
Mallard Pass Solar Project

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 351 to 375 of 1223 representations, newest first.

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  • Brian Couzens

    Bullet pioints: Essendine would be completely surrounded by solar panels creating an industrial small town. Over-developed to the extent of over 2,000 acres. Visual and audible implications are... Read more

  • Brian Norman Kearsey

    The project would destroy a beautiful productive farming environment with easy public access for leisure activities via a multitude of public footpaths [SIMPLY THE WRONG LOCATION FOR AN INDUSTRIAL... Read more

  • Bruce McCutchen

    Lincolnshire is a rural county and this awful Mallard Pass scheme will turn it into a semi industrial area. It is of no benefit to the local people and will fund a Chinese owned Canadian Company - is... Read more

  • Catharine Helen Weaver

    As an environmentalist and climate campaigner, I started by supporting Mallard Pass in principle. Understanding its full extent and nature, I now strongly object on ethical, environmental, national... Read more

  • Catherine Gardiner

    After careful consideration of the proposals and research I am registering my objection to the Mallard Pass Solar scheme on the following grounds: Environmental: Use /loss of prime agricultural land... Read more

  • Jamie McCann

    As a local resident, I have deep concerns about the Mallard Pass project. The destruction of perfectly good farmland at a time when affordable food produce has never been more important is negligent.... Read more

  • Maggie Doust

    Concerns re: Collaboration of Windell Energy/Canadian Solar have no record of competency of delivering such a large operation. Size of area and loss of arable farm land at a time when we should be... Read more

  • Michael David Scott

    Myself and my family are residents of Braceborough village, neighbouring the proposed development. We object profusely to the proposal, as it will degredate beautiful British countryside and... Read more

  • Philip Jacklin

    The size of the site is far too large to be in an agricultural area. The company's promotional campaign fills me with suspicion of their real purpose. They aimed to impress by issuing 3 very expensive... Read more

  • Rebecca Charrington

    Loss of agricultural land for food production The loss of biodiversity and potential damage to the local environment Huge disruption and traffic near school in Great Carsterton Compulsory purchases of... Read more

  • Rosemary Fenn

    Conservation for plants and animals.Considerable traffic disruption and destruction of paths and roads. Heavy traffic in villages such as Ryhall Essendine and Belmesthorpe is dangerous as each village... Read more

  • Joseph David Scott on behalf of The Scott Household (The Scott Household)

    We believe the following issues must be given full consideration during the examination process: - the loss of such a vast amount of land currently used as (i) productive agricultural land. Why do we... Read more

  • Thomas Klimes

    2 years+ of noise, light pollution and damage during construction Cabling requires compulsory acquisition rights in Essendine and will directly affect access to my home 6 day working 7am-7pm on site... Read more

  • Clementine Mathews

    I strongly object to these proposed plans for many reasons which include but are not limited to the following - Loss of agricultural land for vital food production with already rocketing food prices... Read more

  • Hugh Davison

    I am concerned about the loss of valuable farming land, food security, food miles and the visual impact of the proposed development as well as the impact permanently lost agricultural jobs. I believe... Read more

  • John H. J. Smith

    I sincerely and fully understand and support all concerns and objections as raised by The Mallard Pass Action Group

  • Linda Seamer

    I feel that the scale of this application is too large for this location. It would result in solar panels dominating the countryside over an extended area. Essendine in particular would be virtually... Read more

  • Maren Taylor

    I strongly oppose this project because: 1 The project is grossly oversized for the local area. 2 No benefits for local residents such as cheaper electricity. 3 Immense loss of vast areas of local,... Read more

  • Penelope Toulson

    I am sure there is nothing that I can put here that no one else has said already. However for so many reasons the idea of a solar farm so colossal in this area of the country is totally outrageous and... Read more

  • Sarah Louise Morten

    It’s too big and will spoil the views of the countryside. It’s not efficient use of farmland and will have a major Impact on wildlife and the local community.

  • Stella M. M. Smith

    I fully support and endorse all the objections as stated by The Mallard Pass Action Group

  • The Wells Family (The Wells Family)

    To Whom it may Concern Having attended a Consultation event at Ryhall Village Hall and whilst I am fully aware of the need to increase our solar production of energy, I am of course in agreement for... Read more

  • Andrew Hoyle

    Concerns over 1. Scale of Project 2. Suitability and expertise of Developers. 3. Industrialization of rural environment used by many for leisure activities. 4. Loss of good quality arable land. 5.... Read more

  • Ben Fennell

    I'm all up for protecting the interest of our children with renewable energy, but this project is far far to big for the area. I can't see why we have to use valuable farming land to take up this... Read more

  • Careby with Aunby and Holywell Parish Meeting (Careby with Aunby and Holywell Parish Meeting)

    Careby with Aunby and Holywell is the next Parish north of Essendine on the East Coast Main Line. Mallard Pass Solar Farm starts very close to Aunby. The main issues of the parishioners I represent... Read more