
Drax Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage Project

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 201 to 250 of 283 representations, newest first.

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  • Mark Tonks

    Dear Sir / Madam, I wish to object to Drax’s application to add carbon capture technology to two of its wood-burning units. I am objecting because I believe the proposal is not a sustainable... Read more

  • Mr. Christopher Symonds

    Dear Sir / Madam, I wish to object to Drax’s application to add carbon capture technology to two of its wood-burning units. I am objecting because I believe the proposal is not a sustainable... Read more

  • Mrs Ruby Homawala

    Capturing and compressing CO2 takes a lot of energy – 28% of all the energy produced by each unit, according to Drax but possibly even more – so there’s a high risk of the resultant shortfall in... Read more

  • Mrs Ruth Webb

    Dear Sir / Madam, I wish to object to Drax’s application to add carbon capture  technology to two of its wood-burning units.  I am objecting because I believe the proposal is not a sustainable... Read more

  • Steve Smith

    Dear Sir / Madam, I wish to object to Drax’s application to add carbon capture technology to two of its wood-burning units. I am objecting because I believe the proposal is not a sustainable... Read more

  • Susan Francis

    I wish to object to Drax's application to add carbon capture technology to two of its wood-burning units. I am objecting because I believe the proposal is not a sustainable development as defined in... Read more

  • Susan Poole

    Dear Sir / Madam, I wish to object to Drax’s application to add carbon capture technology to two of its wood-burning units. I am objecting because I believe the proposal is not a sustainable... Read more

  • Alexander (Alick) Munro

    I am not aware that that the carbon cost of forestry, milling and transport of woodchip is included in assessing the overall benefit of Drax. I am not aware that Drax burns only waste wood. Waste wood... Read more

  • Carol Ann Oladipo

    This scheme will have a huge and destructive environmental impact, and is not the best way forward. Our planet is being destroyed at an ever inceasing speed, and we are not meeting agreed targets. how... Read more

  • Denise Dowdell-Stent

    Good afternoon, I wish to object to Drax’s application to add carbon capture technology to two of its wood-burning units. I am objecting because I believe the proposal is not a sustainable development... Read more

  • Dominic Sbresni

    Transportation of raw materials over long distances, high energy costs creating products such as wood pellets, and furthermore burning these highly controversial pellets due to the high cost and... Read more

  • Michael Ellard

    Cutting down forest to use as biomass is a disgrace. Government keeps telling us to plant trees when they use other peoples trees to use as an expensive source of power.

  • Mike Perkins

    Dear Sir / Madam, I wish to object to Drax’s application to add carbon capture technology to two of its wood-burning units. I am objecting because I believe the proposal is not a sustainable... Read more

  • Robert Frank

    Drax is one of the biggest polluter companies in UK history. From its fracking proposals to large-scale wood-burning and exponentially multiplying carbon emissions in the UK, leading to the worsening... Read more

  • Robert Seymour

    Biomass power generation is mainly dependant on imported wood pellets from USA produced by destruction of woodlands and forests which will take decades to recover, if replanted, to their current level... Read more

  • Sara Ellis

    The national infrastructure project is not to my liking biomass is not green Forests are destroyed to gather fuel for biomass large areas of forest will be destroyed. The quantity of biomass burnt in... Read more

  • Sophie Barber

    Earth is warmer than ever before and every day that DRAX power station continues to burn Wood for fuel it warms the atmosphere more. Trees are essential to sequester Carbon, by cutting down and... Read more

  • Brian David Webster on behalf of Webster Family (Webster Family )

    Denuding virgin forest, processing into wood pellets before shipping long distances by land and sea comes at unquantified environmental costs. Clearing the Drax site and repurposing to capture... Read more

  • Dilys Beaumont

    Dear Sir / Madam, I wish to object to Drax’s application to add carbon capture technology to two of its wood-burning units. I am objecting because I believe the proposal is not a sustainable... Read more

  • James E Hewitt

    I object to the application. It seems ambiguous or misleading in a number of instances. These include the proposal's energy penalty, the unroven ability of the technology proposed to capture the... Read more

  • Yorkshire Wildlife Trust (Yorkshire Wildlife Trust)

    We object to the purpose of this application due to concerns about carbon capture technology which have been articulated by the Royal Society of Wildlife Trusts (RSWT) and other NGO’s, relating... Read more

  • Canal & River Trust (Canal & River Trust)

    The Canal & River Trust (“the Trust”) are the charity who look after and bring to life 2000 miles of canals & rivers. Our waterways contribute to the health and wellbeing of local communities and... Read more

  • Cut Carbon Not Forests (Cut Carbon Not Forests)

    The Cut Carbon Not Forests (CCNF) coalition represents environmental and social justice groups from the U.S., Canada, and the UK concerned about the impacts of the UK’s wood-based bioenergy industry... Read more

