
The Sizewell C Project

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 676 to 700 of 1290 representations, newest first.

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  • Ivor Eisenstadt

    In mid-2019, new wind and solar generators competed efficiently against even existing nuclear power plants in cost terms and grew generating capacity faster than any other power type, the annual World... Read more

  • Jackum Brown

    I wish to register my opposition to EDF’s planning application for Sizewell C. My overarching concern is that this project is sited in the wrong place, at the wrong time, at an unbearable cost both to... Read more

  • James Vigar

    I am extremely worried about the impact that Sizewell C will have on both the local environment and economy specifically in relation to: - huge increase in HGV traffic on already stressed transport... Read more

  • Jan Hall

    I am writing to object to the building of Sizewell C. Even if the process is not stopped immediately it should not go ahead without full local involvement and consultation which cannot happen during... Read more

  • Jean Allan Holloway

    Scrutiny of the following Coastal defences Unacceptable impacts on local communities - severance, traffic, significant increases in noise, light pollution and disruption. Impact from influx of workers... Read more

  • Jennifer Kirtley

    I am extremely concerned over the proposed building of Sizewell C. Many have responded to 4 EDF consultations and yet still, the DCO is full of unanswered questions. Given the time EDF has been... Read more

  • Joanna Rowles

    Sizewell C: the absolutely incredible habitat & SSSI destruction this will cause, the storing and creating of deadly nuclear waste for ever, the loss of jobs relying on tourism and the lies spouted by... Read more

  • John Barrett

    As a provider of accommodation for holiday makers my income will be decimated if the planned building of Sizewell C goes ahead. The accommodation does not lend its self to be used by itinerant workers... Read more

  • Joshua Parker

    I am from the Suffolk coastal area and have significant concerns regarding the impact of this proposed development upon the local area, infrastructure and biodiversity. Suffolk is a quiet place and a... Read more

  • Juliet Blaxland

    While appreciating the need 'to keep the lights on', I think Sizewell C will do disproportionate damage to the nature, ecology and culture of coastal Suffolk, not just in the development of the actual... Read more

  • Katherine Parrish

    I wish to raise the following issues of concern about Sizewell C. 1. Site Selection I believe it is the wrong project in the wrong place Site at risk from climate change, sea level rise and flooding.... Read more

  • Kesgrave Town Council (Kesgrave Town Council )

    On behalf of Kesgrave Town Council I wish to raise an interest in the following matters; 1. Transport Sustainability of Road based transport plan, impact on local communities. HGV numbers are as high... Read more

  • Lady Hancock

    I have had great pleasure in visiting Suffolk and recognised the great value of its unspoiled landscapes. The area has gained worldwide recognition through its depiction in the works of the poet... Read more

  • Leiston-cum-Sizewell Town Council (Leiston-cum-Sizewell Town Council)

    Leiston-cum-Sizewell Town Council (LTC) has engaged with SZC Co. throughout the consultation process but still has concerns about the impacts of the project on Leiston cum Sizewell. The majority of... Read more

  • Les Tarver

    I object to the building of Sizewell C on the following grounds- Since the erection of the current nuclear power stations on the site global warming and widespread coastal erosion on the Suffolk coast... Read more

  • Lesley Walduck

    The proposed Sizewell C development would devastate the local environment, economy and the health and well-being of all those who live in, work in and visit our Parishes and Towns over a period of... Read more

  • Little Bealings Parish Council (Little Bealings Parish Council)

    The Parish Council is making representation about the Transport Strategy and negative impacts on the parish, specifically: Road: Use of the A12 which would cause the displacement of local traffic and... Read more

  • Luke Canavan

    To Whom It May Concern, I would like to highlight some concerns I have about the planned Sizewell C development: The project is likely to have a significant impact on the surrounding environment,... Read more

  • Lynne bell

    My points are as follows: 1. Sizewell C being built on an already eroding coastline. It is susceptible to flooding. What prevention will be taken to prevent this? 2. The amount of traffic on the... Read more

  • Manfred Doppler

    It is not clear if a new NPP is needed at all in UK. At this point in time, when renewables have already become cheaper than nuclear energy it is necessary to update the assessment of alternatives for... Read more

  • Marine Conservation Society (Marine Conservation Society)

    As proposed, Sizewell C Power Station’s biggest impact on the environment will be its intake of seawater for cooling. The proposed seawater intake is massive, with a flow greater than the average flow... Read more

  • Martin

    I am apposed to the development of Sizewell C and D. on the grounds that the site is too small to accommodate the proposed new reactors. The main points I want to include in my representation are 1.... Read more

  • Matthew Bridges

    1. Site Selection I believe it is the wrong project in the wrong place · Site at unpredictable risk from climate change, sea level rise and flooding · Potential impact on and from coastal processes ·... Read more

  • Michael Sherwen

    I am Objecting to the application because of the damage to designated landscapes and habitats proposed by EDF . In particular , to the erection of a bridge to the N of the site , and to the beach to... Read more

  • Mike Davis

    I wish to raise the following issues of concern about Sizewell C. 1. Site Selection I have friends living at Eastbridge and the volume of traffic and disruption to their village and others surrounding... Read more