
Sunnica Energy Farm

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  • Leanne Butler

    I object to the Sunnica Scheme as I feel it will have a detrimental effect on the wildlife and eco diversity in the area. I am concerned about the safety of the battery's being used. I am concerned... Read more

  • Leanne Dunsmuir

    This scheme is flawed. Dangerous batteries fire risk Disruption to roads Devastation to wildlife, flora and fauna. Pollution by excess construction traffic

  • Leanne Fordham

    I object to this energy farm being built on such a large scale as my daughters are at a local school, which could be at risk of harm if there were to be issues with the batteries.

  • Lesley Haird

    I am very concerned about the proposed sunnica solar farm so close to so much housing. I am worried about the battery storage as I know there have been fires and poisonous particles could be released... Read more

  • Linda Talbot

    I am very concerned about the possible dangers of the batteries, the loss of essential quality agricultural land, especially with the current situation with Russia and the likely wheat shortage and... Read more

  • Lionel Duncan

    Farmland is now needed more than ever for the production of food. East Anglia is the bread basket of our country and wheat is a commodity which will soon be in short supply

  • Lisa Bowman

    I am totally opposed to the Sunnica scheme. The land produces high quality vegetables (potatoes, onions, carrots, cereals and sugar beet). The destabilisation of Europe as shown by the Russian... Read more

  • Lizzy Campbell

    This would be such a loss of arable land. Can we not be putting solar panels on properties instead.

  • Lorraine Fairhead

    I am opposed to the plant for this massive solar farm as it will have a major impact on the countryside

  • Louise Sampson

    I object to the proposed Sunnica application on the size of the sight causing the loss of good quality arable farmland. The placement of lithium batteries near villages causes a fire hazard and... Read more

  • Louise Webber

    I am OBJECTING to the Sunnica Solar Farm application. I feel especially in the current climate we need to be as self sustaining as possible, so covering first class arable land in solar panels is... Read more

  • Luis Dos Remedios

    1. Destruction of the green field landscape and nature within Cambridgeshire and Suffolk 2. Natures habitat destroyed 3. There’s already a Energy Farm South of Six Mile Bottom 4. There’s no long term... Read more

  • Luke Harris MBA BSc (Hons) IEng MIGEM CMgr MCMI

    As a local resident I object to the Sunnica scheme. I object for several reasons but the main three I have laid out below: - Location. This is an area of unique ecology where Breckland meets Fenland... Read more

  • Maria Linkin

    I'm not against solar per se but i am against this application for the following reasons: 1. the immense size of this solar farm 2. the proximity to residential areas. We wont have rural villages we... Read more

  • Maria Wilson

    Size and scale for such an area plus the inclusion of industrial scale battery storage close to homes. The scheme is too large, it’s the wrong scale for the environment and most negatives flow from... Read more

  • Marianne Corbin

    I object to the Sunnica Energy Farm Development for the following reasons: • Permanent loss of valuable & productive Grade 2 & 3 food producing agricultural land - food security needed now more than... Read more

  • Mark Homan

    I am as much for renewable, green energy as the next person but the scale and locating of this project is monstrous. People who live in rural communities do so because they enjoy the landscape and... Read more

  • Mark Philip Lake

    I farm at Dalham and Higham. In the current political situation more than ever the country needs land for the production of food. The land which the Sunnica project will utilise is mainly good quality... Read more

  • Mark Webb

    My objections to the Sunnica Solar Farm are: 1. Inappropriate Size and Scale: Solar farms have an industrial appearance but where they have been installed in smaller and more appropriately located... Read more

  • Martine Dantonio

    Size of scheme is overly large and rather than being located on brownfield site is on productive irrigated agricultural land, some of which is grade 1 but all of which is highly productive and grows a... Read more

  • Matt Hogg

    o The size of the total site o The loss of productive agricultural land o Loss of country side views o Noise pollution from construction o Negative affect on village settings o Effect on human health... Read more

  • Maureen Cross

    Misuse of vast tracts of good agricultural land In current times the need to be able to provide for the ever increasing population Disruption over many years to thousands of local people The volume of... Read more

  • Melanie Howlett

    My concern is the loss of even more green space and the impact that can have on Mental health, when Mental health is already at an all time high.

  • Michael Andrews

    i am totally against the use of storage batteries on any of these the panels would be put on farmland i cannot see why once the project is finished that the fields should once more revert... Read more

  • Michael Cullen

    I have grave concerns regarding this development. The impact on local communities is going to be immense. The value of our properties is going to be severely negatively impacted by this development.... Read more