
The London Resort

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 301 to 400 of 798 representations, newest first.

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  • Dr Ken Neal

    I recognise that business and employment are important but in a time when so many local authorities have declared a climate emergency and more importantly a biodiversity emergency, it seems at odds... Read more

  • Dr Rob Thomas

    This SSSI site is one of the most important individual sites in the whole of the UK for biodiversity of insects and other invertebrates, as well as many species of birds and other wildlife. Building... Read more

  • Dr Robert Cassels

    This site is too valuable for nature to build anything on. The government for all its stated green intentions simply cannot keep approving schemes like this that destroy our precious wildlife and... Read more

  • Emma Whitford-Smith

    Please can you keep this area for wildlife and nature. It is so wrong to keep destroying and building, these areas need to be protected forever. Thank you very much for your time.

  • Gail Heyes

    Points 1 Disney Paris is 4800 acres which is 7.5 square miles, the S Peninsula is itself is only 2 square miles 2 Opening times, if you have 10,000 customers coming at the same time at 8 am you would... Read more

  • Henrietta Simson

    I am writing to protest about the planning application for Swanscombe Marshes, as the idea to turn it into a theme park when it has been recommended as an SSSI by Natural England, seems to be, in my... Read more

  • Jacky Mattam

    The benefits accruing from the creation of a theme park are far less than those gained from leaving the area as it is. People's mental and physical health have been shown to thrive in 'nature spaces',... Read more

  • Jaine Tamplin

    There is no justification for turning Swanscombe into a theme park. There is nothing more important than the natural world, as the pandemic has shown us all too clearly and people need nature, not an... Read more

  • Jean Jarvis

    As a member Of Bug Life. A 'theme park' for London. How good for the Planet & Climate Change mitigation is that? London is an unnatural animal, a greedy, portly careless beast. For those who have... Read more

  • Jennifer Withers

    Swanscombe is a very important and vital area for hundreds of very important and vital species of wildlife, and recognised as such by Natural England who have recommended that Swanscombe be declared a... Read more

  • Jeremy Smith

    Dear Inspectorate, I would like to voice my personal and professional concern over the removal of a site which has been recommended to become a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) by Natural... Read more

  • Jonathan Carruthers

    With Greater London increasingly built up, The Swanscombe Peninsula is one of vanishingly few places to retain a 'wild' character that lie within easy reach by train. For this reason, it provides an... Read more

  • Katie Muller

    I am opposed to the proposed development of the Swanscombe marsh as this is the one remaining wetland for the diverse range of beautiful and rare flora and fauna in the area. Over the years I have... Read more

  • Kenneth Thompson

    Since when did a THEME PARK take precedence over a nationally important wildlife site? If we are to arrest the decline in Britain's wildlife, we have to start by getting our priorities right. How... Read more

  • Lesley Cannon

    Natural England have recommended Swanscombe be declared a Site of Special Scientific Interest. Our most important wildlife sites must not be lost. Swanscombe supports over 250 invertebrate species of... Read more

  • Leslie Arkless

    Swanscombe Peninsula which has been recommended by Natural England as a SSSI and needs to be protected for its range of habitats and flora and fauna including nationally scarce and species of... Read more

  • Louise Butfoy

    The development of the London Resort will be a disaster for local biodiversity and on a national scale due to the significant invertebrate populations on Swanscombe peninsula. We are in a biodiversity... Read more

  • Lynnette Johnson

    I do not see the need for yet another theme park especially one that would destroy such a beautiful, ecologically and environmentally important place. I do, however, absolutely see the need to protect... Read more

  • Mark Griffin

    I would like to ask that permission is not given to build a Resort Theme Park on Swanscombe Peninsula. It has been recognised as deserving status as a SSSI by Natural England. To lose more natural... Read more

  • Mark Pennell

    I can well understand why the Swanscombe Peninsula is designated a site of Special Scientific Interest. As "brownfield" land it might have an inferior image of being "pre-used", but for a long time... Read more

