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Gweld cyngor i Barbour ABI
I am hoping you can help with the enquiry below regarding national infrastructure in the UK. An article was released in June 2013 regarding more major applications being pushed through - 'Nationall... Darllen mwy
Gweld cyngor i Clifton Marsh Power
The advice given to the applicant on key aspects of the pre-application stage.
Gweld cyngor i Hope Construction Materials
Further to my earlier telephone conversation with Ian Goodall I was wondering if I may be able to obtain some information with regards to the national infrastructure projects. Essentially, I would ... Darllen mwy
Gweld cyngor i Matthew Sheppard
The enquiry refers to a briefing note from Turley Associates, this note has been included as an attachment as have the explanatory comments of Matthew Sheppard below. "I am pleased to attach a brie... Darllen mwy
Gweld cyngor i Emily Agus
Query on the Interpretation of Capacity
Gweld cyfarfod gyda National Grid
The attached refers to a meeting with National Grid and the Planning Inspectorate. National Grid ran through their organisational structure and updated the Planning Inspectorate of future National Gr... Darllen mwy
Gweld cyfarfod gyda Consenting Forum
See meeting note attached
Gweld cyngor i Natural Power
E-mail received by the Planning Inspectorate below: I have a query about whether a certain development would be considered an NSIP or not, as currently we are a little unsure, and would like some ... Darllen mwy
Gweld cyngor i Windsor Link Railway Limited
A representative of Windsor Link Railway Limited (WLRL) made enquires about whether or not the proposed Windsor Link Railway (stage 1 and 2) would engage the Planning Act 2008 infrastructure planning ... Darllen mwy
Gweld cyngor i Peel Holdings
REF: WESTERN GATEWAY INFRASTRUCTURE SCHEME I am writing on behalf of Peel Holdings regarding the delivery of the Western Gateway Infrastructure Scheme, (“WGIS”). I am the Transport Consultant for ... Darllen mwy
Gweld cyngor i Environment Agency
Enquiry about whether or not a Flood Alleviation Scheme the Environment Agency and partners are progressing could reasonably be considered as an NSIP. The scheme is the Lower Thames Flood Alleviati... Darllen mwy
Gweld cyngor i Chris Dent - Sustrans
Are applicants expected to / obliged to consult with Sustrns and how does Sustrans engage in the planning process. Many of Sustrans' routes are not bridleways / rights of way.
Gweld cyngor i Phil Jones
Can you please let me have your opinion on the following? Section 14(1) of the Planning Act 2008 says that NSIPs include "(a) the construction or extension of a generating station" and that "(2) Su... Darllen mwy
Gweld cyngor i Phil Jones
Can you please let me have your opinion on the following? Section 14(1) of the Planning Act 2008 says that NSIPs include "(a) the construction or extension of a generating station" and that "(2) Su... Darllen mwy
Gweld cyfarfod gyda Environment Agency
Meeting note of regular liaison meeting, see attached
Gweld cyngor i The Wirral Society
The Wirral Society wrote to the Rt Hon Eric Pickles MP, Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, regarding offshore wind farm development, public consultation and the protection of sea... Darllen mwy
Gweld cyngor i Keith Morrison
Query regarding the submission of s46 notification and the timing of the publication of the Statement of Community Consultation in relation to East Anglia 3 and 4.
Gweld cyngor i Keith Morrison
Query regarding the submission of s46 notification and the timing of the publication of the Statement of Community Consultation in relation to East Anglia 3 and 4.
Gweld cyngor i EA3 and EA4
Submitted Draft document for review
Gweld cyngor i Pinsent Masons LLP
Enquiry regarding the availability of a blank form of Development Consent Order (DCO).
Gweld cyngor i Osborne Clarke
E-mail received by the Planning Inspectorate from Neil Bromich of Osborne Clark: Please could you outline the procedure to be followed to obtain the consent of a Crown Authority under Section 135 ... Darllen mwy
Gweld cyfarfod gyda Highways Agency
The Highways Agency and the Planning Inspectorate met to discuss the consenting process in relation to the Agencies upcoming programme of works.
Gweld cyngor i Ofgem
As you may be aware, some time ago Ofgem published a factsheet on visual amenity in relation to the energy system. Following feedback from stakeholders, and changes to the price control and planning ... Darllen mwy
Gweld cyfarfod gyda Isle of Anglesey County Council
Meeting between the Planning Inspectorate and the Isle of Anglesey County Council regarding major infrastructure projects in North West Wales.