  • Emma Downing-Warren

    Dear Sir / Madam, I wish to object to Drax’s application to add carbon capture technology to two of its wood-burning units. I am objecting because I believe the proposal is not a sustainable... Read more

  • Environment Agency (Environment Agency)


  • GDPR Protected 001

    I object to this project as I stand against the burning of trees that Drax is proposing to do, I also object to the fact that they are labeling it as an eco freindly solution

  • Guy Johnson

    Dear Sir / Madam, I wish to object to Drax’s application to add carbon capture technology to two of its wood-burning units. I am objecting because I believe the proposal is not a sustainable... Read more

  • Jamie Russell

    Dear Sir / Madam, I wish to object to Drax’s application to add carbon capture technology to two of its wood-burning units. I am objecting because I believe the proposal is not a sustainable... Read more

  • Kirsten de Vos

    I’m very concerned that we currently give subsidies to firms like Drax. Burning wood is NOT sustainable. Trees take decades to capture and sequester CO2 and when burned release it into the atmosphere... Read more

  • National Grid (National Grid)

    Relevant Representation of National Grid Electricity Transmission Plc in respect of the DRAX Bioenergy with Carbon Capture and Storage DCO (the “Project”) This relevant representation is submitted on... Read more

  • Aidan Francis

    The scientific community do not believe this unproven technology will work. This is purely a greenwashing exercise by the worst polluter in the UK. Furthermore they want to secure billions from the... Read more

  • Associated British Ports (Associated British Ports)

    Please see email attachment from 2 September 2022.

  • Jessica Upton

    We are in a climate crisis NOW. We can see the effects of it already across the world. England has got off lightly so far but it won’t escape unless we lead in carbon emission reduction & this... Read more

  • Kathryn Pybus

    Negative health impacts on workers and wider community. Local environmental impacts on important wildlife sites. Large amount of public money already spent on Europes largest Carbon emitter that... Read more

  • Martin Roberts

    This is a complete con and waste if money, better off putting the funds to build into renewable energy sources

  • Martin Stern

    I am complaing about the drax progect

  • Pat Temple-Murray

    Dear Sir / Madam, I wish to object to Drax’s application to add carbon capture technology to two of its wood-burning units. I am objecting because I believe the proposal is not a sustainable... Read more

  • Southern Environmental Law Center (Southern Environmental Law Center)

    Please see representation attached.

  • Ben Long

    Dear Sir / Madam, I wish to object to Drax’s application to add carbon capture technology to two of its wood-burning units. I am objecting because I believe the proposal is not a sustainable... Read more

  • Harry Partridge

    Dear Sir / Madam, I wish to object to Drax’s application to add carbon capture technology to two of its wood-burning units. I am objecting because I believe the proposal is not a sustainable... Read more

  • Hull Friends of the Earth (Hull Friends of the Earth)

    I am writing on behalf of Hull Friends of the Earth (HFOE) in objection to the current application by Drax to fit carbon capture to two wood-burning units. The following summarises our reasons for... Read more

  • Kirsten Ellis

    Dear Sir / Madam, I wish to object to Drax’s application to add carbon capture technology to two of its wood-burning units. I am objecting because I believe the proposal is not a sustainable... Read more

  • Adam Myers

    Dear Sir / Madam, I am writing to register my objection to Drax’s application to add BECCS carbon capture technology to two of its wood-burning towers. My objection is based in my belief that the... Read more

  • Deborah Clare Cobbett

    Many aspects of the proposal concern me, not least the highly questionable claim that burning trees is a sustainable way to produce energy when this is causing deforestation around the world,... Read more

  • Julie Williamson

    burning trees for energy, in the short term, emits more carbon dioxide than coal or gas. It is adding to the climate emergency, which many politicians are choosing to ignore, as they continue to put... Read more

  • Sophie Curtis

    Dear Sir / Madam, I wish to object to Drax’s application to add carbon capture technology to two of its wood-burning units. I am objecting because I believe the proposal is not a sustainable... Read more

  • Amari Young

    Dear Sir / Madam, I wish to object to Drax’s application to add carbon capture technology to two of its wood-burning units. I am objecting because I believe the proposal is not a sustainable... Read more

  • Andrew Morrice

    I am concerned that this project relies on faulty CCS technology and will worsen the climate crisis, with devastating effects for all of us.

  • Biofuelwatch (Biofuelwatch)

    I am writing on behalf of the environmental organisation, Biofuelwatch, to respond to the application by Drax to fit carbon capture equipment to two of the power station’s wood-burning units.... Read more

  • Campaign Against Climate Change Trade Union Group (Campaign Against Climate Change Trade Union Group)

    Firstly, we would argue that BECCS technology should be considered as a separate technology in its own right, rather than merely as an addition to an already consented biomass burning installation.... Read more