  • Matthew Livesey

    To build on an SSSI for a theme park is quite simply ridiculous. Given that the Distinguished Jumping Spider is only found on two sites in the UK, they should both be preserved and conserved. Anything... Read more

  • Michael Bennett

    This is not an ordinary brownfield site, if such a thing exists. It is an incredibly diverse mosaic of wetland and grassland, and supports around 250 invertebrates of conservation concern, including... Read more

  • Moira O'Donnell

    I am writing to urge you not to grant planning permission for the London Resort on the site of Swanscombe Marshes. In a post-covid world we need wild open spaces for our health and mental well-being,... Read more

  • Natalie Clemson

    This is a site of scientific interest due to a plethora of endangered species that rely on this unique habitat for survival. Given the current ecological and climate emergency that has been declared... Read more

  • Nick Flint

    Swanscombe Peninsula supports an outstanding range of wildlife, including over 250 invertebrate species of conservation concern. It is also home to nationally rare and endangered bees, spiders,... Read more

  • Peter Kennerley

    Swanscombe Peninsula supports an outstanding range of wildlife inhabiting a unique open mosaic of coastal habitats, grasslands, scrub and wetlands. Natural England have recommended Swanscombe be... Read more

  • Peter Ridewood

    There is a climate and ecological emergency ,any more building on precious natural land should only be for the absolute necessity,a theme park does not cover this ,please reconsider.

  • Philip Key

    I believe the application should be rejected on the grounds of the damage it would do to the Swanscombe Peninsula, which Natural England has recommended be made a SSSI. The site consists of a rare mix... Read more

  • Rachel Seddon

    Having lived on another area of marshland, the Walthamstow Marshes in London, for 15 years, I have seen the variety of wildlife this type of environment supports, and its great value to the local... Read more

  • Rae Cecil

    Please think again about destroying this wonderful and unique environment. It has devolved over the years to be a home for numerous plants, insects, birds, mammals and other creatures. Once it has... Read more

  • Rita Belding

    As this is now a Site of Special Scientific Interest why destroy it when we so desperately need to guard and protect our precious countryside which is rapidly being destroyed? There is enough... Read more

  • Sarah Proud

    Swanscombe Marshes is one of the very, very few areas left for nature in the UK. Over 250 species of invertebrate, whose numbers are already of concern, live here. We should be protecting this area... Read more

  • Sharon Ackland

    Following the great news that Swanscombe Marshes have received the SSSI status, I'm appealing to you to leave the area just as it is - an important 'breath of fresh air'. It's so valuable to, not only... Read more

  • Thomas A Ingram

    I would like to add my voice in opposition to this proposed development. I am a long term member of the RSPB and have an interest in all wildlife generally. I find it hard to believe that this... Read more

  • Wendy Douglas

    Swanscombe Peninsula is not an SSSI for nothing, the area deserves to be protected from any ‘built’ development to maintain the wide variety of flora and fauna now, and for future generations. Our... Read more

  • Willow May

    (Redacted) its hard for me to put this inyo my own words hence i hsve to cut and paste some information about this oroject but please do not underestimate my passion and upset about the proposed... Read more

  • Abigail Woodman

    In March 2019, the UK Parliament declared a climate emergency. Thinking about how to mitigate the effects of climate change is not a nice to have, it is absolutely essential if we are to avoid... Read more

  • Caroline Day

    I am writing as someone who does not live in the area but is concerned about Swanscombe since it homes species of regional and national significance which will be adversely affected by development.... Read more

  • Claire Philpott

    These plans for a theme park threaten rare and vulnerable species on a site of special scientific interest. Once they are lost, they are lost forever. Apart from all the tiny invertebrates, which are,... Read more

  • Cllr. Tony Harwood

    The very special and perhaps unique landscape and ecology of the Swanscombe peninsula make it inevitable that significant harm would result if this scheme were to proceed. There exist other more... Read more