Gweld cyfarfod gyda National Infrastructure Planning Association
Feedback Report following the PINS/NIPA event held on 6th June 2013
Gweld cyfarfod gyda National Infrastructure Planning Association
PowerPoint slides presented by NIPA to PINS Case Team on 6th June 2013
Gweld cyngor i Bond Dickinson LLP
I understand that some of the Advice Notes are currently being reviewed. Are you able to give me an indication of timescales on the current review please, and which Advice Notes are being reviewe... Darllen mwy
Gweld cyngor i Biossence Limited
We are considering a project and unsure whether we would submit a planning application under Section 35 of the Electricity Act 1989 or under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to the local authori... Darllen mwy
Gweld cyngor i Chris Anastasi
I have a technical question on CCS which hopefully you are able to answer. We are looking at potential new build options at our Deeside plant in North Wales – the site is separated into an ‘A’ and ‘B‘... Darllen mwy
Gweld cyfarfod gyda Combined Consenting Forum
Minutes of the Combined Consenting Forum held on 10 April 2013 at Temple Quay House, Bristol.
Gweld cyngor i Watson, Farley & Williams LLP
Watson, Farley & Williams LLP wrote to the Inspectorate, noting that a Development Consent Order must be made in the form of a statutory instrument (SI) in certain circumstances and that, where this i... Darllen mwy
Gweld cyfarfod gyda Highways Agency
Meeting to brief the Planning Inspectorate on potential Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects and discuss processes
Gweld cyngor i Andrew Davies
An enquiry regarding whether Vat is payable on application fees as specified on the National Infrastructure website.
Gweld cyngor i Wrexham County Borough Council
Is there scope for a potential windfarm project to be dealt with as 1 infrastructure project rather than being split up into 3 planning applications?
Gweld cyngor i Hyder Consulting
Who determines associated development in Wales?
Gweld cyngor i Andrew Davies - Norton Rose
Query regarding the section 48 notice and the Planning Inspectorate's Advice Note 14. Which legislation details the puiblicity requirements in accordance with section 48 of the Planning Act 2008?
Gweld cyngor i BNP Paribas Real Estate UK
BNP Paribas on behalf of Royal Mail enquired about Onshore Windfarm applications in Wales and possible impacts on the road network. The Planning Inspectorate's reply was by email.
Gweld cyngor i Dalton Warner Davis LLP
The construction or extension of a generating station is within section 14(1)(a) of the Planning Act 2008 if, among other things, the generating station is in England or Wales, is not an offshore gene... Darllen mwy
Gweld cyfarfod gyda Meeting with Tansport for London (TfL)
Initial Meeting to introduce a potential new scheme - Silvertown Tunnel which is subject to the approval of the Mayor and the TfL Board. If given, an application for development consent will be submit... Darllen mwy
Gweld cyfarfod gyda Network Rail
See attached meeting note
Gweld cyngor i SLR Consulting Ltd
I write to you to seek clarification in respect of s.53 of the Planning Act 2008 (as amended) (PA2008) and The Planning Inspectorate’s Advice Note 5 (April 2012), specifically the test under s.53(2). ... Darllen mwy
Gweld cyngor i Various developers
Information on the changes to Special Parliamentary Procedure (SPP) through the Growth and Infrastructure Bill
Gweld cyngor i Bill Hoodless
Query relates to whether the Planning Portal Navitus Website can publish the minutes of a Hengistbury Residents' Association meeting of 21st September 2012.
Gweld cyngor i Stephan Calloway
The Planning Inspectorate received a telephone enquiry in regard to the submission of application documents as required by the Planning Act 2008 (as amended by the Localism Act 2011) and secondary leg... Darllen mwy
Gweld cyngor i MGT Power Limited
On behalf of MGT Power Limited, and MGT Projects Limited (formerly MGT Tyne Limited), and as a company director of both, I am writing to withdraw the Tyne Biomass Plant from the planning system, as th... Darllen mwy
Gweld cyngor i Savills
Is there a cut-off point when a developer’s section 42 and 47 consultation becomes out of date?
Gweld cyngor i Hampton Brook Estates Ltd
To clarify the position in respect of the permission S08/0448/MJNF granted by South Kesteven District Council as to if there is a need to gain a Development Consent Order for a Nationally Significant ... Darllen mwy
Gweld cyfarfod gyda E.ON and Bond Pearce
General meeting to discuss the planning regime, parameters and potential future development. Not specific to a particular project.
