
Mallard Pass Solar Project

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Showing 601 to 625 of 1223 representations, newest first.

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  • James Darrall

    I think it’s incredibly important that this project goes ahead in order for the country to achieve its net zero aims for the benefit of our energy security and our environment. I do not agreed that... Read more

  • John Sutcliffe

    I support the generation of electricity via solar farms but oppose the Mallard Pass Solar Farm development because of the consequent loss of productive agricultural land.

  • Liam O'Flaherty

    This development should be refused planning permission for the following reasons: • Size, 2,238 acres is too large and would make it over eight times larger than the current largest solar plant in the... Read more

  • Martin Shaw

    to big for this type of countryside affecting village live and not convinced solar energy is the way forward

  • Mervyn John Davies

    This project should not be done on productive land if you need solar farm use Brown field sites there are plenty of these. This project is only beneficial to the Chinese and the company erecting it.... Read more

  • Mrs Janet Patricia Brown

    I consider the size of the proposed site is far to large. A quarter of the size may be acceptable . Provide the site is properly landscaped. It uses too much prime agricultural land. Vital for future... Read more

  • Paul Reeson

    Site Location: I understand the siting of the proposed ‘Mallard Pass’ solar farm is driven solely by the location of, and accessibility to the newly constructed electrical substation located close to... Read more

  • Philip Monks

    I strongly OBJECT to this proposal, it is a violation of our community, it is non viable from a technical and cost/benefit perspective.

  • Richard Charles Creasey

    My concern is that over 2000 acres of fertile farmlnad is being taken out of production for this solar farm. The UK is presently importing 45% of the food it needs , the East of England, including... Read more

  • Rory Blake

    The installation of Mallard pass will destroy the aesthetic and surrounding local economy in a multitude of ways. Not only will acres of farmland become useless, habitats of animals will be... Read more

  • Simon Hinks

    I think there are 3 elements to my objection with this planning application. 1) The taking of land out of the food growing yeild I don't beleive is beneficial to the area and the UK. Since leaving... Read more

  • Stephen Faulkner

    By way of context I have been a resident of Carlby for the last 25 years and throughout this period I regular walk and run (3 times/week) through the wonderful countryside that will be impacted. The... Read more

  • Stephen Whyte

    Completely inappropriate area for this huge eyesore,

  • Susan Saralis

    I am against the approval of a solar farm on this scale in this area. The land proposed for use is good farming land with huge biodiversity. I drive past these fields every day to take my children to... Read more

  • Susan Smalley

    Main concerns are size and impact of project, it virtually wraps around the village. I live on the road with compulsory acquisition of which there was no mention at the earlier stages. The worry and... Read more

  • Alice Lily Carpenter

    I am concerned about how it will look... it will look ugly. I feel it could ruin the look of the Village. It could harm the wildlife. It is a waste of village land why can the solar farm not be built... Read more

  • Andrew Hindmarch

    Whilst I acknowledge the need for renewable energy I have concerns that the proposed Solar Farm is too large and in the wrong location, there are better brown field sites that could be used rather... Read more

  • Carolanne Fielding

    This project will have a detrimental impact on the area, congestion during the building process will increase pollution in the local area. The finished solar farm will be a blot on the landscape,... Read more

  • Charlotte Smith

    Size of site is extreme. Safety concerns. Industrial site is fire risk. Loss of arable land when we should be building up self sufficiency

  • Christine Jane Hallam

    Firstly I am very concerned about the impact on the environment, especially the wildlife in this beautiful countryside, also the farm land being used for this enormous project by Mallard Pass, at this... Read more

  • Claire Mellor

    Think it’s far too big the land should be kept for growing crops

  • Clare Alliston

    The solar farm site covers vast areas of productive arable land, sacrificing local produce grown on over 2000 acres for in excess of 40 years. The huge disruption to the local community, with... Read more

  • David Burt

    The effect on mental health from being surrounded by fenced-in fields covered by CCTV and full of Solar panels. Good crop yielding fields being lost to solar panels 3m high. Human rights being... Read more

  • David Hallam

    Firstly I am concerned about about the use of agricultural land which is needed for food production for our ever growing population. Secondly for wildlife,for example deer have got tracks they have... Read more

  • david michael bellamy

    Environmental and local amenity impact. Loss of agricultural production and loss of good grade grain growing land. Accumulative impact of building development and solar farms, government target of... Read more