  • David Griffin

    I intend to outline my concerns about Swanscombe Marshes being developed because of the rare nature of this costal habitat, and the wildlife that it supports. As I am not local I am not able with... Read more

  • David Jervis

    My reasons for objecting:- Swanscombe Peninsula supports an outstanding range of wildlife- 1. Swanscombe is a unique open mosaic of coastal habitats, grasslands, scrub and wetlands that have developed... Read more

  • David Moore

    The Prime Minister promised a green rebuiding of the economy but yet again it seems this is just paying lip service. HS1 & 2 have already destroyed acres of valuable & unreplaceable habitat and if... Read more

  • Diana Wallace

    A theme park could be put anywhere but this is a really special site for wildlife. It's about time we stood up for our rarer species which are declining and threatened with extinction. I would like my... Read more

  • Dr Kaye

    I want to add my voice to calls to protect Swanscombe. I used to visit this wonderful place when my children were small. It is a rare place that holds so many different and contrasting natural... Read more

  • Dr. Erica C D Hunter

    I am writing to voice my deep concern about the proposal to build the London Theme resort park on Swanscombe Marshes Peninsula. This would effectively destroy a very rich habitat, comprising coastal... Read more

  • Dr. Jeremy Bartlett

    Swanscombe Peninsula is a very special place: a unique open mosaic of coastal habitats, grasslands, scrub and wetlands which have developed as a result of the site’s complex human history. Wildlife... Read more

  • G Coldham

    I strongly object to this plan by The London Resort We treasure the area just the way it is, and many local residents in the Swanscombe, Northfleet and Gravesend area are vehemently opposed to any... Read more

  • Graeme Davis

    I think this application should be rejected on many grounds. Swanscombe marshes are not just a site of national importance, but national importance containing many scarce and endangered species. As... Read more

  • Jacqueline Abbott

    Hello Do we need a London Resort theme park on the Swanscombe Peninsula. No we do not! This is another money making scheme by greedy entrepreneurs to ruin a newly designated Site of Special Scientific... Read more

  • John Howard Morgan

    It is quite clear the wildlife value of this site, in both national and international terms, greatly surpasses its somewhat limited value as a place to build a recreational park. While the former... Read more

  • Julia Hart


  • Katherine Hayes

    I grew up around Swanscombe Peninsula and I know that it is a very special area - but even I didn't realise quite how special. I cannot think of a worse location for a theme park, the loss of precious... Read more

  • Linda McKee

    I am not local but I know this place. It might appear a wasteland to some but I have spent Sunday afternoons there and it is teeming with wildlife. The birds will not visit if there are no insects... Read more

  • Louise Ffoulkes

    I wish to object to the application to build the London Resort theme park on the Swanscombe Peninsula. We are in the midst of an assault on wild places by developers which will reduce our ability to... Read more

  • Maria Yetman

    I am making a written representation against the application for development consent as I believe that the diverse precious wildlife the Swanscombe Peninsula sustains, and the associated mental and... Read more

  • Mark Wilson

    I am writing to voice my opposition to the proposed London Resort on the Swanscombe Peninsula. I have lived in Greenhithe, right next to the proposed development site, since 2004, and have long been... Read more

  • Matthew Bourne

    I object to this development. Once it is built on, we cant get the nature back. Wildlife is in steep decline, we need to protect these areas, not destroy them! We really must protect our most... Read more

  • Mihaela Sorlea-Tentis

    It feels that in the last year, every green bit in this area is turned into either a residency estate or a development of some sort. The Swanscombe Peninsula is the only green place left in this area.... Read more

  • Peter Alfrey

    I object to this application , the site is an SSSI with 250 species of conservation concern. These species need to be protected .

