
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

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Showing 4651 to 4675 of 4813 representations, newest first.

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  • Murray Cluley

    I am in favour of the second runway at Gatwick which will alleviate air traffic pressure at Heathrow and will help provide much needed high value and high technology employment in the surrounding... Read more

  • Natalie Lane

    The volume of noise already experienced locally is a nuisance, as well as the traffic issues on the m23 for Gatwick, train services overcrowding at Gatwick as well. There should be improved... Read more

  • Natasha Oke

    This will have a significant impact on the local area including the Ashdown forest in terms of air traffic and noise pollution and also environmental pollution

  • Neil Lowe

    I am vehemently opposed to this proposal on the following grounds: i). Environmental impact - we are facing a major global climate emergency and should be seeking ways of significantly reducing our... Read more

  • Nicholas Cox

    The surrounding infrastructure can't handle Gatwick airport expanding any more. There aren't enough schools and hospitals as it is. Homes are needed but the area has been overwhelmed by new housing... Read more

  • Nicholas de Zoete

    I object to the development

  • Nicholas Gentilli

    There is already considerable noise pollution from jet planes over Bignor . This Disturbs the birds etc that enjoy the serenity of their natural habitat. The dark skies of the national park sdnp are... Read more

  • Nicky Bishop

    I object to the new runway, primarily because I object to (up to) another 10 million flights per year. The impact on the lives of those who live around the airport will be wholly negative; noise... Read more

  • Nicola Ansell

    Increase in flights over our land would significantly impact day to day life such as increased noise pollution and air pollution. Increased air traffic would also negatively impact our property value... Read more

  • Nicola C

    Fully support (and live nearby).

  • Nicola Cioffi

    Positive impact on local economy

  • Nigel Doggett

    I object on principal grounds as follows: 1 increased road traffic 2 increased noise in surrounding areas 3 increased carbon emissions when these from aviation need to fall rapidly.

  • Nigel Smith

    I fully support the extension for LGW to be able to use both runways. The economic benefits are massive

  • Noranne Griffith

    I object to the proposed expansion of Gatwick Airport and its proposal in respect of use of its emergency runway as a second runway. A second runway would add over 1 million tonnes of extra carbon a... Read more

  • Okke Engelsma

    Since Gatwick changed its flightpath several years ago, the noise is not acceptable. It isn’t just the change of flightpath, it’s also planes not sticking to the flightpath and going straight over our... Read more

  • Olive O Leary

    I am concerned about the environmental impacts of expanding Gatwick. These include noise and light pollution, increased traffic and additional carbon emissions.

  • Olivia Shaw

    We live due south of Gatwick and an already noisy environmental impact of planes going over will double under the proposals. It’s also a National park just north of us. Finally - I cannot understand... Read more

  • Omar Mirza

    I am NOT supportive of this expansion. It will lead to more noise and air pollution and it is clear to anyone who has been on a train from Gatwick to London that there is insufficient capacity on the... Read more

  • Patricia Austin

    * Climate Change: object on ground that this project will make it even less likely that we will meet our statutory climate change commitments * Air pollution: object on ground that this project will... Read more

  • Paul Austin

    Full support for 2nd run way and investment into gatwick airport

  • Paul Sedgwick

    I would like to support the proposals. I have always considered that the expansion of Gatwick's capacity would give better balance to the overall spread of capacity. It will give a boost to the... Read more

  • Paul Sprules

    I am concerned about additional overhead flights at any point during day or night disturbing the relative peace that my family enjoy and the additional road traffic that this will create around... Read more

  • Paul Stuart Rawlings

    Main Concerns: Noise pollution Climate change Water run off Congestion around the airport The sheer size of this expansion and the infrastructure involved Impact on the environment I have listed... Read more

  • Paul Warren

    Will be extremely beneficial to Gatwick and Crawley economically as well as financially. Will offer great employment opportunities

  • Pauline Cory

    CO2 emissions need to be cut immediately. Expansion is counter to all scientific advice on reaching net zero. Millions are already suffering the devastating effects of climate change. Their lives are... Read more