
Sunnica Energy Farm

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 501 to 550 of 1360 representations, newest first.

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  • Bruce Knight

    I am an independent consultant and technical journalist relating specifically to agricultural developments both technical and policy. My submission will be based on the concerns that I have that the... Read more

  • Camilla Vaughan

    Objection to the application. I have close family in Badlingham/Chippenham and have enjoyed many years of long visits, walks, rides and exploration. To see the scale of the proposed solar farms is... Read more

  • Dawn Smith

    I’m not happy for this largest solar farm to installed in this area. It will spoil the natural landscape of the area. There will undoubtedly be an increase in traffic whilst being installed with no... Read more

  • Duncan Maxwell

    I have lived with my family in this area for many years and feel a close emotional connection with Red Lodge. I am concerned about the environmental impact of the proposed development. I am also... Read more

  • Elizabeth Hollop

    An Industrial sized solar farm has absolutely NO business in and around the villages of our area. Were these solar panels warehouses, there would be no question that they would not be allowed to... Read more

  • Fiona C Peachey

    All for renewable energy, but this project is far too big . We need our farm land for food. We are an island and need to become self sufficient now we have left the European Union. Too close to our... Read more

  • Annette Flindall on behalf of Gerald Brian Flindall (Gerald Brian Flindall)

    Disrespectful consultation, lacking in two way conversation. This has been promoted Green and my research tells me it is far from it. BESS fire would be catastrophic for residents and fire service... Read more

  • Helen Timmins

    I am not against solar energy but these are my main points regarding this application. 1. The size is far too big for the area, surrounding local villages and taking away valuable arable farming. Loss... Read more

  • Julia Barnes

    This project is just too large. In general I support solar and other renewal projects but this one will destroy our countryside. Solar fields should be tucked away from eye lines and road routes... Read more

  • Julie Aldous

    • The size of the proposed development is far too big and will adversely affect the setting and character of several villages • The proposed battery storage facilities are located too close to... Read more

  • Malcolm Goodridge

    My concerns over the size of the farm. The batteries and storage of the power and how safe it is going to be. Giving the size of the farm why is it only supplying 150.000 homes.

  • Marco Botti Ltd (Marco Botti Ltd)

    Newmarket is famous for its beautiful landscapes with equine stud farms and training facilities. People flock from worldwide to watch horses work on the famous gallops. a solar farm this big would... Read more

  • Maxine Simpson

    Due to rising tensions between Russia and the rest of Europe, including UK, there is forecast a potential world food crisis, as we have to import just under 48% of our food supplies from abroad, I... Read more

  • Michael Denson

    Scale of scheme far exceeds resonable proportions that would be acceptable to the small rural communities directly affected. Quality of life for all local residents would be adversely affected,... Read more

  • Mr. Roger Durrant

    Size of development. Destruction of top grade farming land. Proximity to villages and residential dwellings. Destruction of wildlife habitat. Danger of explosion from storage batteries.

  • Patricia Audus

    I am objecting to the Sunnica application for 2,500 acre solar and battery plant proposed for Freckenham and the surrounding villages. I am very concerned with the impact this will have: - on the... Read more

  • Peter Victor McCalmont

    Please halt this disastrously dangerous decision. They are trying to ruin the countryside and a beautiful and treasured Golf Course.

  • Philip Peachey

    Taking away good agricultural land needed for food. Spoiling all wildlife habitat To close to homes, concerns of fires from batteries & disruption to my village roads & damage caused Not benefitting... Read more

  • Ruth Wills

    I am objecting to this application for the following reasons: - scale of the project - it covers over 2,500 acres of greenfield land which is currently productive farmland and there is no guarantee... Read more

  • Sarah Gardella

    I object to the Sunnica Energy Farm project for the following reasons: • Loss of arable land, impact on local farmers and food supply, loss of agricultural jobs • Unknown technology, questionable... Read more

  • Susan Nuttall

    1. Environmental I feel that it will be detrimental to the biodiversity of the area, with unnecessary disturbance. 2. Highways The plan will cause major disruption to the local roads. 3. Safety I am... Read more

  • William Haggas

    It is vital that the future of Newmarket as the World's greatest Racehorse centre is preserved and nurtured and not destroyed forever by this hideous proposal

  • Zoe Sarah Crowley

    I am against the Sunnica solar farm application for the following reasons: It is too close to residential properties - Whilst I am not against the idea in principle, it is the location of this site... Read more

  • Anthony Balladares

    Reduction in house prices, impact on wildlife, noise pollution, fire risk giving off toxic fumes, high security fencing and flood lighting will be seen from the Marina, line of river and our tranquil... Read more

  • Antony Vornell

    the area is too large. (Biggest construction yet) it is on land which will not be available for food production, when we need to mport less food. Coutreside will be lost with no garantee of restoring... Read more