Gweld cyngor i Morgan
Mr Morgan called to ask about the function of Local Authorities in Wales and the Welsh Government in the 2008 Act process for Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects and about the regard that w... Darllen mwy
Gweld cyngor i Leha Kenny
Query relating to the IPC's powers to consent associated development in Wales.
Gweld cyngor i Roger Wood
Who can decide if a new planning application is a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project?
Gweld cyfarfod gyda National Grid Meeting Note
Meeting with National Grid (13 December 2012)
Gweld cyfarfod gyda Environment Agency
Regular liaison meeting with the Environment Agency (via teleconference). Please see attached meeting note.
Gweld cyfarfod gyda Welsh Government
Please see attachment
Gweld cyngor i Ian Salisbury
Please see email correspondence regarding a possible nationally significant infrastructure project.
Gweld cyngor i Matt Jahromi
The caller enquired as to what legislation defines generating stations for Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects.
Gweld cyngor i Richard Walker
Richard Walker called the Planning Inspectorate and requested information on the process in applying for a development consent order.
Gweld cyngor i Arup
Query requesting confirmation of the determining authority for a new reservoir application.
Gweld cyfarfod gyda Renewable UK
A meeting to discuss future planning regimes for Wales.
Gweld cyngor i A J Thompson
Information requested regarding Local Impact Reports
Gweld cyngor i Andrew Griffiths
Screening Request for DCO
Gweld cyngor i Laviniere Enfield Council
General query regarding how and when to comment on the content of draft development consent orders and if changes can be made to an order following decision.
Gweld cyngor i Environment Agency Wales
In regards to Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects under the Planning Act 2008 regime, who is the competent authority in regards to Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA) and the granting of ... Darllen mwy
Gweld cyngor i Osborne Clarke
The caller requested advice and direction to guidance on the Compulsory Aquisition (CA) of Forestry Commission land.
Gweld cyfarfod gyda Consenting Forum Consenting Forum
Minutes of the Offshore and Terrestrial Consenting Forum held on 10 October 2012
Gweld cyngor i Jon Elsom
Writing to express objection to the planned construction of a wind farm near Bwlch y Cibau.
Gweld cyngor i Hertfordshire County Council
The Airport owner and operator are now intending to proceed on the basis of a single planning application to facilitate throughput of the airport up to 18mppa (previously they were progressing on the ... Darllen mwy
Gweld cyngor i Galloper Wind Farm Ltd
Projects falling under the Planning Act 2008 regime are required to answer questions from their Examining Authorities (ExA) in relation to security of funding in the event of a Compulsory Acquisition ... Darllen mwy
Gweld cyngor i Ashurst
Ms Hassan asked if any directions under section 35(4) of the Planning Act 2008 had been made.
Gweld cyngor i Dorset County Council
Enquired whether a proposal to lay cathodic protection beds to an existing onshore pipe-line granted consent under the Pipe-lines Act 1962 would constitute a nationally significant infrastructure proj... Darllen mwy
Gweld cyngor i Alan Rayner
The developers of a project for which the formal application has not yet been submitted have issued a DRAFT Environmental Statement that was used for the consultation under section 42 (now closed). ... Darllen mwy
Gweld cyngor i North Yorkshire County Council
Please see attachment
Gweld cyngor i Mark Willietts
Clarification from Planning Inspectorate on the need for a development consent
Gweld cyngor i Parsons Brinckerhoff
Further to the Planning Inspectorate's previous advice on side road orders and compulsory acquisition relating to Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project applications under the Planning Act 2008... Darllen mwy
Gweld cyfarfod gyda Members from Denbighshire, Conwy Gwynedd, Snowdonia National Park
The aim of this meeting was to explain to attendees the role of the Local Authorities and outline the processes and procedures that are relevant to development consent applications for proposed nation... Darllen mwy
Gweld cyngor i Parsons Brinckerhoff
Following the Planning Inspectorate's s.51 advice, Parsons Brinckerhoff emailed a further enquiry in regard to applying for a potential NSIP application for a highways scheme under the Planning Act 20... Darllen mwy
Gweld cyngor i Parsons Brinckerhoff
Parsons Brinckerhoff enquired if Development Consent Orders under the Planning Act 2008 are the same as all Highways Line Orders, asking for clarification on the interaction between the 1980 Highways ... Darllen mwy
Gweld cyngor i Parsons Brinckerhoff
Parsons Brinckerhoff enquired as to whether it is possible to change an applicant part way through the DCO application process. The Planning Inspectorate's response was by email.
