
Sunnica Energy Farm

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 926 to 950 of 1360 representations, newest first.

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  • Simon Talbott

    I object to this scheme for the following reasons:- 1. Scale and environmental impact. 2. Dangers of large battery storage facilities. 3. Loss of land for food production. 4. Disruption during the... Read more

  • Sir Edward Cazalet

    For a three year period up until 1960, when I took up full-time employment, I, as the son of a racehorse trainer, rode out from racing stables on numerous occasions over the glorious heath concerned... Read more

  • Sophie James

    My main concerns are: The large battery unit and the dangers this could create, its close proximity to my home and many others, and businesses! The affects on my own and my famiy's mental health. The... Read more

  • Stephanie Parker

    I am against this project because you are destroying our landscape and our wild life. We do not want this here. We have a right to say no. You don’t live here so I wonder how Sunnica people would want... Read more

  • Steven Braybrooke Clarke

    I live in Burwell and know from past experiences the works required to be completed at the Sub Station in the village will have a massive impact as they will significantly increase traffic on small... Read more

  • Steven Mackenzie

    I am not objecting solar energy sites in general but I am objecting to sites being built in the wrong places for the wrong reasons. If it is such a good idea why is it not a British company applying... Read more

  • Stuart Armstrong

    I am opposed to the planned solar power plant by Sunnica, I think this sought of project should be built away from housing areas, this is a massive industrial eye sore. I can’t believe that over 2700... Read more

  • Sue Brown

    I'm particularly concerned about the size and potential damage to land and wildlife/plants, also the closeness to residential homes.

  • Suffolk Preservation Society (Suffolk Preservation Society)

    The Suffolk Preservation Society (SPS) acknowledges the imperative for the transition to a low carbon economy and the urgent need to provide renewable energy at pace (The Energy White Paper (2020)... Read more

  • Tamas Beata

    This solar power farm is not beneficial for any of the residents in the area. The reasons I am not supporting this application is mainly because simply this has a life changing impact on our life. I... Read more

  • Isabel Cross on behalf of Terence Cross (Terence Cross)

    I fully reject the Sunnica scheme for: Impact on our daily lives Piecemealed throughout 7 villages and affecting 16 parishes will create a cumulative negative affect on our communities with an... Read more

  • Timothy John Washtell

    1. The sheer size of the proposal on key agricultural land has not been adquately discussed at local public meetings. 2. I believe it is wrong to use land that could be farmed for growing food,... Read more

  • Tina Dumphreys

    I object very strongly about Sunnica Energy Farm What will happen to our wildlife, farming and animals? The impact this energy farm would make is so worrying how close it is to schools, places of... Read more

  • Toni Clarke (Mrs)

    I live in Burwell and know from past experiences the works required to be completed at the Sub Station in the village will have a massive impact as they will significantly increase traffic on small... Read more

  • Tonie Jakes

    I object to the Sunnica development due to its imposing size, the environmental impact it will have on this area, including reducing agricultural yields plus the risk of living in a such a large solar... Read more

  • Tracey Minshull

    Lack of communication from Sunnica with local residents. Health impacts of the scheme. Dangers of the battery storage. Health/mental impact to local people during construction and due to change in... Read more

  • Victor Le Grand

    Further and critical scrutiny is required for a project of this scale, as: The sheer size of the project means that it will be unusually intrusive, over an unusually wide area, and for a number of... Read more

  • Virginia Moggridge

    I object to this scheme on the following grounds: Environment: 1.Greenhouse gases - my concern is that the project, including manufacture, construction, maintenance and decommissioning, will create... Read more

  • Worlington Parish Council (Worlington Parish Council )

    Worlington Parish Council Rejects to the proposed Sunnica solar farm for many reasons some of which are listed below. General – the developer has provided insufficient information on many areas to... Read more

  • Yvonne Hawkins

    After going along to the meeting at redlodge with sunnica I feel they haven’t put my mind at rest I have a young grandchild and feel this is not the way forward sunnica plan to put there batteries... Read more

  • Aiden Higgins

    I feel that this isn't the right thing for the area. I live in a new build home and the solar panels should be put on the homes not in a field At a time when we need the land to grow our food. Use the... Read more

  • Alan Scott

    This is another foreign based company making profits in the UK whilst creating a blight on this largely unspoiled countryside

  • Alison Saich

    I am Extremely concerned about adverse affects from equipment that will be placed very close to my home. I am worried about the noise, pollution and actual long term affects for myself and my family... Read more

  • Amanda Watts

    I do not wish for sunnica to destroy the country side and the large amount of batteries are dangerous and this has never been done so should not be able to go ahead

  • Amy Sugg

    I'm for renewable energy but I feel there are better, less devastating ways it can be achieved. I am concerned about the dangers of the battery units and it being such a close proximity to homes,... Read more