  • Peter Harris

    Swanscombe Peninsula is a uniquely varied habitat which has been recommended to be designated an SSSI. It is immensely important for the wide variety of wildlife it supports. I do not live locally but... Read more

  • Pureflow Commissioning Ltd (Pureflow Commissioning Ltd)

    To whom it may concern, We strongly object to the London Resort application. We are a business with over 30 employees, 8 which are office based at Unit 7, Swanscombe Business Centre and 4 of whom... Read more

  • Raymond M Morris

    This area supports many rare and interesting creatures not found throughout the UK, eg the jumping spider Attulus distinguendus. We have so few areas of rich habitat left but plenty of brown field... Read more

  • Rodney Aldis

    I used to live in Kent and I am aware of how so many sites with high natural values have been lost to development. I do not think we can afford to loose sites such as Swanscombe. I note that Natural... Read more

  • Rosemarie Kyles

    As well as being an area of great biodiversity, in terms of flowers, birds and crucially insects, the marshes help to prevent flooding by absorbing water and preventing it leaving the area. It is also... Read more

  • Ross Facer

    To whom it may concern, For over a year now we have been in a national pandemic. Have you not realised or learnt during this time the importance of our green spaces and the natural world for people's... Read more

  • Sam Mckee

    I am very surprised that given this site has a SSSI attached to it that it can be overturned to accommodate what is an unnecessary Disney like construction. If there are no insects then there will be... Read more

  • Sarah Grist

    This particular area (Swanscombe peninsula wetland and dry scrubland) is extremely important to me and my family. It is one of the last undeveloped natural areas we have in Kent and extremely... Read more

  • Shirley Broughton

    My reasons for objecting:- Swanscombe Peninsula supports an outstanding range of wildlife- 1. Swanscombe is a unique open mosaic of coastal habitats, grasslands, scrub and wetlands that have developed... Read more

  • Tracey J Morgan

    Although I am not local to the area, I am fortunate enough to live in a rural area. During lockdown this has meant that not only have I had ample green space to exercise in but that I also look out on... Read more

  • Adam Scott

    I am a resident of south-east London and my family and I use Swanscombe Marshes for recreation, fresh air, and to encounter wildlife. It is a really important area for us. It is accessible by train... Read more

  • Amy Murray

    In a world where our environment is rapidly changing... for the worse, I strongly wish to convey my concerns over this application with the hope that the planning committee do the same and reject it... Read more

  • Barney Sands & Hartridge Ltd (Barney Sands & Hartridge Ltd)

    I am a Director of Barney Sands & Hartridge Limited. We are the owners and occupiers of Unit P1-P2, Lower Rd, Northfleet Industrial Estate, Northfleet, Gravesend DA11 9SN, under a freehold interest.... Read more

  • Claire Thorpe

    I think it’s appalling that a theme park would even be considered for this site. It has been proven to be immensely important for wildlife of all kinds and was just designated a SSSI. If you can... Read more

  • David French

    - We are living in a time where there is an unprecedented impact of human activity causing a decline in biodiversity equal to or greater than any major extinction period in the Earth's history. This... Read more

  • David Noden

    As someone who has turned to nature during the on going pandemic as a way of improving his mental wellbeing, I find the possible removal of a site not far away that has provided the same benefits to... Read more

  • Dr Claudia Mitchell

    I wish to register my objection to the proposed development of a theme park on the Swanscombe Peninsula. This is one of the few remaining biodiverse brownfield sites in the Thames Estuary not already... Read more

  • Emily Pettit

    Looking into the future post-COVID, I have no interest in visiting any theme park, and will not be planning any trips to such places. There are more than enough of them to go around. I would much... Read more

  • Geoffrey Jones

    I was brought up in a couple of locations on the North Kent coast in the 1950s and 60s and as a child became familiar with marshland habitats, mainly through expeditions with friends where we explored... Read more

  • Jacky Langton

    I am a member of the Kent Botanical Recording Group, I remember a Group Meeting in 2015 to Swanscombe Peninsular and am very concerned about the NSIP submission for a London Resort theme park there.... Read more

