natural beauty and a conservation area. Aircraft noise is already a serious nuisance, and at odds with the AONB designation. Increasing aircraft traffic in...
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If the works go ahead then our lives (Ie that of my family who live at my address) will be significantly worse off due to noise and air pollution. Whilst we moved to our hours within the last 5 years,...
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I object to the expansion Gatwick