
Cottam Solar Project

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Showing 351 to 375 of 555 representations, newest first.

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  • Josephine Parry

    We have so much land being taken up by housing, and we need to preserve the land for growing crops. Lincolnshire is the breadbasket of England, and keeping the land for growing food is essential to... Read more

  • Louise Kelly

    I am completely against this horror,one of 4 monster plans which would destroy our farmland forever. This site is utterly unsuitable and the developer has not demonstrated that no alternatives... Read more

  • Martin Rothwell-Jackson

    Loss of productive farm land, impact of construction traffic during and after construction,

  • Tracy Adderley

    I strongly object to the Cottam solar farm proposal. It is just 1 of 4 Solar, Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs) within a few miles of each other and together these would create... Read more

  • Trevor Lock

    1. The Cottam solar project is going to be a complete eyesore for the local area. 2. The land should be kept for growing crops. 3. We will only have to import more and more of our food products. 4.... Read more

  • UK Health Security Agency (UK Health Security Agency)

    Thank you for your consultation regarding the above development. The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) welcomes the opportunity to comment on your proposals at this stage of the project. Please note... Read more

  • Upper Witham Internal Drainage Board (Upper Witham Internal Drainage Board)

    Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the above application. Some of the proposed sites are within the Upper Witham Internal Drainage Board district and a number of Board maintained watercourses... Read more

  • Andrew Deague

    Shear size of this project, it should be considered along with the other proposed solar farms in the area not just on its own. Loss of productive land, as a neighbouring farmer I don’t believe the... Read more

  • Andrew Lawrence Buckley

    We live on a single track lane ,will be affected during building project. Public footpath that we use will be affected.

  • Anne Fotheringham

    Loss of farm land and spoiling of the environment. Size of panels and fencing will be an eyesore. Concern for wildlife. Inefficiency of proposed system. I feel there are better sites for solar panels.

  • Carol Deague

    I would like all 4 solar planning applications to be be considered together, due to the impact that will bring to agricultural landscape within a small area I would like to see independent... Read more

  • Duncan Young

    I am pro solar power however the sheer scale of the Cottage proposal is orders of magnitude bigger than acceptable on high output farmland. Rather than just a few fields here and there it will be... Read more

  • Jeremy Michael Scott

    I am concerned about: 1. The loss of land for arable farming and food production. 2. The loss of the traditional rural amenity 3. The impact on the rural road network to provide access for solar farm... Read more

  • John Randall Hayes

    I have grave doubts about the short and long term effects on my property and the village community

  • Licelle Jane Parker

    I strongly object to the proposed Cottam Solar Project. As this is one of four current proposals in this area, and due to their proximity to one another, then I feel this should absolutely be taken... Read more

  • Mrs Lucy D Parkinson

    I believe that the Solar Farms will destroy our Village and local area


    Taking up huge amounts of farmed and much needed agricultural grade 3 farmland. Note: We are far behind the levels of potentially being able to feed our own country - relying heavily on food imports.... Read more

  • Peter Martin

    It is very misleading and wrong that the Cottam Solar Project is being considered in isolation. There are four projects, Cottam, West Burton, Gate Burton and Tillbridge Solar Farm Projects, all in... Read more

  • Roy Henry Holmes

    Essential to future carbon free energy. Little visual impact. Land produces feed for animals.

  • Sandra Carter

    Strongly opposed to the impending planning application to smother parts of our fertile farming land in Lincolnshire with solar panels. I’m originally from North London so appreciate very much the... Read more

  • Clare Brufton

    I am against this proposal. I consider myself to be very green but I think the installation of solar panels on such a huge scale is a total disaster. Firstly I don’t think cottam 4 should be taken in... Read more

  • Dr Andrew Fenn

    1. Without heavy and often hidden subsidies, the 'so-called' green energy sources do not deliver energy at a viable and sustainable cost. 2. They are very weather dependent and this means their... Read more

  • Frank Brufton

    I am against this proposal. I consider myself to be very green but I think the installation of solar panels on such a huge scale is a total disaster. Firstly I don’t think cottam 4 should be taken in... Read more

  • Helen Saxby

    Although I am not against the idea of solar panels, my opinion is that the whole of the Cottage and West Burton area is too big and will impact greatly on local infrastructure and the well being of... Read more

  • Joan Stephens

    Losing valuable arable land not enough benefits for locals