  • Janet Eileen Payne

    Life is changing whereby money buys anything, i.e. the destruction of the planet. Education of the younger generations to preserve their world is work in progress, but what IS lacking is serious work... Read more

  • John Povey

    I am a local resident and I work at the industrial estate adjacent to swanscombe marshes. When things start to get me down at work I use the peninsular for the peace and quiet and clear my head. It... Read more

  • Lorna Kahan

    I am writing to express my concerns about the application of The London Resort, Planning Inspectorate ref: BCO 80001 and wish to make a representation against the application. As a member of the Kent... Read more

  • Robin Hutchinson

    When there is such a rich collection of varying environments supporting a wide range of endangered and interesting species, surely something as frivolous could be built elsewhere? Somewhere... Read more

  • Anthony Bird

    I know very little about the area in question but if Natural England thinks it ought to be an SSSI , that is enough information to encourage me to verbally protest against the proposed London Resort... Read more

  • Gillian Slade

    Swanscombe Marshes are a site of special scientific interest. This means there are many plant, insect and animal species that are rare or endangered, including the jumping spider. This is a very... Read more

  • Guy Robinson

    I live locally and am considered to be knowledgable enough of that environment to be asked to guide scouting groups. Swanscombe Marshes is an incredibly diverse environment for wildlife, with coast,... Read more

  • Janet Inglis

    The idea of destroying or damaging an SSSI in order to create a theme park is quite astonishing. Theme parks can be set up anywhere, and in any case are purely for human entertainment. SSSIs are... Read more

  • Rax Green

    I strongly object to any encroachment on the breeding ground of the distinguished jumping spider, considering it is Critically Endangered and found at only one other site in the whole UK. This is an... Read more

  • Sarah Garrett

    Swanscombe Marshes is a nationally important site for wildlife, it has been declared a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP) and a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). These... Read more

  • Steven Robinson

    I oppose this development, as it will destroy a site which is rich in wildlife and one of the best in the UK. I visit Swanscombe Marshes, to be in a green space and to see its wildlife - it is home to... Read more

  • Barbara Spence

    I am concerned that the UK is not properly recognising our biodiversity emergency. The proposal to build a theme park on such an outstanding site for wildlife is a prime example of this failure. I am... Read more

  • Carol Palmer

    My view is that Swanscombe Peninsula supports an outstanding range of wildlife and is vitally important for the wildlife that depends on it. It is a unique open mosaic of coastal habitats, grasslands,... Read more

  • Catherine Lake

    I wish to object strongly to the use of Swanscombe Marshes to build the London Resort Theme Park. This area comprises a range of habitats including coast, saltmarsh, wetlands, grassland and scrub that... Read more

  • David Mote

    As the Dartford Borough Councillor of the ward in which the proposed ward is being built I want to ensure the commitments make in the resort’s application covering areas including employment,... Read more

  • Dr Daniel Michael James Harwood

    The UK needs to re- think its direction. We are a divided country with huge areas of social deprivation and inequality. England is one of the richest countries in the world, yet poor physical and... Read more

  • Dr Judith Clark

    Swanscombe Peninsula is a totally unsuitable location for a theme park. This development will cause significant and permanent damage to nationally and internationally important wildlife and habitats.... Read more

  • Kelly Gunnell

    I am appalled at the prospect of a London Resort theme park on the Swanscombe Peninsula. In a time of climate and ecological emergency we should be protecting at ALL COSTS our valuable green spaces... Read more

  • Lisa Gray

    Swanscombe is a diverse range of coastal habitats, grasslands, scrub & wetlands that have developed as a result of the site’s often complex human activity. It is my understanding that Natural England... Read more

  • Statera Energy/Thurrock Power (Statera Energy/Thurrock Power )

    Thurrock Power, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Statera Energy, submitted an application to the Secretary of State for development consent to construct and operate a flexible generation and storage power... Read more