
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

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  • Stephanie Turnbull

    My home in Burgess hill is a stack location for aircraft and will be affected by the extra planes

  • Susan Bryant

    Concerned about pollution,noise,extra traffic, harm to wildlife, taxis parking and littering.

  • Susan Short

    There is too much aircraft noise NOW. Air traffic control allows short cuts and corner cutting allowing an increased noise footprint in thee local areas

  • Susanna Allan

    There are already too many flights over the area with loud aircraft. And I don’t think there should be more flights considering environmental issues. I oppose a new runway.

  • Tim Thompson

    Will additional flights be expected to fly around the village of Cowden as exhorting flights do and not over it?

  • Tom Nicholls

    - noise pollution - affect on local population capacity - traffic

  • Abed el Hakim Masarwa

    Oppose the Development Consent Order (DCO) for the new runway due to air and noise pollution

  • Adam Julius Smith

    I want to know how this proposed change will effect our quality of life.

  • Amanda Carroll

    The level of pollution from both noise and fumes in this area is already beyond unacceptable. As someone who does not smoke but has been diagnosed with (redacted) I am sure that the airport is a... Read more

  • Anthony Michael Abbott

    I object to the proposal on the grounds of increased noise, pollution, global warming emissions, and related development and road traffic.

  • Anthony William Samson

    For many years now, I have been officially complaining about aircraft noise over the rural village of Brenchley. As a consequence, I have a very thick file of papers in relation to the noise and... Read more

  • Antony Abel

    I fully support the use of the northern runway. Gatwick is a huge asset for the local surrounding areas but also for the UK and I feel this must not be overlooked regardless of the naysayers. Yes... Read more

  • Carl Adair

    I object on grounds of noise I oppose the new runway because noise & disturbance caused by increase in flights & lack of decent transport infrastructure

  • Carole Bauckham

    The noise is too intrusive & disturbing We have got to consider the pollution Cheap flight that are unreliable Overcrowding without the infrastructure

  • Celia Morris

    I strongly oppose the expansion of Gatwick Airport. It is environmentally irresponsible - we already suffer from poor air quality, aircraft noise and climate change impacts, a second runway will make... Read more

  • Chris Westbrook

    My wife and I moved to RH12 3AH in 1989, and in those days, living right under the main flight path turning (yes, we live at the end of the 12-mile straight approach on an elevated hill) was not too... Read more

  • Christina Talbot


  • Darren Talbot

    I see multiple challenges with the expansion. Firstly, the current noise pollution levels experienced by residents is already too high and causing mental health and quality of life challenges. Planes... Read more

  • David Landais

    We are already overflown with a significant number of flights on a daily. We suffer from pollution from the planes and also noise issues. We also have these problems throughout the night as Gatwick... Read more

  • Dingeman Hoogmoed

    Our property in Capel is directly overflown by aircraft taking off in a westerly direction and then turning north towards the east. More flights will mean more aircraft noise (which can be quite bad... Read more

  • Efraim Nadiv

    Oppose the Development Consent Order (DCO) for the new runway due to air and noise pollution

  • Fiona Kirby

    I am opposed to this development on multiple grounds, not least the increased noise disturbance. Planes already frequently deviate from the agreed corridors and more flights would exacerbate this. I... Read more

  • Graham Roberts

    Broader impact of combined disturbance by flights to include Heathrow and Redhill Airodrome as well as Gatwick, all of which together already have a deliterious impact on our area and home.

  • Ian Philip Burchell

    We are under the inbound flight path, at the bottom of the stack. We are already blighted by flights day and night causing disrupted sleep. There us no rest bite.

  • Jacqueline Bennett

    In the current move to reach net zero I’m not sure how almost doubling the capacity of an airport helps reach this. The infrastructure in the area is already stretched, this will not help in the... Read more