Cory Decarbonisation Project

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 76 to 100 of 207 representations, newest first.

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  • Dave Putson

    This matter has been ongoing since the early days of the 1980's and "BADCAP". There have been applications to build and every time they, Cory, get their permissions they come back and want more land.... Read more

  • Roger Gabriel

    The virtual destruction of our small local nature reserve at Crossness will be a great loss to many of the local community, like myself, who have a limited ability to travel any great distance due to... Read more

  • Bexley Labour Group (Bexley Labour Group)

    Bexley Labour Group has consistently opposed the original construction of the waste incinerator and subsequent extensions, due to its affect on the local environment and we are concerned at the loss... Read more

  • Chloe Cooper

    It will take land away from Crossness Nature Crossness Nature Reserve, which is one of the last remaining area of grazed marshland within the Greater London area. At the consultation meeting in... Read more

  • Elisabeth Radbon

    I object to the plans to destroy a significant part of Crossness Nature Reserve. The idea of a nature reserve is that it is reserved for nature, not built on. There are plenty of brownfield sites... Read more

  • Fiona Moore

    Crossness Nature Reserve is a rare habitat, a remainder of the marshes that once ran all along this stretch of river. It acts as a carbon store and flood defence. It is a much-loved resource for... Read more

  • CBRE (CBRE) on behalf of Iron Mountain (UK) PLC (Iron Mountain (UK) PLC)

    Project/proposals under review - concerns will be addressed at a later date.

  • Julian Allen

    I am concerned about the impact of this project on Crossness Nature Reserve. I understand that rare insects and birds may well be affected. The UK is undergoing an unprecedented biodiversity crisis,... Read more

  • Realty Income Limited (Realty Income Limited)

    The following comments and queries have been raised on a call with Cory/Ardent and Iron Mountain in attendance. Whilst we discussed generally on the call, we await formal responses. General 1. When... Read more

  • Thames Water (Thames Water)

    Our comments will address any issues or impacts relating to capacity and/or asset protection.

  • Dartford Borough Council (Dartford Borough Council)

    Dartford Borough Council (DBC) consider that the main harms likely to arise from the proposed development relate to the construction phase. DBC note that traffic generation from operation of the... Read more

  • Edward Oliver

    Whilst I think it is extremely important for Cory to capture their emissions and I believe in infrastructure investment, I strongly feel that this is the wrong place to put it. Development of... Read more

  • Ethna Cooke

    I am objecting to the proposal because it includes a plan to take over a large proportion of Crossness Nature Reserve - 11 hectares out of 25 - to build on. This has been Section 106 land for the last... Read more

  • John Cowley

    When I first moved to the area, this made a wonderful place to visit and I knew it was special. It is one of the last grazed marshlands in Greater London with a unique ecosystem and endangered mammals... Read more

  • Lawrence Anthony Fairbairn

    The use of Nature Reserve land is unwarranted, there are many vacant brown field sites in Lower Belvedere, particularly the land reserved for the Belvedere crossing east of the incinerator, There are... Read more

  • Nicky Wilson

    I visit Crossness Nature Reserve regularly and at a time when nature is in dire need of protecting, it astounds me that Cory wish to deplete it even further. There is industrial land nearby that could... Read more

  • Save Crossness Nature Reserve Campaign group (Save Crossness Nature Reserve Campaign group)

    The Save Crossness Nature Reserve Campaign group (SCNRC) is made up of local residents, bird watchers, local campaigners and environmentalists, many of whom are members of the Friends of Crossness... Read more

  • Simon Lewis

    As a resident of Greenwich I’m deeply disappointed to hear of the plans to destroy Crossness Nature Reserve and build a nonsense facility as a means to cover up the awful incinerator in Belvedere.... Read more

  • Aleksei Sysoev

    To Whom It May Concern, I am writing as a concerned resident who values the preservation of our natural habitats and the inherent biodiversity they support. While I recognize the importance of... Read more

  • Angela Hart

    Compulsory purchase of any part of a nature reserve, albeit for a carbon capture project, negates the benefits of the project due to the destruction and displacement of the flora and fauna. There is... Read more

  • Dee Flottweg

    I’m a local resident and object to plans which would destroy a nature reserve

  • Dr Susan Mitchell

    I am a frequent visitor to the Crossness Nature Reserve and attend walks led by volunteer wildlife experts. It does not make sense to me that a project whose aim is to save the planet by capturing CO2... Read more

  • Gill Hickman

    I am very concerned about the loss of biodiversity and wildlife habitats in this country and how this loss is contributing to climate change. Crossness Nature Reserve (CNR) is a wonderful wetland... Read more

  • Imogen Slater

    The site of the proposed project is not appropriate for the development given its importance to wildlife and local people, as a rare urban marshland ecosystem. The nature reserve can't be moved but... Read more

  • Joanna Armitage

    I object to the Crossness Nature Reserve being given up to the carbon capture plant.