
Sunnica Energy Farm

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Showing 901 to 925 of 1360 representations, newest first.

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  • Michael King

    I object to the Sunnica application for the 2800 acre solar and battery plant proposed for the area surrounging my village and other neighbouring villages. I am not opposed to solar energy, it is the... Read more

  • Michael Spooner

    *Objection to removing good quality agricultural land from food production (forever) over to long term industrial type structures as large scale as this that cannot be reclaimed, if this land is not... Read more

  • Michele Wilkinson

    I object to farming land being given up to to produce electricity, especially in relation to climate changes which are going to effect food production worldwide. I also question whether or not,... Read more

  • Mildenhall High Town Council (Mildenhall High Town Council)

    Mildenhall High Town Council formally objects to the development due to the size and scale of the development, impact on the landscape, lack of benefit for the local community either in improved... Read more

  • Monique Macdonald

    I am objecting to sunnica application for the following reasons: 1. All Burwell traffic will pass our front door. The road is a country lane. 2. the loss of agricultural use at a time when it is... Read more

  • Mrs Jane Busuttil

    Size of scheme Loss of farmland Traffic, noise and pollution during proposed construction Encompassing villages to feel as if living in an industrial area Size of battery farm and consequences of such... Read more

  • Mrs Jean Faulkner

    My objections to the siting of the Solar Farm on the proposed site are many. There has been next to no contact with the local villages and our M.P's to discuss the objections this, plus to obtain any... Read more

  • Mrs Sandra Shipp

    I OBJECT TO THE SUNNICA ENERGY FARM !! (1) Taking up valuable farm land ! We are only 60plus % self sufficient Even more we keep more important now as Russia & Ukraine Supply 30% of the worlds wheat... Read more

  • Neil Deasy

    Clearly our country is under great pressure to increase the production of renewable energy. This I support. I cannot however believe that there do not exist viable and preferable alternatives to this... Read more

  • Nick Airey

    Farming Land surely it is more carbon friendly to grow as much produce as close to the end consumer as possible, we need farm land to farm. importing food is a backward step. Solar Panels i have been... Read more

  • Nicole Tweed

    This will spoil the landscape and the peace currently in the area.

  • Nikki O'Callaghan

    I live in Freckenham and work in La Hogue Farm Foods in Chippenham, these are my objections: Road Network - All of the access roads are B roads and are completely unsuitable for heavy plant. My house... Read more

  • Oliver Deasy

    I am concerned about Sunnica's proposal to install solar panels in Newmarket for the following reasons: - It will cause severe damage to the local ecosystem. - It will cover productive arable land... Read more

  • Patricia Ivy Judd

    I, strongly object to Sunnica's plan to turn five Suffolk villages into a solar battery farm, due to the current situation in Ukraine and Russia it demonstrates our dependence on other countries for... Read more

  • Patricia Shipp

    + The increase of heavy traffic on small village roads. + The loss of arable land + The close proximity of proposed battery storage units to residential area. +The large area covered by the panels.

  • Paula Rae

    Upset prime English farm land will be put out of use for decades. Horrified at transformation of rural village life with increased heavy traffic disturbing local wildlife and danger of gases expelled... Read more

  • Peter Stanley

    I believe that the site is out of all proportion to the area in which it is being placed. It’s around many villages but even more importantly the world-famous Newmarket Gallops. The danger the glint... Read more

  • Peter Thomson

    The use of BESS li-on carries significant risk. Whilst there are known mitigation strategies, at times these have been proven to fail. In this case the close proximity to residential properties is a... Read more

  • Philippa Dodds

    I have lived in Burwell, Cambridgeshire for 24 years. In that time there has been so much development for housing that there is a need for more sustainable green energy. There is also a case for... Read more

  • Phoebe Brown

    I object for the following reasons: * The land is good arable farm land which should be used to grow crops and corn necessary for this countries needs * The enormous battery storage units suggested... Read more

  • Richard Hurlock

    I object to sunnica in its entirety. The site selection process has not been explained and seems to be driven by profit motive rather than suitability for providing energy. Given the ongoing and... Read more

  • Robert Palmer

    My objections to the Sunnica Solar Farm are: 1. Inappropriate Size and Scale: Solar farms have an industrial appearance but where they have been installed in smaller and more appropriately located... Read more

  • Sandra Rogowski

    * Loss of wildlife/birds, particularly Skylarks in the proposed huge site area. I frequently walk and take great solace from this beautiful environment. *Noise and pollution created in the... Read more

  • Sara Caswell

    I reject the Sunnica application fully, I live in the village of Kennett and as a resident here I have some objections to this proposal. • road closures will impact on my commute and my leisure... Read more

  • Shane Horan

    Newmarket and its surrounding countryside is an area of historic significance in which the horseracing and racehorse breeding industry first originated and to this day remains its headquarters. So... Read more