Gweld cyfarfod gyda Environment Agency
See meeting note.
Gweld cyngor i Mendip District Council
Mendip District Council enquired regarding the thresholds for an reservoir application to come to the Planning Inspectorate rather than being dealt with by the Local Planning Authority.
Gweld cyngor i Nigel Juggins
I am trying to understand the planning process within your website. Under your heading 'Legislation and advice' there is a sub section headed 'National Policy Statements'. and a link to where these c... Darllen mwy
Gweld cyfarfod gyda Renewable UK
Meeting between The Planning Inspectorate and Renewable UK to discuss Renewable UK's draft Streamlining Consents Report and general lessons from the industry. Please see attachment.
Gweld cyngor i M Armstrong
1. Are Parish Councils classed as statutory consultees if an NSIP development takes place within their parish. 2. If they are statutory consultees, do they have to register to make a representati... Darllen mwy
Gweld cyfarfod gyda Renewable UK
Please see attachment
Gweld cyngor i Claire Goodman
Query in respect of Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.
Gweld cyngor i Independent Planning Consultant
Would a peaking plant with the generating capacity of either 50 megawatts or 90 megawatts fall under the 2008 planning act or would it be determined by the relevant local authority?
Gweld cyfarfod gyda EDF Energy
see meeting note attached
Gweld cyngor i John Broughton
If any interested party [in the loosest possible definition] declines to comment at the draft stage and reserves that comment until your formal procedure is in place will that in any way predjudice yo... Darllen mwy
Gweld cyngor i Alder King Consultants
Mr King called to ask which body was responsiable for discharing requirments contained within a Development Concent order, how long this normaly took, and whether there was a prescribed fee.
Gweld cyngor i English Heritage
Clarification regarding the implications for English Heritage arising from the amendments to s102 of the Planning Act 2008 (PA 2008) by the Localism Act 2011 and whether parties must also de-register ... Darllen mwy
Gweld cyfarfod gyda Natural England
Meeting to present the Planning Act 2008 (PA 2008) and Localism Act 2011 process to members of the Natural England (NE) European Protected Species (EPS) team and discuss issues arising on current Nati... Darllen mwy
Gweld cyngor i Janet Roberts-Lewis
Thank you for your reply [dated 4 May 2012]. I wonder if you are able to tell me whether the local authority is still reponsible for determining in the case in question as the area concerned is th... Darllen mwy
Gweld cyngor i Janet Roberts-Lewis
A licence has been granted by the National Coal Authority to allow a complex drilling process to extract shale gas from the whole of Swansea Bay (from Mumbles to beyond Aberavon, Port Talbot). As t... Darllen mwy
Gweld cyngor i Karina Santiago
whether a proposed new project would constitute a National Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP)
Gweld cyngor i National Grid
Screening request received from National Grid regarding potential development of a gas transmission pipe-line crossing the River Otter near Fluxton, Devon. Please see attached screening request lette... Darllen mwy
Gweld cyngor i Robert Davidson
Mr Davidson called to discuss potentially making a application for a project which would have required a generating station licence under the Electricity Act. He wished to better understand the 2008 A... Darllen mwy
Gweld cyngor i SSE
In regards to an operational biomass fuelled generating station; the Caller asked whether the replacement of one of two existing generators, with a combined output of over 50 megawatts, constitutes a ... Darllen mwy
Gweld cyfarfod gyda Jones Lang LaSalle
Introductory Meeting with Jones Lang LaSalle on behalf of Anglesey Aluminium Metal Renewables Limited in regards to a proposed biomass fuelled generating station at Penrhos Works, Holyhead, Anglesey, ... Darllen mwy
Gweld cyngor i Malcolm Hearn-Grinham Hunter Conway Associates
Hunter Conway Associates queried whether a proposed 132kV switching station and terminal tower in Marden, Kent, would be considered a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project in accordance with t... Darllen mwy
Gweld cyngor i Pegasus Planning Group Ltd
The table in Section 8 Advice Note 3 identifies ambulance trusts as both prescribed and non-prescribed consultees for applications including an off-shore element. Please can you clarify.