
East Anglia ONE North Offshore Windfarm

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 701 to 725 of 878 representations, newest first.

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  • Susan Emmerson

    I would not like to see this beautiful country side destroyed. Why can’t it stay down Sizewell? You have taken all Sizewell away from what it was when we where children.Our great grandchilden will... Read more

  • Sybella Zisman

    1 The 'onshore development area' is defined within the NTS is inadequate as it does not detail the road network (in particular the B1121) required to access the proposed onshore substation(s) or the... Read more

  • The Aldeburgh Bookshop Ltd (The Aldeburgh Bookshop Ltd)

    I would like to object to the proposed development because I think it could be sited either at sea via what is decribed to us as a ring main out at sea submerged and not destroying the countryside in... Read more

  • The Sheppard Family (The Sheppard Family)

    In this area we have Sizewell C perhaps on the horizon, which will be massive. Obviously it will have a huge affect on Minsmere Bird Reserve; they're building houses on good agricultural land as fast... Read more

  • Tony Cooper

    We want to express our objections to Scottish Power Renewables onshore proposals for EA1N & EA2. Every aspect of the onshore proposal is potentially highly damaging to the area’s environment, economy... Read more

  • Vanessa Sturridge

    I wish to object to this Scottish Power Renewables planning application because of the damage it will do to the Suffolk Heritage Coast area and its communities. There appears to be no nationwide plan... Read more

  • Victoria Oaksey

    i own a share in a building at Sizewell that is directly in view of the proposed work. Therefore i feel involved in all the work proposed by East Anglia 1 North and East Anglia 2. i also feel very... Read more

  • Yvonne Edge

    These plans to build massive industrial substations at Grove Wood are dangerous and damaging. They will also devastate a large area of the Suffolk Coast & Heaths AONB, causing irreparable damage to... Read more

  • A Mackintosh

    I have lived all my life in this area and go regularly to the area that will be affected by this industrial construction. This is aa important area for wild like in general and birds in particular... Read more

  • A V Dearden

    In simple terms the impact of the windfarm and sub station development at Friston is too much for this small rural community. It seems extraordinary that the substation cannot be located at Sizewell... Read more

  • Alan Bryant

    I support all the concerns raised and representations being made by SASES and Friston Parish Council in respect of Scottish Power’s EA1N Project.

  • Alan Hallett

    I am a firm supporter of th eneed to shift our energy policy toward renewables - but this proposal is not suitable for the area, on a number of grounds. Most importantly, the site imposes an... Read more

  • Alde and Ore Association (Alde and Ore Association)

    Response from the Alde and Ore Association (Registered Charity number 1154583) The Alde and Ore Association exists to protect for the public benefit the Alde, Ore and Butley rivers and their banks... Read more

  • Alexander Gilmore

    Dear Examining Authority, RE: EAST ANGLIA ONE NORTH I wish to object to this ScottishPower Renewables planning application, for the following reasons: - Use of unspoilt countryside at Friston for... Read more

  • Amanda Jinks

    I am opposed to this area being used for onshore infrastructure supporting East Anglia North One. This area of the Suffolk Coast and Heaths is an AONB and a unique area of the UK, attracting visitors... Read more

  • Andrew McDonald

    I am a Suffolk resident, and live and work in Sudbourne, near the coast of East Suffolk. I have been closely involved in planning matters in East Suffolk as a Parish Councillor, but wish to register... Read more

  • Angela de Mille

    Dear Examining Authority I am appalled at the proposals for both East Anglia North One (10077) for the following reasons: - The Thorpeness cliffs are incredibly fragile, soft sand and not suitable for... Read more

  • Anglian Water Services Ltd (Anglian Water Services Ltd)

    Thank for you the opportunity to comment on the East Anglia One North Offshore Windfarm project. Anglian Water is considered to be a statutory consultee for nationally significant infrastructure... Read more

  • Anne Warrack

    We are in favour of sustainable energy projects, but we cannot support these plans. They will have an unacceptable impact in every way on Aldeburgh and its neighbouring towns. There is no coordinated... Read more

  • Annette Edge


  • Anthony Fincham

    This proposal will ruin a beautiful and pristine part of the Suffolk countryside and blight Friston and surrounding hamlets. In addition a 60 metre wide trench will be dug over 9 kilometres destroying... Read more

  • Barnaby Mallinson

    The current plans for onshore infrastructure has a detrimental impact on the local wildlife, in particular, severing the Suffolk Coast and Heaths AONB and causing problems to migrating species and... Read more

  • Beach View Holiday Park (Beach View Holiday Park)

    Beach View Holiday Park is a tourism business located north of Thorpeness and south of Sizewell. The onshore development requirements of energy proposals along the Suffolk Coast demands serious... Read more

  • Beth Keys-Holloway

    I cannot believe that with all of the warnings and exposure of the importance of planting tress and conserving the natural world. We are still having these issues with companies wanting to come in and... Read more

  • Bridget Chadwick

    As a resident of the Suffolk Coast & Heaths AONB and part of a family that has worked for decades to conserve the rare Sandlings heaths, I question how it can be a suitable place to build... Read more