
Mallard Pass Solar Project

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 76 to 100 of 1223 representations, newest first.

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  • Fiona Bland

    The size of the proposed site makes me extremely concerned about the impact on local wildlife, habitats and eco-system, specifically the impact for birds.

  • Hannah Penson

    I am deeply concerned that the monstrosity that is the Mallard Pass project is even being considered on our doorsteps. I live in Greatford and moved here for the beautiful views. These will be... Read more

  • Jayne Williams

    I’d like to make my concerns known regarding this proposed solar farm - Mallard Pass. The first is the scale. It is too big! Whilst not against solar energy I feel that installations should not... Read more

  • Keith Evans

    This project should not be built on existing farming land due to the destruction of natural habitat and the social impacts among the nearby residential areas. Solar companies should consider using... Read more

  • Lorraine Thurston

    I object to the Mallard Pass Solar Farm for the following reasons: The proposed development is across a swathe of agricultural land and is of unprecedented size in the UK. This development is removing... Read more

  • Mark Michell

    I am opposed to the proposal of building a solar farm. My reasons are as follows: Effect on the environment. Loss of agricultural land. Disruption to the local community due to increase in traffic and... Read more

  • Megan Louise Knight

    I believe the Mallard Pass Solar Farm to be extremely important. A renewable and sustainable energy source in this area is important to be more environmentally friendly and sustainable. There has been... Read more

  • Michael Richard White

    Despite there being a great deal of land in this country a lot of land for food production is being used for other work i.e building houses, warehouses, new railway line etc. So as the population... Read more

  • North Kesteven District Council (North Kesteven District Council)

    North Kesteven District Council is concerned to ensure that the potential development of the Mallard Pass solar farm along with the other registered/proposed NSIP solar farms in North Kesteven and... Read more

  • Bainton and Ashton Parish Council (Bainton and Ashton Parish Council)

    The development is very near to the parish and residents hold strong views on it as it is so vast and widespread and are interested in the progress of such a project.

  • Cheryl Elizabeth Novakovic

    Unacceptable proposal on many counts but to name a few, loss of good agricultural land, environmental impact , degradation of residential enjoyment of rural un spoilt countryside. Totally a profit... Read more

  • Heather Frith

    As a resident of Rutland I am in opposition to the project. At 852 hectares is far too big and the proposal will obliterate a huge area of valuable countryside. The impact will be hugely negative in... Read more

  • Janice Ruth Hobbs

    This project is too big to be on one site. It will use agriculture land. it will effect local wildlife

  • Kathryn Armstrong

    My original comments, below, stand. I encountered [Redacted] representatives at a recent presentation, where it became obvious that the marketing of an ostensibly good idea and semantic skills were... Read more

  • Mr Reuben Croft

    Our family home sits right in the middle of the development, formerly known as [Redacted] a home we have owned and loved in for 20+ years. There will be considerable traffic and disruption during the... Read more

  • Stephen Armstrong

    Mallard Pass Solar Farm (MPSF) - Principal Points of Objection. It’s obvious to all that MPSF construction will change the entire character of our rural area which is rich in wildlife and... Read more

  • Alasdair Ryder

    I consider the main issues of this application to be its scale, use of agricultural land, impact upon biodiversity and existing rights of way. Additionally, the increased traffic on minor rural roads... Read more

  • Alex Donald Orlowskyj

    I don't believe the loss of so much arable farming land justifies the installation of the Mallard Pass project. has there been an effective study into the environmental impact of such a large area... Read more

  • Amanda Rogers

    I am opposed to Mallard Pass Solar Farm. Whilst generally in favour of solar energy, this development is far, far too large. It will have a devastating impact on our open landscape and precious... Read more

  • Andrew Robert Lytle

    I am against this project for a number of reasons: - On a massive scale it will industrialise with black panels a large area of the local landscape. - This will remove agricultural land from use for... Read more

  • Andrew Rogers

    I am concerned that the proposed solar park is far to large, this is a rural area releasing that amount of contryside to be turned into an industrial power plant will change the charactur and apeal of... Read more

  • Anna Woodall

    I'm currently just registering to be able to comment regarding Mallard Pass. As a local resident I have a number of concerns regarding this proposal. I also have concerns regarding the wider trend for... Read more

  • Carl Howarth

    The development must not go ahead. It will destroy rich agriculture land, wildlife, countryside and will massively reduce the property prices in Essendine. There is no need for a development this... Read more

  • Caroline Louise Anders

    I strongly object to the proposed solar farm project. 1. It will use prime agricultural greenfield land at a time when global food supplies are threatened, and future security uncertain in the... Read more

  • Christopher Rushen

    This Project is far too large and the impact on the countryside flora and fauna and villages too great.