
Medworth Energy from Waste Combined Heat and Power Facility

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 151 to 175 of 666 representations, newest first.

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  • Simon Robshaw

    The roundabout near Elm is always busy. The lorries that will be going to the incinerator will cause massive problems for Wisbech. The town struggle with the current traffic. New houses are being... Read more

  • Stephen David John Penny

    I will comment at a later date as things progress

  • Susan Barton

    I will comment once I have read the information in full

  • Susan Blyth

    I completely disagree with this project, it is very close to a Secondary school and will generate significant traffic in the town of Wisbech

  • Jeanette Bateman on behalf of The Bateman Family (The Bateman Family)

    This is an inappropriate development for the area. It will be in very close proximity to houses, schools, businesses and medical facilities. There is a poor road infrastructure serving the area, from... Read more

  • Timothy Robert Seagroatt

    I will comment further when I see the full information and can make a meaningful statement

  • Wendy Wright

    Having lived in this property since 1964 it is the most horrendous proposal ever. The building towers over the skyline of every surrounding building and the amount of lorries already destroy the peace... Read more

  • West Walton Parish Council (West Walton Parish Council)

    West Walton Parish Council requests to be kept up to date with all stages of this planning application and will decide to comment at a later date.

  • William David Fillingham

    I will be commenting with detail once I have further fully studied the proposals. I have numerous comments already, but due to the way MVV have been conducting their business matters I will be putting... Read more

  • WisWin (WisWin) on behalf of Wisbech Without Incineration (WisWin)

    This incinerator, in its lifetime, will release 25 million tonnes of CO2, which will exacerbate climate change and negate the government's own policy to be net carbon Neutral by 2050. This... Read more

  • Andrew Houghton

    My concerns for the proposed incinerator include: 1) Location - both for the immediate vicinity (ie. impact on residential, educational and business premises around the site) and for the... Read more

  • Andrew James Edgeley

    No comments yet

  • Angela Bailey

    Main points include the effects of waste coming into the area (roads not suitable) and it’s impact on road pollution. There will be dangerous toxins (air pollution) based on expert reports in the... Read more

  • Annabel Brown

    I object to this proposal due to it being built within a town,. This will incur pollution to a wide population and also the amount of traffic movements that will arise on a daily basis will completely... Read more

  • Annie Moore

    Apart from the obvious strain on already struggling simple roads and infrastructure and the ridiculous idea to locate burning ridiculous amounts of rubbish by a school just outside a town centre I... Read more

  • Anthony Howard Brooker

    Pollution - no matter how the plant is configured it WILL add pollution to the air and so very near a town and a large secondary school. Traffic - the large increase in traffic of vehicles to and from... Read more

  • Barbara Barker

    Objections to Wisbech incinerator - 1) "Incineration causes air pollution in particulates, ultra-fine particulates do the most damage a report showed and these incinerators are being placed in the... Read more

  • Barry Fogarty

    Equity in planning decisions. In the absence of other compelling reasons, is the siting of infrastructure evenly shared throughout the nation? Within a ten mile radius of Walton Highway, there is the... Read more

  • Betty Glenys Fillingham

    This is a valuable agricultural district and fallout will contaminate the land. It is a low lying area and debris will lie in the atmosphere affecting the lungs of local people. The roads are totally... Read more

  • Carole Ann Morris

    Our town does not have the infrastructure to cope with an enormous project like this. The road network is inadequate and the potential risks to health are too great. Why can’t it be built somewhere... Read more

  • Carole Anne Simmonds

    This facility is totally inappropriate for an agricultural area, with schools and housing nearby. Will register my objections when I have the full report.

  • Christopher MacKillican

    1. Pollution, the level of waste fumes will be unacceptably high. We are all trying to do our bit reduce pollution. It is a good few steps backwards when you build something where it's primary purpose... Read more

  • Corinne Walker

    I already suffer with [] and [] and do not want the incinerator built within 1 mile of my home. Also the road system of Wisbech cannot cope with the amount of lorries that will be required to keep it... Read more

  • Councillor Chris Boden

    I am the Leader of Fenland District Council. I object to the proposal on a number of grounds, principal among which are the following: 1. There is clearly overwhelming local opposition to this... Read more

  • Craig Wallace

    will be making my statements based on reviewing the material but i am deeply concerned about due process being followed particularly at a time when the country was in full lockdown. The consultation... Read more