Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 151 to 175 of 425 representations, newest first.

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  • Meera Smethurst

    I object most strongly to the proposals. I do not believe the adverse impacts of Rampion 2 are outweighed by the benefits. Although living in the immediate vicinity of the proposed Oakendene... Read more

  • Michelle Eve Tucker

    Main areas of concern are exacerbation of already existing traffic congestion/air pollution, lack of consideration to the existing wildlife & hedgerows/trees & unsuitability of the roads suggested for... Read more

  • Mick Clark

    The data, collected since choosing the Oakendene site, shows this area to be incredibly rich ecologically. It was the ONLY place in the whole project from coast to substation where otters or hazel... Read more

  • Nigel Allen Light

    Our concern involves the use of Greentrees Lane (which is a bridleway) for the access point to work-sites. 1) Most concerning to us (and doubtless to all users of both the A281 and Greentree Lane... Read more

  • Patricia Fairhall

    The A272 is a main route , always very busy and at peak times there is queuing traffic right along the stretch where the Rampion construction site will be. The loss of trees , hedgerows and... Read more

  • Richard John Richards on behalf of Richard & Anne Richards (Richard & Anne Richards)

    My wife and I are opposed to the current proposals. The visual impact of the turbines being too close to the shore will ruin the view out to sea. Rampion 1 can be seen most days and that is unsightly.... Read more

  • Robert Manning

    I am concerned about the effect of the construction traffic on the A272 road delaying access to Bolney/Haywards Heath. I am also concerned about the tailback effect west of Cowfold on the A272 and at... Read more

  • Sandra Albon

    No proper consultation has taken place. Details communicated are inconsistent and there not trustworthy.

  • Susie Russell-Smith

    I object to the proposals I am genuinely concerned about the way the importance of the ecology at Oakendene and the northern end of the cable route through Cratemans and the Cowfold stream has been... Read more


    REPRESENTATIONS ON BEHALF OF ALAN DAVID LEWHELLIN GRIFFITHS AND JANICE ELIZABETH GRIFFITHS OF [REDACTED] The owners have engaged fully with RWE in the consultation process since they were first... Read more

  • Andy Friend

    I fully support this project and the contribution it will make to sustainable generation

  • Angela Lightburn

    Reference: Draft Development Consent Order (DCO) EN010117 [REDACTED] It has come to my attention via a notice attached to a sign post at the end of Kings Lane that Rampion are proposing the... Read more

  • Brookside Holiday Camp Limited (Brookside Holiday Camp Limited)

    Proximity of part of the scheme to our business; noise; security; enjoyment of our location for our customers; length of project and putting good the vicinity after the scheme has completed; wildlife... Read more

  • Caroline Ansell MP

    I write in support of the expansion of the Rampion Wind Farm. I do this in my capacity as the Member of Parliament for Eastbourne and Willingdon. Offshore Wind has been a British success story rapidly... Read more

  • Carolyn Lambert

    I have been told this phase will be much bigger than existing farm, there is no visual representation in the planning document. I am sad that the whole of my vision from the shore at Goring-by-Sea... Read more

  • Caz McGurn

    Please don’t erect anymore wind farms along the south coast of Worthing area, they look awful & cost a fortune, upsets the ocean floor & the sea. The money could be better spent helping the poor in... Read more

  • Ellen Jane Finley

    The application from Rampion to build a substation at Oakendene at the junction of the A272 and Kent Street is going to be a blight on the whole area when finished and a nightmare for us residents... Read more

  • Fiona Buckley

    I am registering but have yet to read full proposal. I've only just found out about it a few days before closing date for responses. So my main comment on registering is TELL THE PUBLIC IT IS... Read more

  • Frederick Turok

    I object to the Rampion 2 project here is a summary of the key reasons The significant negative impact the construction traffic will have on the A272 and Kent street on residents Kent street is a... Read more

  • Jane Macallan

    I want to express agreement with the project

  • Janine Creaye

    I strongly object to the Rampion 2 Windfarm Proposals. The final choice of substation site as Oakendene, is the worst possible option put forward for loss of biodiversity and cannot be offset with... Read more

  • Jason bloy

    I wholeheartedly agree with the proposal

  • Julian Thorpe

    I'm a directly affected party.

  • Justine Maddox

    I do not support this new wind farm which is being passed off as an expansion. The machines are way too tall and will be too visible from the coast.

  • Kathryn Victoria winfield

    I would like to register my concerns and extreme implications the proposed intrusion through our paddocks will have . I am an Olympic team dressage rider ,trainer and 20 national champion .I ride and... Read more