Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 276 to 300 of 425 representations, newest first.

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  • Conan Sturdy

    I feel the proposed development of a new wind farm off the coast of Littlehampton would damage the sea bed. The Help the Kelp project which is slowly regenerating the kelp forest would be damaged and... Read more

  • Douglas David Loxton

    I fully support the proposal to extend the Rampion Wind Farm in order to strengthen the provision of renewable energy in the South East. I find the current turbines to be an ninteresting and pleasant... Read more

  • E P Hobden

    Impact on properties and disruption

  • Emily Seex

    Please can you maximise green energy output, to protect the area these are to be placed from rising sea levels and extreme weather events. It would be better if these where nationally owned so we can... Read more

  • Irene Mary Mitchell

    Rampion 2- a summary of the scenario as at October 2023-10-18 The proposed windfarm will consist of up to 90 turbines spread along the coast between Worthing and Bognor Regis. and sited 8 miles from... Read more

  • Karen Royall

    Why is it that I am unable to find any kind of visualisation of the impact from our shoreline of this wind farm? What evidence is provided on the effect (short/medium/long term) of migration, marine... Read more

  • Laura Munns

    I strongly believe this project should go ahead. We need to invest in as much green/renewable energy as possible and this is a way to do that

  • Lindsay Mason

    Not needed. Will damage sea life and restoration of sea beds. Kill animals. Ruins the asthetics of the outlook. Don’t make as much energy as they use to produce

  • Linsey Miller

    Disruption to traffic in local area, causing polllution and noise, difficulty of access to Lyminster Road No consideration for impact on 120 caravan owners or house owners on the opposite side of the... Read more

  • Littlehampton Town Council (Littlehampton Town Council)

    Dear Sirs Response from Littlehampton Town Council to the Rampion 2 Wind Farm Proposal These proposals were considered by the Town Council at its meeting held on 12 October 2023. The Council welcomed... Read more

  • Lynda Marshall

    It is unsettling how the Rampion 2 Environment Statement (ES) selectively deploys information and evidence to assert that transformation of our natural seascape will have “negligible” adverse impacts... Read more

  • Lynette Regan

    Dear Sirs, We am writing to you because we (my partner and myself) are deeply concerned regarding the Rampion Extension project that has proposed a temporary access road on the field directly North of... Read more

  • Maria Teresa Camilleri

    I, Teresa Camilleri am one of the four Trustees of land located at Lyminster, West Sussex (Land Registry Ref: WSX228882).  This land is directly impacted by the proposed changes to the onshore cable... Read more

  • Marine Management Organisation (Marine Management Organisation)

    Dear Planning Inspectorate, Due to the length of our response and the available word count in this box, the Marine Management Organisation will be emailing our Relevant Representation and Principle... Read more

  • Knight Frank LLP (Knight Frank LLP) on behalf of Oakendene Estate -- Langlands-Pearse and Others (Oakendene Estate -- Langlands-Pearse and Others)

    A representation document has been sent to rampion2@planninginspectorate.gov.uk

  • Pulborough Parish Council (Pulborough Parish Council)

    From a local standpoint the concern would be the proposed compound at Washington. Considering the extra traffic that this would this generate on already busy roads through Pulborough given the... Read more

  • Sussex Wildlife Trust (Sussex Wildlife Trust)

    Sussex Wildlife Trust is registering as an Interested Party to raise comments on the progression of the Development Consent Order application for the Rampion 2 Offshore Windfarm. Since climate change... Read more

  • The National Trust (The National Trust)

    The charitable purpose of the National Trust is set out in statute. Specifically, section 4(1) of the National Trust Act 1907 establishes the National Trust “for the purposes of promoting the... Read more

  • The Woodland Trust (The Woodland Trust)

    Thank you for the opportunity to register as an interested party for the proposed scheme. The Woodland Trust is the UK’s leading woodland conservation charity, aiming to protect native woods, trees... Read more

  • Timothy Franey

    I strongly oppose the expansion of the Rampion Wind Farm, with up to a further 90 turbines, at possibly double the height of the original Rampion turbines. I have a house that is on the seafront in... Read more

  • Waverley Borough Council (Waverley Borough Council)

    Waverley Borough Council has declared a climate emergency and supports the expansion of renewable energy in consultation with local communities. The Council has no further comments to make and does... Read more

  • West Sussex County Council (West Sussex County Council)

    Please send email sent today by Amy Harrower on behalf of West Sussex County Council.

  • Worthing Borough Council (Worthing Borough Council)

    Worthing Borough Council Comments (officer level response) Worthing Borough Council declared a climate emergency in July 2019. As part of this declaration, the Council has made a commitment to work... Read more

  • Anthony Towers

    Who is going to pay for it? The cost just gets added to consumer bills. It is useless when there is no wind. The contractor is guaranteed to get paid. This type of project needs to be entirely in the... Read more

  • Diane Ward

    Proximity to holiday caravans at Brookside Caravan Park where I have a holiday home. Dirt and dust from 6 months plus work. Vibrations and noise. Insurance issues for caravans.