
Medworth Energy from Waste Combined Heat and Power Facility

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Showing 326 to 350 of 666 representations, newest first.

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  • Emma Gower

    Unsuitable need residential area, will cause mass deterioration to health

  • Jessica Lloyd

    I will comment later.

  • Katie Punter

    Far too close to the town and school! Children will be walking to and from school every day and with more traffic comes more accidents. Also the road is being dug up must weeks due to pipes bursting... Read more

  • Martin Gower

    Unsuitable site near to town with schools and residential area. Poor roads

  • Patricia Anne Cuthbertson

    Totally ludicrous to have an incinerator in the centre of this small Fenland town next to a school and food storage plant. Complete lack of infrastructure to support the transportation of waste... Read more

  • Pauline Rayner

    This is the most ridiculous place ever for an incinerator. It is in the middle of a town next to houses and a school with no roads big enough to take all the lorries that will be coming. I do wonder... Read more

  • Reema Pate-Lynn

    No to the incinerator in Wisbech, Cambridgeshire.

  • Rob Murphy

    I object to this project for what I believe to be fairly common sense reasons. Any project like this should be undertaken in the middle of nowhere, not in a town with schools and residential areas... Read more

  • Ronald Payne

    Very close to the town centre. Roads, including the A47, will struggle to cope with the extra very heavy traffic involved. The area gets extremely busy with traffic in summer and at bank holidays as... Read more

  • Sara Strickle

    Please see below a number of points to support my objection to this project. - Location. We are one of the flatest, lowest areas in the country. We do not have any high rise buildings to 'hide' such... Read more

  • Sarah Jane Bunning

    The plant will finish wisbech as a town with it being grid lock all ways in and out. It is proposed to be built very near to a large secondary school which will also cause traffic and environmental... Read more

  • Susanne Caroline Jennings

    I strongly oppose this proposed project on several grounds, the main being concerns for the health and well-being of those resident in Wisbech. Pollution is already a problem here due to poor planning... Read more

  • Vincent James Cartledge

    1. The town of Wisbech has been denied proper opportunity to prosper and develop touristically in a manner that one would expect from "The Capital of the Fens” with such a rich history, historical... Read more

  • B Males

    I have a number of concerns in regard to the proposed MEGA INCINERATOR I read the following report which is of grave concern for residents health and persons in the wider communities who will be put... Read more

  • Debra Hook

    The large volume of traffic would ruin this whole peaceful area of Norfolk. The area is a very popular area for horse riding which would be made dangerous by the large volume of traffic. It would also... Read more

  • Grace Stanford

    The Incinerator if built will bring the roads of Wisbech to a standstill with the amount of lorries that are planned to bring waste to the site.

  • helen strickle

    I am against this project. The infrastructure of our small town cannot cope with the volume of traffic the lorries will create bringing in the material from outside our area . many hundreds of lorries... Read more

  • Paul Edward Probets

    The incinerator is a good idea in principle but placing it in the middle of a busy A47 will cause untold chaos for all surrounding roads as the additional traffic load will enhance the current high... Read more

  • Stephen Charles Wenn

    1 The 50MW threshold is unlikely to be met due to overcapacity of waste incineration. This is primarily a waste incinerator and will increase carbon release into the atmosphere. Burying plastic locks... Read more

  • Ana Catarina Dias Lopes

    I don't want this incinerator to be built; it is very close to my house, and I don't want to be breading the fumes and dealing with the extra traffic. Also, it will decrease the value of the home if... Read more

  • Corrine Mitcham

    The idea of putting an incinerator in the middle of an industrial estate which is surrounded by housing and a large secondary school is absurd. We do not have the infrastructure to accommodate the... Read more

  • Fraser Dawbarns LLP (Fraser Dawbarns LLP)

    I represent Fountain Frozen Limited who occupy premises next to the proposed site and object to the project and lodged their objections in the initial consultation stage by letter which did not seem... Read more

  • Hutchinson Group Limited (Hutchinson Group Limited)

    This is not the right location for the site and as a result we believe it will have an adverse impact on our business. Initial concerns are the amount of HGV traffic this will generate and the impact... Read more

  • Jacqueline Wisby

    The position that will be used to build this plant is totally unacceptable,you must realise that the residents in the locality will suffer,not only from the traffic which will cause even more air... Read more

  • James L Rand

    My wife and are grandchildren and my self live not too far from this, and as this is something that is going to last for a long time, We all need to know if this is not going to make are life a short... Read more