Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1 to 50 of 425 representations, newest first.

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  • Albon family (Albon family) on behalf of Albon family (Albon family)

    No proper consultation so far. Multiple inconsistencies between different drawings and illustrations make a mockery of the democratic process. I was first notified in October 2022 only days before the... Read more

  • Alexander Langlands Pearse

    Our Farm is the final destination for the Power station, cable storage and construction area.

  • Anthony Beach

    I live in Felpham, a coastal village, adjacent to the town of Bognor Regis. We have clear sea views but can see the turbines of Rampion 1 in the distance. I object to the proposed works for the... Read more

  • Brighton & Hove Economic Partnership (Brighton & Hove Economic Partnership)

    The BHEP generally supports the the Rampion 2 proposals and is looking forward to commenting in depth with the publication of any associated economic impact statement that is forthcoming.

  • Cosmo Wisniewski

    I want to review the position, size, and impact of any proposed wind turbines, especially given the published proposals showing much larger turbines than Rampion 1, and assess the impact on a national... Read more

  • Gerald Easter

    This is an industrial change to a tourist and fishing landscape to the detriment of both. We are on migration routes with sensitive kelp beds which will be damaged and marine wildlife deterred by... Read more

  • Glen Andrew Hewlett

    This project should go ahead and as soon as possible to ensure our energy integrity and independence. The project will help to reduce damaging emissions and improve our environment. I don’t feel that... Read more

  • Jeremy Taylor

    I support the application as I believe it will help with energy security for the country & makes sense to utilise wind power.

  • Martin Miller

    The Size of each Turbine, potential damage to Sea bed and change of night sky by identifying lighting.

  • Michael Sant FRTPI(rtd)

    1 the visual impact of the proposal when viewed from the Sussex coastline 2 the physical and visual impact of the on shore works required to process the power


    NATS raised an OBJECTION to the development at pre-planning due to the impact to our radar at Pease Pottage. We are working with the developer and hope to be able to find a mutually acceptable... Read more

  • Ruth Louise Aldred

    PLEASE PLEASE do not build the Rampion 2 substation so close to Cowfold village. The village does struggle for some peace and calm as a place to live as we do have to tolerate a huge amount of... Read more

  • Sharon MacGregor

    I am concerned that it is too close to the shore to be efficient, further off shore is proven to be more useful.

  • South Coast Nursing Homes ltd (South Coast Nursing Homes ltd)

    I run a Dementia Care Home for 55 vulnerable dementia patients (REDACTED) - the works are close to the southern boundary of my property. I need assurances ; 1. There will be no noise impact during the... Read more

  • Susan Janette Ball

    I cannot support this proposal in its current form. Living on a narrow lane in Cowfold parish, I am very concerned regarding the potential traffic issues the project may cause. Rampion have , for... Read more

  • The UK Chamber of Shipping (The UK Chamber of Shipping)

    The UK Chamber of Shipping is the trade association for the UK shipping industry, representing some 200 members, operating 900 vessels equalling 18 million GT in capacity, trading around the UK and... Read more

  • Washington Parish Council (Washington Parish Council)

    This representation is made by Washington Parish Council representing the local community in our area. The Parish Council is separately the Charity Trustee of the Washington Recreation Ground which is... Read more

  • Washington Recreation Ground Charity (Washington Recreation Ground Charity)

    Washington Parish Council as Trustee of the Washington Recreation Ground Charity, requests to be registered as an Interested Party in the examination of the Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm application.... Read more

  • Alexandra Ball

    I am a sea side property owner and I am concerned that the proposed wind farm is too large and too close to the shore effectively ruining my visual amenity. Nowhere else in the UK are such large wind... Read more

  • Christopher Tipping

    Whilst renewable energy is supported, there needs to be meaningful engagement and consultation with affected landowners - with a willingness to address legitimate concerns.

  • David Charles Jenkins

    I have great concern about the affect on traffic using the A272 in the Cowfold area when this project is under construction. The effect this project will have on Cowfold and the surrounding area is... Read more

  • Glenda Coralie Ayliffe

    I am very concerned about the proposed access route using Long Furlong Lane, a busy single track road with few passing places, which is used by residents, local rural businesses and their customers,... Read more

  • Ian Redman

    I am opposed to thee proposals. I don’t feel the Cowfold community have been properly consulted I feel Rampion's replies have been misleading in areas such as traffic, nature, effects on local... Read more

  • Richard Morris

    I oppose the Rampion proposed project. We have not been consulted properly about this significant project and I and other residents are concerned about: - Traffic on the A272-congestion, traffic... Read more

  • Shane Colvin

    There was a failure in the whole consultation process - I was first made aware of the Rampion 2 substation in December 2022. I have never received any documentation from Rampion 2 despite living in... Read more