  • Arthur Rivett

    I wish to express my concern for the bat habitats along the U6006 Badlingham Lane. 1. My bat survey of the 11th August 2021 shows the importance of the U6006 Badlingham Lane for bats, including the... Read more

  • Christine Butcher

    I feel that there are better ways of producing electricity than by covering good farmland that we need to feed the nation with fields of solar panels. Solar panels would be better sited on roofs of... Read more

  • Deborah Fletcher

    The scale of this project turns a country area into a vast desert of panels and destroys the reason why we wanted to live here. No objection to a much smaller project. Fearful for migrating birds (who... Read more

  • Debra N. Harley

    I am opposed to this application for the following reasons 1. I’m worried about the use of so much good quality arable land for this purpose. 2. I’m worried about the battery storage units being sited... Read more

  • Ed Mayall

    Making use of as many of the sun’s photons as possible can only be a good thing. However, when they fall on green fields, they are already being converted to usable energy, and at higher efficiency... Read more

  • Edward Marriott

    I am [redacted] years old and interested in the future of my environment. I enjoy the area I live in. I want to be able to raise my own family in this area. This project concerns me on many levels.... Read more

  • Fordham Cambs Walking Group (Fordham Cambs Walking Group)

    I wish to register as an Interested Party to raise objections regarding walking and cycling routes together with public safety matters regarding battery storage. I am a retired town planner resident... Read more

  • Frances Stanley

    I would like to register an objection to the proposed SUNNICA project. Although we have a Newmarket county address we actually live next to the A14/A1303 at CB80XA. We breed thoroughbred horses at the... Read more

  • Geoffrey Mitchell

    In today's world good agricultural land should be used for the production of food and not for solar. There is plenty of poor grade land that can be used for solar and the land designated in the plans... Read more

  • Heather Dawn Palfrey

    Sunnica Solar Battery Farm( Plant) This being so large it will make an ugly blot on the landscape.I am not totally against it but perhaps it could be made smaller.I do appreciate we need other forms... Read more

  • Henry Marriott

    I oppose this huge project as do not want my environment destroyed. Why choose this place for such a huge project? As [redacted] year old I have been taught to look after our planet and treasure green... Read more

  • Jackie Badcock

    Panels are likely imported from China - we must support UK companies and products. Over 100 acres of concrete will be laid - impact on drainage Farmland will be destroyed No local employment benefit... Read more

  • Jane Marriott

    I object to the importation of these panels from China. Slave labour likely and importation effect on climate. The project is of NO benefit to the local community. We will lose a huge amount of our... Read more

  • John Alexander Leitch

    Objections to Sunnica Energy Scheme Inadequate Consultation Sunnica faced envelopes were not fully represented during the consultation period. Why did Booklet maps have Town and Village names removed?... Read more

  • John Berrett

    I believe that the proposed solar farm is far too close to villages in Suffolk and could easily be moved to areas reasonably nearby where there are few if any settlements.

  • John Butcher

    It would take months to digest all the paperwork I went to look at at the Mildenhall Hub. The area we are in would be covered with fields of solar panels and taking good agricultural land that is... Read more

  • John Fry

    The amount of HGV traffic through the villages at present is a concern but will be nothing compared to the traffic coming through if this proposal goes ahead. Each site is huge and traffic will need... Read more

  • Jon Ray

    I think it is an absolutely brilliant ifea. We need as much renewable energy as possible. Solar with battery storage is a perfect solution, with low impact.

  • Julia Sizer

    The Sunnica proposal must be stopped. The huge amount of land they wish to cover with solar panels is prime arable farmland. The population of the UK need to grow more of our own food in this part of... Read more

  • Karen Balladares

    Noise pollution, over 2000 heavy goods vehicles on roads during construction, footpath access limitations,impact on wildlife,if battery storage catches fire it cannot be put out giving off toxic... Read more

  • Kate James

    My concerns are the size, location and possible dangers of the battery station particularly as it is so close to my home and business. The panels being built along the entire width of 2 of our... Read more

  • Lynda Brereton

    As an educationalist, former agricultural scientist, dog Walker and home owner near the proposed Sunnica site, I have very strong feelings that the proposal would be extremely detrimental to the... Read more

  • Mrs Brenda Knowles

    I OBJECT TO THIS PROPOSAL Because of Covid restrictions Sunnica have held Virtual consultations this has meant that MANY people have not been able to take part, and good dialogue has not been... Read more

  • Mrs J M Naylor

    I feel that as world supplies of food are under pressure the use of land should be for Agricultural purposes for the next generations, not for the growth of Solar Panels (imported from China), the... Read more

  • Peter Knowles

    I OBJECT to Sunnica’s solar energy scheme because of:- The lack of Public consultations by Sunnica, being unethical, relying on electronic consultation as an alternative to public meetings; this... Read more