  • Shuna Le Moine

    Rampion have constantly misrepresented the development. Firstly, they claim that this is ‘an extension’ of Rampion 1 when it is actually an entirely separate and considerably larger development with a... Read more

  • Simon Wolf

    Although I believe in wind farms as a source of energy i think the damage that will be done to the seabed is going to have adverse affects. We saw what trawling did to the fragile ecosystem below the... Read more

  • Clymping Parish Council (Clymping Parish Council)

    The impact that the installation will have on Clymping Village. Rampion 2 Offshore Windfarm Submission to Planning Inspectorate Clymping Parish Council November 2023 1. Clymping is a small rural... Read more

  • K.A. Hirst

    We live very close to the sub station for the Rampion 1 off shore wind farm and cable route. We endured 6 years of a very badly run construction project. We are, therefore, anxious that the hours of... Read more

  • Philip Grocott

    I have some environmental concerns regarding Rampion 2 regarding the impact on migrating birds and also damage during the construction stage to breeding grounds for crab, lobster and other marine... Read more

  • Roger Hector Ayliffe

    Concern regarding using Long Furlong Lane as an access, this is a very narrow lane used by residents, commercial vehicles based at the Myrtlegrove Estate complex, horse riders, cyclists and walkers.I... Read more

  • Turok Family (Turok Family) on behalf of Turok (Turok)

    I strongly oppose this project as it will have a profoundly negative impact on my families life the local impact on our lives will be significant I was not sent the first round of letters and maps and... Read more

  • West Sussex Local Access Forum (West Sussex Local Access Forum)

    The West Sussex Local Access Forum (WSLAF) interest is in the the treatment of public rights of way during construction work, to ensure they are kept open and available to all legitimate users as far... Read more

  • Anne French

    Although I have no objection in principle to wind farms at sea, I believe, firstly, that they should be positioned further from the coast to maximise wind power, and secondly, I have concerns about... Read more

  • Derek Bradley

    I strongly support renewable energy.

  • Martin Bendall

    I’m all for it

  • S Elsey

    My objections are:- CONSULTATION - I don’t believe Cowfold Residents have been consulted properly on the impact of the Rampion proposal. Laterly we have received some leaflets but we did not receive... Read more

  • Corporation of Trinity House of Deptford Strond (Corporation of Trinity House of Deptford Strond)

    Dear Sir / Madam, The Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm Order We refer to the above application for development consent. Trinity House is the General Lighthouse Authority for England, Wales, the Channel... Read more

  • The Eagles family (The Eagles family) on behalf of Eagles (Eagles)

    We OBJECT to the proposed project mainly for the following reasons. Lack of consultation, and information Alternatives for cable route and substation - what are they? Traffic pollution, delays along... Read more

  • Deborah Baxter on behalf of Baxter (Baxter)

    Local Impact - the visual impact of the windfarm which will be 2.5 times (3 storeys) the height of Rampion 1 and will be clearly visible from the South Downs National Park. The irreparable damage done... Read more

  • Oliver Huggins

    The proposed turbines are far too large and close to the shore. This will spoil the views and damage the local tourist economy.

  • Shermanbury Parish Council (Shermanbury Parish Council)

    Consultation relating to proposals relating to Cable Routes and the selection of a site for the Rampion 2 Substation Cable Routes Shermanbury Parish Council (SPC) notes that the final decision... Read more

  • Christopher Barnett

    While I am generally in favour of renewable energy, I find that in the case of Rampion 2 there are a number of issues that have been inadequate: (1) The undemocratic consultation process. We live in... Read more

  • Christopher Irving

    I do not support this proposal . I believe Rampion have failed to inform the local community of the real consequences or effects of choosing this site, or properly considered any alternatives. My... Read more

  • John Robert Hughes

    I am very concerned that Rampion2 intend to use Kent Street as an access to their main Oakendean site and their cable workings.Kent Street is a narrow single track country lane with few usable passing... Read more

  • Natasha Brabon

    The traffic in and out of cowfold is already very heavy, the introduction of traffic lights for 6 years will make getting out of our road impossible. The impact on villagers due to excess traffic will... Read more

  • Roger Alexnder Bateman

    Very concerned about disruption to the local community and businesses during the build period. Very concerned about impacts to local countryside and visual impacts of the completed site.

  • Jane Lamb

    The Rampion 2 destruction of Oakendene and its route to get there.1st October 2023 To whom it may concern The Rampion 2 Substation at Oakendene. I would like to register my objection for the following... Read more

  • Janet Crosley

    I am most worried about the effect on the 3.5 trillion Insects that migrate across and back the south coast each year at a height of 150-1500mtrs, the wind turbines are 325 mtrs high. I am a retired... Read more

  • Peter Bailey

    Cowfold is already a bottleneck for traffic, particularly on the A272 to the east and west of the village. The proposed development will add considerable amounts of additional journeys by HGVs and... Read more